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Talo Segura

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  1. Talo Segura's post in Account Settings FOLLOWING was marked as the answer   
    @Cia I am following two authors @Marty and @Mikiesboy I am also following Marty as Follow Member.
    For both people, I went to their profile, clicked Stories, then at the top of their list of stories page where it says author author, I checked Follow to Follow each of those two authors.
    So for my member account it says that I am following Marty as Follow Member, Follow Author, and Follow some individual stories. For Mikiesboy I am only Follow Author.
    I think that explains it. The followed stories show, but not the followed authors, they are both toggled on.
    PS. I think if you are showing Followed Authors on your profile it is not a problem, the bug is that when you join as a new member, in account settings the four switches for show editors, show beta readers, show followed stories, show followed authors are toggled off. When you turn them on, they all work except the followed authors. To test my theory you need to open a new account, follow an Author, toggle on followed authors in account settings and see if it shows on the profile.
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