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#1. Drivers who slow down to a crawl then turn on their turning signal and completly ignore that big turning lane that is there so that other drivers don't have to wait behind them!

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#1: not turning lights off once you've left the room that has no one else in it, and your not going back into it


#2: being woken up just after i fell asleep


#3: air-heads, or art-heads, since most artists (my sister) just go with the flow and are in pixie land 90% of the time


#4: food/plates left around the house


#5: when a book is made into a movie and they miss bits from the book that were critical, i couldnt stand watching the 6th harry potter movie


this is probably four of my biggest peves

#5: when there is a scene in a movie/tv show that has people riding horses, and their position is wrong, (heels up, leaning forward, leaning back, holding the reins to tightly etcetcetc) drives me insane!!!


#6: ruining my books, not the normal damage that comes from reading it lots of times, but the damage that is blatantly used, so folded pages, writing with pen inside a book (inside covers with a message doesnt count), or ripped pages just really really annoy me


#7: little kids..... simply put, they drive me neurotic, they remind me to much of #3


#8: religion, im an agnostic, so really dont get me started on the subject of god, unless you want a heated debate (which i love having) then you get me started on it!!


and before i add to this long list, im ocd



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  • 3 weeks later...

1. People who make assumptions. This absolutely pisses the hell out of me. Instead of asking a question, they just assume some crap and then act on it, or against you. Drives me crazy, especially because it usually takes WAY more time to explain and work out in the end than simply asking a question in the first place.


2. In conjunction with no.1, people who consider those who ask questions to be out to get them or trying to trap them in something.


3. Converse to my no.2 pet peeve, people who ask questions which have obvious answers, i.e. You've been bashed in the head and you're bleeding...and they ask, "Does that hurt?" Hell yes. (Also includes people who are watching TV and ask questions about what you both just saw: man jumps off a cliff= "Did that man just jump off the cliff?" I never watch TV, films or anything with my sister just for this reason.


4. People who bother things that are mine. If you know it's mine, leave it alone unless you ask me. Doesn't matter what it is. I am a particular zealot about this.


5. People who are negative or make negative remarks often. I just don't get it. I'd ask them why if they'd actually answer.


Reading my pet peeves, it seems clear communication or the attempt to gain better understanding is a key focus for me, and what I prefer from those I'm with or choose to be with.

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Man, there are so many things I could list!


Cell phones going off in movie theaters or during class.


People who drive as if they need braille markers, - just get out of the way!


Guys who think they're hot while trying to keep their pants on just UNDER their skinny or fat ass.


Overweight girls with skin tight shirts.


Baseball caps worn sideways.


Pierced lips, eyebrows, and noses.


Tattoos all over everywhere.


People who should know better, who don't even come CLOSE to speaking English properly, i.e. You seen it? I don't be doing what? Dis don't be good. Do dat dude. Whadup? We be jess messin' wit' cha.




People who think education is a waste.


There's a million others but I'm afraid I would come across as a real prick if I listed many more.

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One thing comes to mind right now, and that's when people on the street tell me how to look after my child.


It's annoying coming from elderly people, but I can more easily let it go. I hate it when it's people my own age.

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1) Asking me for something, and instead of waiting for me to say "yes" or "no", automatically assuming I'll say yes.


2) Slow drivers in the fast lane.


3) Watching a person ATTEMPT to manipulate someone.


4) Bad liars!! Like I always say "If you're gonna lie to me at least be good at it".


5) Sandals with socks


6) Being surprised when you hear me speak. Just because I have a dark complexion doesn't mean I don't know how to speak clearly and use my vocabulary properly.


7) Backseat drivers

Edited by ReisceakaLP
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1. Hypocrites. I don't care what you believe, but don't say you believe it and then go violate it.

2. Adults who think that they are all that just because they are adults. Wisdom is determined by knowledge, not age.

3. People who don't actually have their own opinions, but go follow their parents opinions or their religion's opinions.

4. People going back on their word and then they are not sorry. If you promise someone something and you break that promise, at least show a little remorse.

5. People who blow the whole situation out of the water. They turn a joke into a violent situation. (There's a story with this, ask if you want. ;3)


Well, that's it.

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