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xmas party


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well.. that didn't go as planned - does anything in the train wreak that's my life .. ha ho .. another chapter - yesterday (Friday 12th) was my works xmas party at a nearby hotel / dry slope ski resort type place - as usual i book a room because i know i aint going to be in any fit state to drive or bum a lift off anyone - so i get dolled up in my DJ and then send the messages out to my co-workers stating room number & drinks are available - a number show up and pre-party starts with a swing , music, drinks , laughs etc... time rolls round for us to get downstairs to the venue and meet up with the rest of the gang... whilst working our way down 7 pass a bar (another round for everyone ) - there's a couple of guys chatting away and another one comes up and hugs them - me being my usual drunk self asks him if he's giving hugs away can i have one ? - yes ! so we hug & its all good fun and laughter - no harm done - everyone is happy... 


get to our table - food, drink, good company as usual, silly toys on table, jumping reindeer, walking snowmen & Santa's , party poppers, crackers with their usual corny jokes & hats that don't quite fit - then the in house "band" starts - its an Abba tribute band - crazy - i know all the words to these songs - so its dance & sing along - around 10:30 that party is starting to wind down - but next door is the night club - me and 2 colleagues go check it out (for this part of the story lets call them A & J - i'm of course M) - looks interesting but A has left his wallet up in my room - no bother we'll all go up grab it (and a few more shots) then come down to continue the night...


we get to the lift & wait for it to come down - how come these places always only have 1 lift working & thy are slow ! - anyhoo - doors open & there's a number of people coming out & 2 guys acting silly - bump & grind - again all laughter and joy, me? i want to join in & we all have a giggle - they go off to the night club & my 3 get into the lift - now on the way up A starts off on 1 - "don't touch the homo's" etc - i tell him not to be so rude and point out that the brief encounter was all in jest so he should get off his high horse - we reach our floor and get out and whilst walking to my room he's niggling me - don't talk to them, don't touch them etc ... when we get in the room i round on him saying he don't know the F he's talking about (J goes off to use the bathroom so is out of earshot for this part) - A says something along the lines of there's too many gays & they shouldnt be around (now i've worked with this guy for over 3 years - visited Paris with him on a number of business trips - romantic meals etc :) - but as its none of his business I've kept certain things secret from him (although the amount of banter & innuendo around in our office you would have thought someone might have guessed - and yes he's straight) - so i told him if he really felt like that then perhaps he should go downstairs away from me - he goes quiet .. and i could actually see the cogs going round ... light bulb time ... "NO WAY !!!" .. "err YES way"... now i think this is the 1st time I've seen him get thrown totally off guard...(must admit this really ISN'T the way i would have wanted this conversation - but its out there now) ......


at this point J comes back in the room (one thing I've forgotten to mention - both these guys are British Asians - so that might have coloured their responses) -- A promptly tells J - and i'm "whoa ! WTF ! you don't just out someone - especially as i'm standing right in front of them both"   "since when ?" J asks ...and i now spend half an hour or so trying to explain "Since i was BORN !" .. in the end we just end up going round & round (how have i changed between the years we've known & worked with each other and 5 mins ago when you found out this small thing of mine (oh that bit sound a bit perverted :) ) - so i call a stop to this - telling BOTH not to mention it to anyone - i'll tell people when i'm good and ready (and really for my work it don't matter if they don't know) - a few more shots .. J goes out to take a call and everyone clams down a bit ... A & Me are ready to head down but J hasn't returned - but as we exit the room we find him laying in the corridor going to sleep - cant have that so we drag him up and take him back to my room ... and put him to bed - he's totally out for the count so make sure he's on his side, still breathing & mumbling  away to himself ... and both A & I head back off to the party...


dance the night away & A's girlfriend comes to pick both him & J up - i get introduce - nice girl, but the A goes and says "here's the thing i've just learnt about this dud (me)" .. i'm thinking WTF AGAIN!! and tell him to just shut up about this ! - we go up to get J & A's bag - only to find that J really isn't in any fit state to go anywhere - so i tell A just to leave him and i'll look after him - A says good night / morning and heads off (now A is the bother-in-law to my manger - so i can sort of guess whats going to happen when i go the the office on Monday - am i really not looking forward to that !)


so its time to go to bed - btw its a double bed - and i shake off my party clothes - now normally i sleep in the nude but tonight i have a guest in my bed and the last thing i really want to do is freak out they guy - so leave me boxers on -- land of nod here i come - some hours later the bed feels like its in an earthquake & this hand ends up between my legs - err what the hell... no panic its just J trying to get out of bed in a semi alive state to head off to the bathroom ... i start to giggle ... anyway he does what he needs to do... and clambers back into bed - "you OK?" i ask .. he reply's back with some grunts and goes right off to sleep..


9 A.M. - and i'm up and about, showered & tidying up the room (removing half empty bottles, used glasses on 1 table, etc just to make room service's job a bit easier - thank god the room isn't wreaked like they normally end up with this bunch) - i grab some of my bags & load up my car .. 1C out there - nice & sunny - so i scrape the frost off and have a chat to some of the other guests in the car park...


come back in and get to my room .. J is still out of it ... so quick cup of tea, out with the kindle and read a few more chapters of "Hiding from myself" by Bryan Christopher (a book i've mentioned in another subject in this forum) ... half hour or so later .. ITS ALIVE ! (well barely) .. he drags his corpse out of bed and i tell him to go get in the shower (and no its not because i want to get him out of what clothes he still has on)...

that seems to get him back into the land of the living properly ... we head down to breakfast and after a hearty fry-up grab whats left of our stuff from the room and i take him to his home ..


all in all - was it a good night ? ... yes .. but with a few bumps along the way - now lets see what next week holds in store for me ,,,, eeek !  more maybe later ...

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well.. there's that saying that starts "you dont have to be mad..."   ... but it always helps :)


i was going to post this as another chapter in the Gym message (A was the guy who I was doing the weights with) - but thought it should have its own entry ... i've also  been pointed out that maybe this should have gone in as a blog post (just found out how to make a page for that) - so next time my long tracks of ramblings will go in that way ...

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