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I'm Colin Kelly, a 21 year old gay guy. I met Doug when we were in the 7th grade. He's Chinese and had spiky black hair and smiled all the time and it was love at first sight. We started as best friends then boyfriends and now we're registered domestic partners who are committed to each other for life.


My family is fantastic. They outed me on my 17th birthday because they got tired of waiting for me to do it myself. I have two sisters who are in high school and they are cute and smart and a ton of fun. I have an adopted brother who was my cousin and after Doug he's my best friend. Chris is 4 days older than me, so he says I should always do his bidding since he's the older brother. Yeah, as if.


I was born and raised in the San Francisco East Bay area, and that's where I'm going to school. When I'm not studying or working on projects for school I hike, watch football (Go Bears!), ride roller coasters, read voraciously, listen to music, write software and build and update my computers, and write stories.


I joined GA on October 1, 2006. A few of my stories are posted here, most are posted elsewhere though I'm going to start posting here again.


I'm a university student, going for my Masters in Computer Science. If all goes well, I'll finish up in May 2012. Maybe the job market will have improved by then.


So that's me. I'm a happy guy, happy with who I am and where I am in my life.


Colin B)

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My name is Shalvia Verdell Posted Image, and don't really have a nickname although my dad calls me "Ceewee" I hate it Posted Image. He says he's gave me that name because of my grandmother. It may be a shock for my mom, but I am Atheist whether she likes it or not Posted Image. I can't believe what she wants me to believe. I identify as a male and am planning on transitioning later on in my life. Right now I'm too young and there are too many obstacles in my way. It's my dream to become an author of LGBT literature Posted Image. I'm so happy I found this site Posted Image. I can share my passion with others. Posted Image I like to think of myself as "an open-minded cosmopolitan" meaning I have a love for all cultures Posted Image. There are many things I don't know and want to learn. I'm always willing to take advice from others and am always happy to give advice to those who seek it. I hope to make tons and tons for friends here and can't wait to leave my legacy in the world. Posted Image

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And yes, I know I overuse the " :P " emoticon. Sue me. :P :P :P :P :P


LOL! I tend to do that too. :P


Hello, my name is rustle, and it's been 13 days since my last drink.

Hi, rustle! :D *waves*


Oh, sorry, wrong forum.

Oops. :P



Well, my name's Mike, and I'm a reader. I did try my hand at writing once a few years ago...but I couldn't stick with it. I don't have the sense to be able to flesh out details as skillfully as writers here can. I was working on a longer story and had 6 chapters in, but the sixth took me longer to write...and my patience to stick with it ran out soon after that (though the fact that I was in my first year at a four-year university by that point and getting used to the campus may have had something to do with losing my patience, too :P). I don't think I'll go back to writing, though...I don't really have the drive for it. Probably the closest thing I could do is editing...I'm anal retentive when it comes to proofreading! :wacko:

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Hurro! I'm Ramon. A friend who is disturbingly tall started calling me Little Buddy because I'm 5'2'' so the name stuck and makes a nifty screenname. I just turned 30 a few weeks ago. My hobbies tend to be most things creative/industrious, so drawing, oil painting, knitting. Kind of a boring person, so my life can be construed as 'stable' because of it.


I actually stumbled upon this site looking for more works from Adam Phillips who writes CrossCurrents and joined shortly after. Incidentally I found his stuff super inspirational so I started writing. GA happens to be a place I dump stories and get feedback/cookies/bacon.


Had my heart broken only once and even though it was like 10 years ago, the feelings will probably remain until I die. *shrugs* It happens. I can't complain, though, I've been in a relationship for 8 years with a great guy.


Nice to meet you all!



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