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charlie lytle

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  1. charlie lytle

    Chapter 30

    Very important issue to cover. It has happened so many times, separating siblings. Both boys are in loving homes, Pat has had the hardest time and is in a loving, safe home. Even if they are brothers they can explore family options, living with their respective parents, staying close, and nurture the relationship.It won't be easy. I have recently found out 2 different friends are both distant cousins. One I have known for over 30 years and we both ended up at a family reunion. when we ran into each other we figured out her great grandfather was my grandfather's oldest brother. My other friends grandmother was married to another brother of my grandfather. It is great information to have, but in the larger picture it doesn't change anything. Thanks for tackling a difficult subject.
  2. charlie lytle

    Chapter 47

    Well I'm my opinion 45 seems to have a role in the cover ups that have taken place, but seems to be so remote from the event. Let's say 130000 dollars to Stormy that he "knew nothing about"
  3. charlie lytle

    Chapter 47

  4. charlie lytle

    Chapter 47

    Another great chapter. It is sad how a young man can be manipulated into lying to crush an honest man, and the sob behind it thinks it is ok and just politics. It is to bad Jones got what he deserved, yet it would have been better if he had gone to prison. But then you do like these little twists. It is almost like 45 was involved in the set up.
  5. charlie lytle

    Chapter 44

    Well written and a slice of my reality. I would have like to have heard soon to be Deputy Green's thoughts on what just happened. I understand he might not be Willi ng to come out, but I ask sure he had an opinion
  6. I hate to disagree but Josh isn't over his feelings for Greg, but knowing Greg is unattainable he is settlings for Glen and the accident just piled the guilt on Josh. He is settling for what he can have which is better than being alone. I can see Greg getting drunk again and crossing over to the MSM (men who have sex with men) side and messing everything up.
  7. Ahhhhhhh, but why did Greg react the way he did after Josh left?????
  8. Love can hurt, it can be senseless, one-sided and difficult to understand
  9. Thank you for your concern but my life has never been better. My youngest daughter has her PhD and is going suicide prevention for lgbtq youth, my husband is wonderful, God had been good. I just hasd to accept me and like the man I saw in the mirror.
  10. It is so real, there is a part of me reliving the past. Hopefully the future will be better for Josh and Green will work out his hidden feelings as well
  11. Great story so far, the details in the first chapters made me fell like I was there. Having gone through as similar event of telling my wife and two daughters I was gay I can understand where Greg is coming from and Josh really needs a little self examination from what has been implied.
  12. I have to agree with everyone it was a sweet chapter. With that said I am waiting for Anna to try to do something to screw things up, it is her evil way. I think Ian and Adam are strong enough in their relationship, but Anna seems to enjoy creating drama
  13. Having waited for this meeting to take place it couldn't have gone any other way. Adam had to feel betrayed, Ian was blindsided by the news so the need time to look at what has happened, maybe time Will heal them both and who knows they could end up with a baby that is biologically related to both!!
  14. I wasn't sure how they would find out about Anna and didn't expect it in this chapter until the call about the accident. Then I hoped we would get to view the meeting. I was not disappointed. Can't wait for the next installment.
  15. charlie lytle

    Chapter 38

    In the process of accepting I was gay, I was married to the mother of my children. I so desperately wanted to be "cured" I became an ordained minister. The on thing I learned in seminary was that religion was used to control man, the great wars in the name of God. In my heart of hearts I wanted literally to believe there is a heaven with streets of gold and mansion's are being built for us. My reality is that the after life is more like the scene in Ghost where the spirits are zooming around and the they are newer us. Very thought provoking chapter. Each entitled to his beliefs, getting discussed and no major problems. Each a little different based on how each was raise. Keep making us think! Oh by the way, I didn't get cured..I learned to embrace my homosexuality, married my husband, raised a daughter who has a PHD and is doing suicide prevention for lgbtq youth.
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