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  1. Thank you Freerider for your consideration. I apologize for making you feel as if you couldn't post the comment you wanted. I am no longer following this story, so I will not receive notification of comments. Once I have posted this comment, I will be blocking you, not out of anger, but out of consideration for you, so that you can express your thoughts about this story without hesitation.
  2. I wonder how the reunion of Jasper and Xavier will go and then, somehow, Kyle will have to be added into that reunion?! Just in case, I hope Xavier kept his "escape" convertible!
  3. Former Member

    First Kiss

    Hmmm...I have read stories about threesomes, even one about a foursome, but this story has the potential for a tensome!!! Oh my Ken, where are your fantasies going to take us?! Not to worry, I will definitely be along for the ride!
  4. Well...hmmm...alrighty then...not what I was expecting. Lucky Jake.
  5. Yes and I am not sorry to disagree with you. I have first-hand knowledge and experience that it can work and be the most amazing experience of their lives! Raising any child, no matter what your age, is always best when you have help from other people such as family and friends. As for this story, it appears both Robbie's and Stephanie's families want to be involved in their son's life. Nicola will obviously be the perfect overprotective, overbearing, but over-loving Aunt.
  6. Wow! I'm equally angry at and hating both Stephanie and Robbie. They need to get together and talk about this and figure out a plan of how they will both raise this child (since adoption seems to not be an option) and then bring in their families. They are both smart enough and caring enough to be able to handle this at their ages! There are no free passes when 2 people create a baby!
  7. Former Member

    Bro Epilogue

    quokka, I really love this story and was so happy to read your comment that there will be a "book two". You have created characters that are easy to fall in love with and leave us wanting more!
  8. Former Member

    Part 5 - End

    My heart wasn't ready for this story to end.
  9. Former Member

    Bro Ch 6

    I am some what perplexed at the end of the chapter it says The End. I certainly hope this is not the end of the story. There is too much left undone. One thing is Austin's interest in Oscar's boner. Big bro's should help little bro's with such developments. There is also Austin's relationship with George. Lastly of course there is Eagar. Will he be able to stay with Austin? Are all of the boys gay? Do they enjoy frolicking about naked with each other? Sorry to broach such sexual subjects. Hover they seem to have been put into a puritan box where their sexuality has been locked up. Probably by the nuns, who aren't ever supposed to get any.
  10. Hey maybe you can help me. I have a story I'd like to publish - but as I go to post it it asks for the Editor & a Beta Reader. I tried put in my pen name but that didn't work where do I go for this. Thanks
  11. I usually don't like it when a story jumps so far into the future, but I am intrigued. I would not have expected Cheryl's character to make an appearance in the "future", and can't believe Jessica and Kyle are still talking (that seemed like a friendship destined to end after high school), so my curiosity is getting the best of me. Now, where is Jasper?
  12. Former Member

    The Tattoo

    Quentin needs to catch up on his sleep because now is not the time to be sleep deprived! He is going to be a busy boy! I hope he is prepared to be outed, cuz there is no way of keeping 9 popular guys falling in love with him a secret from the rest of the school!
  13. Former Member

    Bro Ch 6

    If this was a book, you would not be able to pry it out of my hands until I was finished reading every last word. It is just such a great story! Thank you quokka. Each new chapter is making me enjoy the story even more! I, too, hope the 3 brothers will be able to live together now that Austin is turning 18.
  14. Former Member

    Chapter 37

    Yes a wonderfully written story by Comicality - No doubt a hard subject for him to write - hence why it took so long - searching for the right words - over coming his feelings to get his fingers to type. You did an outstanding job, Comicality, Zack must be one of your dearest characters.
  15. Former Member

    Chapter 39

    This has to be the end - Zack has handed in his story - his documentation of his tortured abused life - he has kept it together, all be it by the thinnest of margins, Brody actually saved him. But here he is in open defiance of his abuser - sharing love and sex and pleasure in the protective arms of Brody. Mr. Raffe will finally see what he had been so blind to - the abuse, the torture. He will investigate. Zack will have to own up to it but with Brody waiting for him; he'll do it.
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