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Just a few adds to what Mike says, from my own experience :


Risk factors for prostate cancer include age, race, diet, family history, and a sedentary lifestyle. Researchers may eventually add excessive youthful masturbation to the list. When a man has prostate cancer, testosterone is the enemy. Testosterone actually promotes the growth of prostate cancer. ..... The results of a study may show only that men with a higher sex drive have more testosterone and a greater risk for prostate cancer.prostate cancer


Excessive youthful masturbation, higher sex drive.... thats me :lol: .As a result : prostate cancer 12 years ago, (age 67).


......Currently surgical removal of the prostate and radiation cure the disease, but they are not always successful even when used in combination.


I got first a successful surgical removal of the prostate, went on with my sex life :P during 8 years. 4 years ago, cancer "came back" and I was cured again through radiation.


....... The majority of men will have prostate cancer in their lifetime. In fact, 80% of men who live to age 80 will have prostate cancer.. If you are in a high risk group, you should start having an annual PSA test at age 40. It is a simple lab test performed on a blood specimen. You're having blood drawn anyway...be sure to request a PSA (prostate specific antigen) test.


Yes, I belong to these 80 % :P Since at age of 50, I had (and still have) annual PSA test. IMO, its one of the several reasons why I'm still alive and sexually active.


For the man diagnosed in his 70s or 80s, doctors will usually recommend deferring any treatment. At this age, prostate cancer usually progresses slowly so that the patient is likely to die from some other cause.


I dont agree ! You never knows in advance how prostate cancer usually progresses. In spite of my age (80 next June !) I would not hesitate to beginn a new cycle of radiation if my PSA would increase again !

The best way to stay alive and fit, still active (business and private :D ) at 80 : make a yearly check up with a doc you trust, thats my advise B) .

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Well, I think there's one thing we can all agree on; receiving an annual PSA and being vigilant and proactive about your health is a great idea!


I can at least agree on that as well. Better to know imo.

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