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Everything posted by Yeoldebard

  1. Sun shone down on bronze skin. Rivulets of blood dripped down Soren’s body as he waded through a blackberry bramble. He carried a basket full of berries, with a second basket waiting by the raspberry bush nearby. By the end of the morning, he’d have all the fruit he needed for the winter. Preserving the fruit would be a bit harder, but drying it over a couple of days should keep the flavours for most of the coming year. The vegetable garden was clear for the winter. Most of the food waited in
  2. Yeoldebard

    Dressing Down

    The things we do for... friendship? Hopefully he'll get a nice feast later
  3. Yeoldebard

    The Audition

    I'm glad you enjoyed it
  4. Yeoldebard

    The Festival

    Yeah, he's quickly becoming one of my favourite characters.
  5. Connor spun through the large kitchen, juggling various pots and pans. Bacon sizzled on the range, with eggs cooking on a second burner. This was the last free weekend he’d have, and he was determined to enjoy his food. Next week, track meets started, and eating heavy meals filled with peppers would only hurt his running. Tight jeans hugged his body, and his shirt showed off his torso. It was a little risky running around like this. According to his parents, he was begging for a werewolf to no
  6. Yeoldebard

    Wolf's Choice

    Werewolf families are rather fun to write about
  7. They met on the flagship after the raid. The general mood seemed mixed — many pilots were grumbling about the repair costs for their ships, and Elyon was raging at being knocked out before the mining had even started. But the thirty gold payment Khurtschono sent to each participating guild member shut down most complaints. That was more than enough for repairs, upgrades, and even enhanced gear. “Where the fuck did you get this money?” James demanded. “This wasn’t a mining raid,” Khurtschono
  8. Yeoldebard

    The Raid

    Thanks It's really just a mashup of various game themes and mechanics I think worked well. It's a lot easier to make a cool game when you don't have to worry about hardware lol.
  9. “This is your house?” Soren nodded, flicking on a light. Dust still covered nearly every surface, and the mould on the room had grown nearly another centimetre. He wasn’t sure how to get rid of that — the internet kept bringing up cleaning supplies he couldn’t make from scratch, and there was no way he could buy them. There was no point in feeling ashamed. He did his best to keep the place clean when he had a chance. After this weekend, the house would be dust free, at least. It was better t
  10. It's a mashup of various games I've played, but I've added a few things that I always thought would have made MMOs more fun. Glad you find it interesting
  11. She and I don't make a big deal about switching If you know, you know. If you don't, eh.
  12. Thanks. It's turning out to be a very slow burn, but things promise to speed up in the twenties
  13. Connor dug through his bag one last time. Laptop, check. Chargers, check Spikes, check. He slipped in some extra change for the bus and a small snack for after practice. There wasn’t much more he needed. Slipping out of the bedroom, Connor grabbed a banana from the kitchen. “Heading out, Dad,” he said. “Have a good weekend,” River grunted from a leather recliner. His nose was buried in a thick book — one of his murder mysteries, by the look of the cover. “I try not to,” Connor joked. G
  14. Soren leaned against the blue truck, scanning the car park. Two of the Chonos had already shown up — John was sitting in the back, nose-deep in another book, and Altanchono was bouncing off the tire. But there was no sign of Kurt. The last bell had rung nearly ten minutes ago. Soren would search the school for the neko, but he had no idea what class she had last. Hopefully, she hadn’t gotten lost. Cars filed out of the park, honking and revving as they added to a traffic jam just off school pr
  15. Yeoldebard


    Nothing a lot of practice each day won't fix.
  16. The fresh burn of cinnamon rested under her nose. Khurtschono lingered at the end of the hall, watching Miles hand out packets to students as they entered the practice room. She had avoided him during gym, running with John in cross-country. But there was no avoiding the elf now. One hour. She only had to make it through one hour, and then she’d be free. Who was she kidding? This was going to be a year-long disaster. And dropping orchestra was not going to happen. She would not let it happen
  17. “Glad to see you’re still around, Mr. Biscuits.” Laughter drowned out the chime as Connor high-fived the chest-high werewolf model by the door. The model didn’t seem too impressed by his joke, with his — definitely his; Connor could see the proof between his legs — snarling maw and outstretched paw that could tear prey to bits. But Connor knew, somewhere deep down, the plastic werewolf had a sense of humour. And he could slip out the door while everyone was still trying to figure out if they
  18. Yeoldebard

    Dressing Down

  19. Yeoldebard

    Dressing Down

    Thanks It was surprisingly difficult to find good material for that. I finally looked up exercises for greyhounds, and that seemed to do the trick.
  20. Altanchono waited for them outside the WolfRoom. His eyes lit up as Soren approached, and he latched onto the mage’s hand. Soren looked down at the orange neko, a small chuckle slipping out at Altanchono’s frazzled cheek fur. “Are you going to run with us?” the neko demanded. Was he going to run? Soren glanced at Kurt. Werewolves were supposed to run in the middle of the day to let out their energy safely. He’d been planning to skip as usual — third period was the only period he could slip i
  21. Yeoldebard

    The WolfRoom

    It's similar to the one in Quarian Academy, but I feel like Sam keeps things a lot looser here.
  22. Truly the gods were pranksters. Not only was her music teacher her mate, but he was also an elf. An old elf. “I am happy to see new faces among us this year.” The stench of lemons under Khurtschono’s nose was almost enough to drown out the elf’s scent, and she focused on maintaining control. Every werewolf in the room would smell her urges if she didn’t fight them. Part of her wanted that to happen — to get it all out in the open. She was araefael, born in wolf form. She was a wolf, not a ne
  23. Yeoldebard

    The Audition

    Thanks for reading (and watching )
  24. Yeoldebard

    The Audition

  25. Etudes swam through his head. Two days of musicians playing the same pieces over and over had numbed his mind, nearly taking all the joy of classical music from him. And Miles still wasn’t done. The fifty-year-old elf pulled into Elias Academy, his car lights sweeping over the school in the early dawn. A two-story building stood around a courtyard, a fountain bubbling quietly in the centre of a concrete walk. A janitor was busy cleaning leaves out of the water. Miles could hear a lawn mower
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