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There is so much in this film


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I've been studying social movements recently. And was in South Africa 2 years ago and remember going to the apartheid museum among other experiences.


This film just contained so many of those things thrown together. and how hard it is to resist. and to live. but the importance of doing that.

what was playing on my mind the most was women's rights. I have a great life, I am not oppressed in that way. There maybe little nuisances but really I don't experience that, and as such it hasn't made me into a raging feminist. I remember in an undergrad class on gender and all the girls there being pretty much the same, and I think that its because although we do experience some sexism (most don't connect it - like what you have to wear in order to work at a bar etc) we otherwise have all these opportunities, it is expected that we have them, we don't think in those terms. But things have been making me think of the importance of it elsewhere. or making me wonder what role I should/could have in it. and also, if I had been in this film, what would I have done. I would like to think I would resist but really would I?


I went on a date not too long ago with an Egyptian guy, and when he picked me up asked me what time I had to be back, or rather when my brother had told me that I had to be back, even though he knew he was younger. I mean the guy didn't really think that was the way it worked for me, I think he was just being courteous, but he did explain that it is 2 different cultures and if it was his sisters then that would have been the way.

and the last few days I've been researching the Zapatistas in Mexico and what they have been doing in terms of putting in a education and healthcare infrastructure, but the hard-work they are having to do to convince the locals that women are just as able to work and do these things.

and then of course there is the middle east. I have heard good things coming from there in terms of some of the leaders wives have been quite prominent in doing stuff to expand women's roles and ideas for themselves. but of course then I read about this british women who married an Egyptian and lived in Dubai, subsequently divorced him but was imprisoned for adultery for 6 months even though she denied it, was just speculation, and now released early and just been given time to remain in the country just long enough to appeal to get the custody of her young children back.



so yeah other themes in the film. inter-racial marriage ban in apartheid. of course same-sex attraction. general women's roles stuff. and it was interesting looking at it from the Indian community perspective in apartheid.



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  • 2 weeks later...

Celia, this is a fantastic movie! I'm about a half hour into it so far (one of the reasons I rarely watch movies is because I generally have trouble getting through them in one sitting. So I'm taking a break :*) ), but I'm thoroughly enjoying it!


It does have quite a few themes that I find very fascinating and relevant.


Amina is a fantastic character and definitely my favourite!


She had me from the beginning with her, "How hard is it to make tea?" line :lol:



Thanks for recommending it!


I'll let you know what I think when I get through the rest :)

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