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I like David Mitchell. I'm not sure whether non-UK people will know him, he's a comedian and known for the Peep Show.

He has a column with the Guardian atm.


This is his latest about Smart televisions, and other things including Europe and Tony Blair .



The remote control is living on borrowed time, says the head of Microsoft UK. He's convinced that within a few years "smart" televisions will know what we want to watch from voice commands, past viewing preferences and even facial expressions. They'll select the perfect programme because they'll be able to gauge our mood.


This technology could save a million relationships. Gone will be the days of having to notice a partner's grievance from awkward silences or passive-aggressive grunts. Spotting Argumental on the screen will tell you all you need to know. The question: "Did you have a good day at work?" will be rendered obsolete when, as soon as your loved one enters the room, the telly switches to The Nazis: A Warning from History.


Great, but I'm not sure it will improve our viewing pleasure. I basically always want to watch Inspector Morse. There's no mood I'm ever in for which a skilfully conceived murder conundrum, beautifully filmed in my home town and featuring a grumpy, real ale lover, is not the perfect complement. I've wanted to watch Inspector Morse all the time ever since I first saw it, before which I wanted to watch Miss Marple all the time. And the fact that these shows have recently respectively been sequelised and remade suggests that I'm not the only one with unadventurous tastes.


Unfortunately, I've long since watched every episode of Inspector Morse. What will my poor television do? It'll correctly analyse a Morse mood, switch to whichever channel is currently showing it and then be at a loss to explain my growing consternation and boredom as I get to the bit of The Dead of Jericho that I can actually recite off by heart. How will it cope as its processor converts my facial expression to a binary formula of rejection? "What have I done wrong?" its circuits will demand. "And when will I be a real boy?"




Edited by Smarties
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