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    Kou Delika
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  • 2,038 Words
Stories posted in this category are works of fiction. Names, places, characters, events, and incidents are created by the authors' imaginations or are used fictitiously. Any resemblances to actual persons (living or dead), organizations, companies, events, or locales are entirely coincidental.
Note: While authors are asked to place warnings on their stories for some moderated content, everyone has different thresholds, and it is your responsibility as a reader to avoid stories or stop reading if something bothers you. 

Watchful Eyes - 2. Chapter 2


We didn’t share first class, but Grayson walked me there anyway. I felt rather pathetic having a chaperone, but I wasn’t proud enough to deny his presence when I knew it would make me feel a whole lot better.

He wasn’t able to meet me between every class, but I didn’t feel the stalkers eyes on me again for the rest of the day. Neither did I see the wavy-haired man in any of my lessons. Grayson had gym for his last class and would be late out, so I went to the library to wait for him there. I didn’t want to walk across the field again. Especially when it was already growing dark outside. English winter’s sure were a pain.

I passed the uncomfortable plastic chairs and found a corner on the carpeted floor by a glass door that looked out onto the courtyard. I’d always loved sitting here, but lately I couldn’t help but be filled with anxiety at the thought my stalker waiting out in the dark, watching me as I was lit up by the bright overhead lights.

Today though I didn’t need to be so scared. Grayson would be here to walk me back to our dorm. I looked out, it was a cloudy grey, a deep orange line shimmering in the distance. It wasn’t quite dark enough for anybody to hide out there yet, so I let myself relax.

I reached over and grabbed a small novel from the shelf beside me. Reading the blurb, I found a horror story about a teenage girl whose classmates were going missing all around the time of prom. Silly no doubt, but just the thing I loved. I began reading and quickly fell into the story.

A breeze brushed over my skin. It made no sense since I was right in the back of the room and protected from the entrance by multiple shelves. I pushed the glass door, expecting it to be open a crack but it was firmly closed.

My eyes caught on someone walking past, their back to me. His wavy hair was pulled up into a ponytail. I recognised it immediately. The man from outside the cafe. His confident steps taking him away from me.

I felt that same feeling as before, my heart racing, skin prickling and that flipping feeling in my stomach. I couldn’t take my eyes off of him, certain he would turn around at any moment and engulf me with that enveloping gaze. He was heading towards the dorms.

Towards my dorm.

“Corey?” The voice startled me so much I let out an unmanly squeak, spinning my gaze around I saw Grayson crouching beside me, his elbows on his knees and a odd look on his face. “You okay?” He looked out the window and I followed his gaze, seeing the man still in the distance. I looked back at Grayson who scowled before he looked back at me. “Is that him?”


“Your stalker?” The way he said it sent chills down my spine.

I quickly shook my head. I knew Grayson, knew that he was prone to anger and quick to throw his fists. He’d hit guys giving me hassle a few times before and I no longer trusted him enough to tell him about such minor inconveniences to my daily life.

I hadn’t liked the guy who had tripped me up after every biology lesson, but seeing Grayson almost break the guy’s jaw had been even worse.

I never should have told Grayson about my suspicions that I had a stalker. I didn’t want to risk him beating up some guy or getting thrown out of university. I was surprised he’d managed to get away with it before.

“Maybe I was wrong,” I said, glancing down at the page number of the book I was holding before sliding it onto the shelf.

He gave me an odd look.

“About having a stalker. Maybe I was tired and delusional which only then made me more tired and delusional, yah know? I never saw anybody.

I probably just thought I felt like I was being watched. I probably just need something to help me sleep and I’ll be fine in a few days.”

He didn’t look like he was convinced by what I was saying but after a few moments he sighed. “I’d say a predatory gaze is unmistakable. That if you see or feel it you better be on your best guard because there’s something out there that wants you. For one reason or another. Take some sleeping pills but let me stay close until you are certain there’s nobody following you. Deal?” His tone told me there would be negotiations despite him asking.

“Deal.” I couldn’t help but smile when he held out his hand for a fist bump. I went to reciprocate the gesture but before our knuckles touched, he opened his hand and grabbed my wrist before standing up and easily pulling me with him.

Not expecting it I fell against his body before quickly pushing myself away with some embarrassment. Lindsey had accused us of cheating on her with each other before. As ridiculous as that was, I never wanted to risk being screamed at by her like that again.

I was pretty damn certain Grayson had zero attraction to men, and the rare times I had felt something towards another man was through words on paper or through the screen. I wasn’t even sure that could class me as being bisexual. Though I’d hardly dated women either, something Lindsey had taken great amusement in when Grayson had ‘accidently’ let it slip out to her. How does that even happen accidently?

And yet Lindsey was always staring at us when we were together, like she was just waiting for some proof we were sneaking around behind her back.

We made our way to our dorm, walking across the cold field that had made me so scared yesterday. Only this time I felt no chilling gaze upon me. Maybe it was due to Grayson keeping me entertained with all the gift ideas he had for Lindsey. I internally chastised myself when I told him not to get the sexy lingerie, he wanted to see her in but her favourite chocolates and a new perfume I’d heard some girls talking about in class.

Grayson threw his arm around my shoulders and pulled me close. “Ugh, why are you just so good to me Corey? Can’t I just swap you with Lindsey. You’re just so sweet. I know I’d never have to feel anxious over getting you a gift.”

I pushed him away with a snort. “You want to make ME your girlfriend? Are you sure about that?”

“A hundred percent. No, more than a hundred! An infinity percent! You never make me feel bad man. Sometimes Lindsey just... You know?” His goofball attitude waned.

“Then get another girlfriend.” I cringed internally, that was absolutely not an appropriate way to talk about your best friends significant other.

I expected him to joke, to maybe even get a little mad at what I’d said but instead he just shook his head. “I can’t... You wouldn’t understand.”

I felt a little stab of pain at that. Of course, love wasn’t simple, it had its ups and downs. It’s like and dislikes. I was an arsehole for suggesting they break up.

“I’m- ugh. Sorry Grayson. I was just joking. Not being serious or anything...”

He looked at me, his head still mostly facing forward. I couldn’t tell if he believed me or not.

“Lindsey- she’s great. I can see why you like her.”

Grayson face twitched and then twitched again before he broke into laughter. “Great? Don’t make me laugh. What’s great about her other than her looks?”

I could feel redness burning my cheeks. I felt oddly humiliated. “But you love her!”

Grayson snorted a laugh. “Love?! What gave you that idea?”

“Well, you’re dating and refuse to break up for starters.”

“I don’t refuse anything. I literally can’t break up with her. You wouldn’t understand.”


“Don’t look so sullen. If I could tell you I would... If there’s ever a time I can talk about it you’ll be the first to know. I promise.”

As soon as we got into our building, I noticed the atmosphere was a little different than usual. Filled with far more chatter than was normal for a Tuesday.

“Sounds like someone new,” said Grayson.

My stomach immediately plummeted, and I turned to look at him head on.

He gave me a questioning look. “Do you think it’s your stalker?”

I vigorously shook my head even though I certainly had been thinking that. “No, I- well maybe just a little.” I hated how I struggled so much to lie sometimes. “But I’ve been feeling this for a while. So it doesn’t make sense for it to be a new person, right? I highly doubt they would be sneaking around campus before then.”

“Unless they’re from another dorm. Maybe they asked for a transfer to our building.”

“No. I- maybe but maybe not. I guess we will just have to go look and see?” I didn’t want to go see. I didn’t want to know. I was certain the new man would be the wavy-haired guy.

Grayson just nodded and pulled his coat off before hanging it up and heading to go look for himself. He didn’t look ready to throw fists at least. I took off my own coat, taking my time to find a suitable place on the overstuffed hanger. I could swear some people here owned like five coats each.

I slowly walked into the main room seeing almost everyone was in there. Grayson was facing towards me talking to the new guy who had his back to me. It was unmistakably him. Again, that feeling started in my stomach and across my skin. Grayson caught me staring and gestured for me to come over.

“This is Corey,” he said gesturing at me the moment I was stood next to the wavy haired man. “And this is Alvise.”

Alvise. I’d never heard the name before. And I knew even without looking at him that it would suit him. I refused to look though, glancing between Grayson and the floor. Alvise’s hand was in my peripheral, and I could see he was holding a mug in one hand. My mug.

“Oh. Well, Hello Corey.” His voice was deep and smoky, and I felt a shiver of unease run up my back, starting at the very base of my spine.

“Ugh- He- Hey.” I awkwardly said back.

Grayson gave me an odd look, his eyes flickering between me and Alvise before shrugging. “Don’t mind Corey. He’s just exhausted, he’s been struggling to sleep lately.”

I wasn’t sure how I should feel about Grayson telling him that. I’d expected Grayson to be a little more on edge with the guy, but he was acting like his usual friendly self. No that wasn’t right either, he was looking at this guy with open familiarity.

“You know him?” I asked Grayson. Not caring if I came across as rude by directing the question solely at him.

“Hmmm. You could say that. Distant cousins you might say.” I felt a pang of shock when Grayson winked at Alvise.

Was I dreaming?

I felt like I had to be.

Not caring about the wavy-haired man’s opinion in the slightest, I spoke to Grayson alone again. “I’m off to bed, okay?”

Grayson gave me a nod and a smile. “I won’t be long. I’ll see you in a few minutes.”

I quickly turned, without one glance towards Alvise. Hearing him speak to Grayson as I rushed to my room.

“You share a room?”

What business could it possibly be of his if we shared a room or not?

As soon as I got to our bedroom, I threw myself on my bed, embarrassment flooding through me. I was such a fool. The guy could be perfectly innocent, and I’d acted like such an arsehole for no reason. But if he wasn’t my stalker, why did he make me feel so strange?


Thank you for all the comments and reactions last time they were very appreciated!
This chapter is a short one. The next will be longer I swear! Forewarning, I'm absolutely terrible at knowing when to finish a chapter.
I hope I can continue to keep your engagement.
Copyright © 2024 Kou Delika; All Rights Reserved.
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Stories posted in this category are works of fiction. Names, places, characters, events, and incidents are created by the authors' imaginations or are used fictitiously. Any resemblances to actual persons (living or dead), organizations, companies, events, or locales are entirely coincidental.
Note: While authors are asked to place warnings on their stories for some moderated content, everyone has different thresholds, and it is your responsibility as a reader to avoid stories or stop reading if something bothers you. 
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Stranger and Stranger

Corey has found his stalker and sees he is now living in his dorm. But, even more unsettling is finding out he is a distant cousin of Grayson, his room mate. Alvise the stalker does not know Grayson is his rooom mate. Grayson is staying later to talk to Alvise.

Alvise seems to have some unusal abilities and can move fast.  I am sensing Grayson likes Corey more then Corey knows. Am I wrong?

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So Corey in the library thinking about the stalker and chooses to pass the the time reading a....horror novel?🤔 Just saying

 I agree with @akascrubber that Grayson likes Corey and I think Lindsay knows that also. Could Alvise be observing them on behalf of Lindsay? And what's up with Grayson not being able to break up with Lindsay and can't say the reason why?

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Wee...what can one expect when everyone won't talk to each other...but at each other...

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So what’s going on with Grayson and Lindsey that he can’t break up with her, and won’t say why??

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So what’s going on with Grayson and Lindsey that he can’t break up with her, and won’t say why??

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