What, feed CJ's ego? LOL Remember I don't capture every line of dialogue so I'm sure there was praise at some point.
I actually stopped at the Bike Stop once while spending 2 days in Philly during a motorcycle trip. It was a weekday and early so kind of lame, but the place showed promise.
Breett's so new to the parenting scene, he's still learning. I wanted to show CJ's independent streak and that parents do overreact at times. Let's see how it works out. CJ will learn how to bend the rules while sticking to the letter of the law. Sounds like a good politician to me. LOL
Did you notice how riled up some readers got because of the pot and sexual stuff? CJ's a saint compared to some of the shit I did. But I really didn't start until 16 once I had wheels.
The scene was inspired by a personal experience years ago when returning from Mexico and some news reports about travelers to Cuba smuggling cigars.
I did that myself back in the early 80's when I drove to Thunder Bay, Ontario for a couple of ways and lied through my teeth when the US customs agent asked me if I was bringing back anything from Canada. I said no but there was a box of Cuban cigars under my seat.
Told ya he's only 15 so the kid will come out frequently. And even though his actions and reactions might seem extreme, it felt right to show his lack of experience. In ten years, his responses would be different. For now, let's enjoy him being a good-looking, wealthy kid with brain and fists to stand up for himself. Even to his fathers,
Autumn's proof even when people have good intentions, they make mistakes. CJ's tantrum was a bit over the top, but I think he handled it well. I'm certain he'll learn from the experience.
I dislike writing funerals and had to do it several times in future installments. With weddings and funerals, I always tried to write them differently and I think that helped. Believe it or not, I prefer writing the happy stuff. Like CJ kicking someone's ass literally or figuratively.
Hey! I write happy stories. Okay, maybe there's a thunderstorm now and then. Look at the bright side, we're going to Australia! Cue in all the stereotypes: anyone for surfing kangaroos?
CJ's learning and giving his fathers gray hairs. Isn't that what a teen's supposed to do? As near-perfect as he is, he lacks experience. It was always a balancing act writing a very mature character who's only 15; his kid side will always be there making things interesting.
You know of a liquor store where you could buy a carton? LOL
As a reformed smoker, I know exactly what you're talking about. One problem's I had readers so amped up, they expected as much action in subsequent chapters. When the eventual lulls came about, you could see the number of reactions and comments slowing down.
It'll take a while to clear all the open threads; that high will keep you reading. The cop dealing with multiple calls is still one of my favorite scenes.
Glad you're taking notes. Don't try ending a book with multiple open threads unless the sequel's ready to go. I previously mentioned this chapter's structure was inspired by music videos with their fast cuts and multiple imageries, and it was part of my experimenting. I'll repeat what I've mentioned to you before, cliffhangers are a great tool if used judiciously. Authors who think it's cute to end every chapter with one fail to realize they lose their effectiveness if readers get too used to them. I've ended installments on them before, but usually provided answers early in the next book. I'd say more but I don't want to spoil the surprises coming your way. LOL
Log Cabin Republicans baffle me. I can see supporting individual candidates but not the Republican party as a whole. Particularly in the current climate. For someone CJ's age, someone finding his footing in the political arena, it must be hard to reconcile the hatred spewed by some Republicans with their asking for support.
After all the shit I gave you about internal dialogue! LOL
I've used different approaches in selected chapters, and this one was one of them. Because this early on I switched POV between characters, I was able to get away with it. All the experimenting has been fun. Wait until you get to the last chapter in this book.
You're welcome. The relationship between Cuba and the United States is long and convoluted. Just yesterday, while watching a documentary, I discovered Cuba provided assistance during the Revolutionary War. Both money and fighters. Guess that was due to Spain and the UK being antagonists at the time.
I come up with funny lines now and then,
You may notice CJ giggles less as he gets older, but Ritchie can still get away with it.
NP offers them in different colors? I own a red but I may have to check NP out. Maybe even have a family portrait taken with everyone wearing union suits.
The ebb and flow of CJ's political involvement will definitely be a huge component of the story. Way off in the future for you to read, things will begin to coalesce during the summer of 2022.