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Inadvertently Gay, but funny

AC Benus

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A thread for posting images that make you laugh. There is that famous British poster with the text "Is housework killing your wife? Well, let electricity do it!" That's the sort of inadvertent humor I have in mind, but with a glorious Queer bend to it. 

I'll post an image or two, and it'd be great if you post some in return. Maybe provide a funny caption too :yes:


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12 hours ago, AC Benus said:


"Hmm, three to a bed. That's one way to wake up refreshed." 

“Some bright, miraculous morning they’ll be back in your dresser drawer!”


Just as soon as Mom’s washed out all those nasty stains...

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6 hours ago, Zombie said:

Just as soon as Mom’s washed out all those nasty stains...

I think we now need an Eww reaction emoji. Just sayin'.

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8 hours ago, AC Benus said:

From my stash of LPs (which, children, means L o n g - P l a y i n g  R e c o r d... What record means...oh, never mind) :)


"He had me at 'Cock'."


"Well, whatever you do don't ask how the quartet broke up. Aunt Sally is still mad at Aunt Bob moving to San Fransisco!"


I’m going to be chuckling to myself all day long...

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9 hours ago, AC Benus said:

From my stash of LPs (which, children, means L o n g - P l a y i n g  R e c o r d... What record means...oh, never mind) :)


"Well, whatever you do don't ask how the quartet broke up. Aunt Sally is still mad at Aunt Bob moving to San Fransisco!"


or the fourth member is what Dick handles...? :gikkle:


Edited by Zombie
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49 minutes ago, AC Benus said:

"They do say a cock in the palm is worth two in the bush." 

It depends on what kind of bush your talking about. I mean is it like a two in the wild situation, or a Double Minute gum sort of situation? 

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