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    Talo Segura
  • Author
  • 1,783 Words
Stories posted in this category are works of fiction. Names, places, characters, events, and incidents are created by the authors' imaginations or are used fictitiously. Any resemblances to actual persons (living or dead), organizations, companies, events, or locales are entirely coincidental.
Note: While authors are asked to place warnings on their stories for some moderated content, everyone has different thresholds, and it is your responsibility as a reader to avoid stories or stop reading if something bothers you. 

Reconciled - 9. Chapter 9

It was Tom who took charge. Taking on the role of Director he decided they needed a rough plot, something to make this work. Arran thought it was too much, this was only a crap porn video, not an art film.

"No, Arran, it needs to be good. Just because it's porn, there is good and bad."

"And you know all about that?" Arran was being antagonistic, which made no sense at all.

Least of all to Tom. "I'm doing this for you," he told him, annoyed.

"Yeah, okay. You're right, sorry." Arran didn't feel comfortable, but maybe Tom's idea would work. Why not? They knew each other. He still wasn't convinced, but he listened.

"We will have an opening scene. Talking to each other, meeting," Tom said. "Then a short seduction scene. Third scene in the bedroom. You've seduced me."

Arran grinned. "That's it?"

"Like you said, it's not an art film."

With things sorted out Amos made sure they knew how everything worked. It was agreed he would help Tom with the edit after. Amos left them to get on with it.

Tom redirected one of the fixed cameras to take in the door and a corner of the room. This was the first scene, the meeting. The rest followed more or less to plan. They had to stop a couple of times, but when it got to the main scene it was a single take.

If the start had been weird and a little self-conscious for Arran that main scene he lost himself in. Despite all his thoughts and considerations he was totally turned on, it had become a live fantasy for him.

As they had arranged Amos and Tom took care of the post production. But there was no private viewing, it had taken all afternoon and they were out of time. Besides, it left Arran feeling a little depressed. He blamed himself for finding the whole thing exciting and he couldn't help thinking Malcolm might not keep his part of the bargain. And, even if he did, this wasn't the end of things. He had already told them one video wouldn't pay off Vicky.


"No, you won't believe it. You absolutely will not believe it!" Vicky was animated in her explanation.

Jennifer said nothing, she thought Vicky wanted to see them because she had had second thoughts, changed her mind. Alison simply wondered what might have happened, she didn't think Vicky was about to own up to what she had done.

"I think I might just believe anything," Ali replied, sarcastically.

Vicky frowned, but ignored her remark. She was too enthused with her own circumstances. "This guy contacted me, he wants to meet up. So I'm thinking, who? Why? And he says he wants to pay me for dropping all the charges."

Jennifer raised her eyebrows, rather sceptical about this latest development. Alison was wondering who this stranger was.

"So, we arranged a meeting. Somewhere safe. Public."

Ali nodded. They both stayed silent, Jennifer giving Alison a quick glance.

"So, he asks, how much? And I'm like thinking, but I'd already decided on two thousand."

"Two thousand pounds?" Alison said, rather loudly.

"Yeah, why not? It's the least. Don't you think I'm worth it? He owes me. So this guy, he's nicely dressed, nicely spoken, not some kind of low life. Maybe a solicitor or lawyer, or something."

"What did he say?" Jennifer asked, a little impatient with Vicky's story spinning.

"Well, I said five grand. I figured we would bargain, so start high."

Jennifer looked at Ali again. They said nothing, but there was a certain mutual recognition.

"He says, no way. That's ridiculous, he says. Then he says, if I'm not going to be reasonable, to forget it."

"I waited. Like I was thinking about what he said. Two thousand. I proposed the two thousand and told him it's that or nothing. He was looking a bit odd, a bit annoyed, maybe. Can't do it, he says. He takes out an envelope from his coat pocket. Tells me he's got five hundred pounds. Five hundred now, five hundred when it's done."

"And?" Alison asks.

"Well it's half of what I'd calculated, but I'm not greedy."

Alison and Jennifer glanced again at each other.

"You took the five hundred?" Alison stared at her.

"Yeah, I did."

"So now you're withdrawing the charges?" Jennifer was also staring, wondering if this was now over.

Vicky nodded. "I never wanted it to go this far. So yes."

There was not a lot more to say. Neither Alison nor Jennifer felt like spending their evening with Vicky. Maybe one day they might get together again like before, but Alison doubted it.


"I saw Achim," Tom said. "It's why I called you."

Arran's house was empty. He was often home alone these days. Where his father was and what he was doing, he didn't know and didn't ask. He wasn't working, that was certain, at least not all the time.

"What happened?" He led Tom into the kitchen.

"He was his usual aggressive self. Wanted to know what I was doing with his brother."

"Sit down," Arran indicated the table. "You want something to eat?" He switched on the microwave. "Reheated lasagne?"

Tom nodded, "Sure, yeah."

"So what did you say? To Achim."

"I said he should ask Salem. What could I say? I knew it was the wrong thing, but I just didn't know what to tell him. And he was getting very heavy."

"Have you seen Salem? Told him?"

"He should be coming over. I called him after I called you."

"What did he say?"

"Nothing, but he sounded nervous."

The microwave bleeped and Arran removed the food, fetched two plates and served them. For a moment they sat silently at the kitchen table.

"We need to think of something to tell him," Arran said. "Something believable that gets Salem off the hook."

"Yeah, of course, but how does Achim know Salem helped us?"

Steam was drifting off the food on their plates. Arran went and opened the fridge. "Want a beer?" He looked back at Tom.

Tom nodded. "Yeah, thanks."

"It's all kind of messy, huh?" Arran sat back down.

Tom considered that statement. Messy? Well there was a lot going on and he wasn't at all sure exactly how things were, particularly regarding Arran and himself.

"What do you think?" Tom asked.

Arran looked up. He didn't need to answer, it was evident from what had happened. It was very obvious when they made the video. Tom thought it was as if Arran had completely changed. Maybe not changed, but just like you open a bottle of fizzy drink and it's been shaken up, it explodes. Everything rushes out of the bottle.

"I like you," Arran looked at Tom. "Salem, I don't know." He looked away, as if he was considering things, perhaps trying to work everything out. "No, I mean, sure I don't dislike him, not anymore, but..."

"You can say. It's fine," Tom said. Of course, it wasn't fine, but that was his fault. He blamed himself. He'd been seduced by the boy, so why wouldn't Arran feel the same? Only he didn't know what Arran felt. It seemed to him that Arran was in some way still connected to Ali, and now there was Salem in between the two of them. Plus, in all this mixture, there were strong emotions and sex. Would they make another video? That thought invaded his mind, another sex tape.

"You like him," Arran said, emphasising the point.

Was there a hint of accusation there, or was it just Tom's imagination? He felt guilty.

Tom frowned. "Yes," was all he said. It was true, he did, what else could he say?

They ate in silence. The conversation had died. The hollow space was only filled when the doorbell rang.

Arran got up, Tom turned to watch him go down the hall.

"Come in." Arran opened the door. "We're in the kitchen."

Salem followed him into the kitchen. Tom stood up and went to give him a little hug. He had an arm around him. He wasn't sure Salem would show up, but obviously something important had happened.

"What happened?" Tom sounded concerned, Arran said nothing.

"He wanted to know what I was doing hanging around with you." Salem glanced at Tom, then looked away.

"I told him I got money out of you. He didn't believe me. Said you had no money, lived with your mum on benefits."

"Seems he knows a lot about Tom," Arran interrupted.

"He knows everything what's going on around the estate." Salem focused his attention back on Tom. "I said I threatened you."

Salem pulled a knife from his pocket and flicked open the blade.

"And what did he say?"

"Nothing, he laughed." Salem closed the knife and dropped it back in his pocket.

"He believed you?" Arran asked.

"Sure. He thinks everyone is like him. Why wouldn't he?"

"Yeah, I guess." Arran looked at Tom. "So what's the big problem?"

"He knows about Malcolm James!"

"How could he?" Tom's voice quavered, he was getting anxious.

"My cousin. He's done stuff."

"What!" Tom burst out.

"Your cousin's gay" Arran added.

"No! Hetero porn, not gay porn."

Arran felt Salem was being dismissive of him. The kid had this way of really irritating him with his attitude.

"You just better be careful around him. But you know to watch out," Salem told Tom.

Tom nodded.


Thursday night Tom received a call. "Tom!" His mum called from the lounge.

He wandered into the room and picked up the phone. "Hello."

The voice was not somebody he recognised immediately. "You did a good job," the man said.

"Amos?" He asked only to confirm it was him.

Amos smiled to himself. "Malcolm liked the video. He wants you to do another one."

That was a surprise, but Tom wanted to know what was happening with Vicky.

"And Malcolm..."

Amos interrupted him. "It's taken care of."

"Another video, the same?"

"No. This one needs to be different. You will have Alesandro."

"Who's he?"

"Don't worry about it. You come here Sunday. Okay?"

It wasn't really a question. Amos hung up.

"Who was that?" Tom's mum asked.

"Someone who might help Arran's dad."

"I don't want you getting involved in that."

"It's okay, mum. I'm not. He only wanted the phone number."

"Why did he call you?"

"Because he had my number from someone at college who said we were friends."

"Well, don't get involved."

She seemed satisfied with his answer. The more he thought about things, the more he wondered about all these lies.

Copyright © 2024 Talo Segura; All Rights Reserved.
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Stories posted in this category are works of fiction. Names, places, characters, events, and incidents are created by the authors' imaginations or are used fictitiously. Any resemblances to actual persons (living or dead), organizations, companies, events, or locales are entirely coincidental.
Note: While authors are asked to place warnings on their stories for some moderated content, everyone has different thresholds, and it is your responsibility as a reader to avoid stories or stop reading if something bothers you. 
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Chapter Comments

For a chapter of less than 1,800 words, there are a lot of scene changes in it. I'm not complaining about that, as it suggests that the various plotlines are moving along.

We are shown the uncertainty of both main characters well. Arran's feeling of depression (possibly even guilt) after the video session ended; and his concern as to how many more sessions may be needed. Tom's uncertainty as to where the relationship between himself and Arran is going; his worry as to what part Salem (and even Ali) may play in it; his feeling of guilt at having allowed himself to be seduced by Salem; and his concern at the end about all the lies he is telling.

So, it looks as though Malcolm has met with Vicky and agreed to 'pay her off'. I seem to remember Salem saying that it would be done using a dodgy bank draft. If that's what has happened, I'd expect Vicky to find that out before withdrawing the rape charge. Also, because I am not convinced of his character, I'm wondering if Malcolm might tell the boys that she wanted more than £1,000, in an attempt to get them to make more porn videos. 

Achim is still a potential threat. Whilst Salem was probably just thinking on his feet when Achim approached him (same as Tom was), I'm now worried that he may have given Achim the idea that he might be able to do the same as his younger brother claims. Salem was right to tell Tom to be careful around him.

Finally, I can't help but wonder (and possibly worry) as to exactly who this Alesandro is that will be joining the boys for their next video shoot...

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Again some great observations. The plot has a lot of loose ends, meaning the story could go in several directions, but lots of possibilities doesn't necessarily mean lots of devious twists, although the ideas are there!

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