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    Dayton, Ohio USA

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  1. B G

    Chapter 14

    I hope that you will have Granger threaten to divorce Caroline if she does any more scandalous crap.
  2. B G

    Chapter 54

    Oh goody! It's been a long time since Granger has been in battle. I can almost smell the gun powder. This ought to be one hell of a battle! Maybe if we are lucky we will read of a post battle hookup with Granger and the handsome Flag Lt.
  3. B G

    Chapter 27

    I am just itching for a nice little battle.I sure hope that Granger and his boys get to sink the spy ship and it's Dons or privateers. Hell, it might even be a French ship. Thanx Mark for another great chapter!
  4. YEAH! Give that bitch a one way trip to her alligator ranch!
  5. Another great chapter, CJ! Has anyone ever approached you about publishing this saga? I think it would be a GREAT movie! I will feel like I have lost a friend when you wrap up Circumnavigation.
  6. B G


    The story is nearing its conclusion NNNNnnnnnoooooooooooooooooooo!!! Please, CJ Finish the circumnavigation!! Please?
  7. Is it true that the "C" in C James stands for Cliff (Clifford)?
  8. I am in the middle of Changing Lanes and I cannot access it any more. I am assuming that it got hacked recently. Is there any plan to restore it or is there a backup? PLEASE bring it back! The volcano is about to erupt.
  9. Please, Please tell me there will be a book 6 in the Bridgemont series! St. Vincent was an excellent book and I looked forward to every chapter. You are in the top 5 of my most favorite authors.
  10. B G

    Chapter 53

    I wonder why there is a chapter 54 for this story on Nifty but not here on GA. It is HOT!
  11. B G

    Chapter 29

    Finally! A bit of excitement! I really liked the pictures that were in the chapter.
  12. My pet peeve - when authors don't know how to use the words "then or than", "prostate or prostrate", or mixing up "to, too, two" words. I think they stopped teaching grammar and spelling in about 1970. Too many people rely on spell checkers! If you're (not your) not sure of your grammar, use http://www.grammarly.com/?q=grammar&gclid=CICe_f3n1K0CFeYBQAodnyvElA
  13. FINAL CHAPTER??? Say it ain't so!!
  14. Saliva from a HIV+ person? it takes 32 quarts of saliva to equal needle sharing or unprotected sex.
  15. Someone asked for input from someone living with HIV . . . I am HIV poz since 1987. yes 25 years, 18 of those years full AIDS. I went a lot of years without any sexual contact at all. When I started having sex again I asked my doctor what the risks are. He said if I had oral sex and came in the mouth of a HIV- guy, his chance of converting to poz was 2%. I have known of several HIV- TOPmen who have had a lot of bareback sex with poz men, for years, and they remain negative. I am certain that a poz TOPman will almost always covert the HIV- bottom man (or any woman) to HIV+. It is somewhat difficult to get the bug depending on what variety of sex you're having. Once a Negative topman made me bleed and it took 15 minutes to stop the bleeding. He remains virus-free years later. Someone mentioned loneliness . . 98% of my friends died of AIDS. It's very difficult to find someone to date because of paranoid attitudes. I've given up on finding any more friends or a lover. I spend most of my time reading on Gay Authors and Nifty. KEEP ALL THE BUG CHASERS AWAY FROM ME because I'd strangle them to death long before their newly acquired HIV virus kills them! P.S. All of the info above is about condomless sex.
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