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Licence to bully bill


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This bill was supposed to be an anti bullying bill but the lawmakers in Michigan put a loop hole in basically saying that any one who has a moral or religious belief is protected and so there for can freely bully students without being punished.


Here is the link.




This personally pisses me off and disgusts me beyond belief. I will surely have my kids home schooled.

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Here is a link to the bill without the Facebook interference factor.


Here is some analysis. here is a key element in the analysis: it's a poorly written law to begin with. Here's another:


The passage of the legislation last week prompted a national outcry. Democrats in the GOP-controlled Senate said the bill was a “license to bully,” which Republicans denied. That license was an inserted section in the bill which prohibits the law from being used to take action against people for a statement based on a sincerely held religious belief or moral conviction.

Laycock, in his analysis, said Republicans were right. While the definition of bullying was vague, he said, the reality was, it would not give permission to bullies to act out. However, he said, Republican claims the section was needed to assure First Amendment rights was wrong. He said the law — with or without the section — would still have to adhere to the free speech protections assured by the First Amendment.

Also, today, the Michigan House passed its version, which has no such provisions.


My opinion:

The law won't be passed in the condition the Senators left it, and it's sure to get even more screwed up then it is currently. Our state legislature is mildly incompetent and then there's Snyder, a whole other topic that doesn't belong here.

We need an antibullying law. It's taken ten years. Lets let the process continue without the OMG OUTRAGE for a while and see how it plays out.

Your kid is protected from bullying under this law. Criminal punishment would be meted out for bullying regardless of freedom of speech protection. Bullying is not protected speech.

This topic belongs in the Soapbox. No politics in the lounge, etc etc & so forth

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This isn't all about politics, I posted it about the bill, I really dislike the soap box and don't have the heart or mind set to go in anymore. This needs to be known and hopefully will be fixed before another child is bullied to death. Bullying is wrong and shouldn't be protected under no circumstances.

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BUT if this so needs to be in the soap box, someone can transfer it in there. I received this in an email from the change.org website, got angry and posted this on every other website I know. It shouldn't really be an argumentative subject just what your opinion is about it. simple.

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Here's an update: RIck Jones (the guy who added the religious stuff into the bill) has removed the provisions.


What got accomplished? RIck has established himself firmly with the religious folk in his constituency and has strengthened his position. Plus all that publicity.


I don't believe for a minute there was ever any real intent to let this bill become law with those provisions intact - if it did happen, Jones would have been happy with that, but no big loss, he's made his point.

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This isn't all about politics, I posted it about the bill, I really dislike the soap box and don't have the heart or mind set to go in anymore. This needs to be known and hopefully will be fixed before another child is bullied to death. Bullying is wrong and shouldn't be protected under no circumstances.


Ohhhhhkaaaayyyy, so a Bill isn't politics, and there isn't already a specific thread about it underway in the soapbox already, as well as one on freedom of speech.


BTW, some of us are trying to make the soapbox more friendly and contemplative. Any help would be very much appreciated :)

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Ohhhhhkaaaayyyy, so a Bill isn't politics, and there isn't already a specific thread about it underway in the soapbox already, as well as one on freedom of speech.


BTW, some of us are trying to make the soapbox more friendly and contemplative. Any help would be very much appreciated Posted Image


You seemed to miss something.... I wanted your OPINION! If you don't care about the subject just skip it... But if all you care about is pointing out my wrongs, that's sad. I care about these subjects but it's obvious I need to post these somewhere else, to people who actually care about the subject itself.


P.S The soap box says enter if you only have the heart and mind too, well I don't. I want to hear opinions not argue. I honestly didn't think I'd get any arguments directed towards myself when I posted this. Well now I've learned my lesson and know not to post.


Good day.

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