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Stories posted in this category are works of fiction. Names, places, characters, events, and incidents are created by the authors' imaginations or are used fictitiously. Any resemblances to actual persons (living or dead), organizations, companies, events, or locales are entirely coincidental.
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Cursed Bonds - 1. Chapter 1: Meet Lucas and Liam

Hey guys, brought this like never before story. I have never attempted horror and i hope this will be received with so much positivity. Tell me what you think. Thank you so much.
PS: I am still writing 'silent heartbeats' and a new chapter will be gracing your screens very soon. Enjoy!


Somewhere far from the city, on a cliff… 8 years ago


The wind howled through the night, a violent symphony of nature's fury, as the moon hung high in the sky, casting a ghostly glow over the landscape. Leaves rattled in the trees, their whispers lost in the cacophony of the storm. Amidst the chaos, footprints marred the muddy ground, leading to the edge of a cliff.

A man stood there, barefooted, his steps deliberate and slow. He was clad in white from head to toe, his attire an unsettling contrast to the dark night. His shirt, once pristine, now bore the stains of his journey. His trousers were loose, billowing in the fierce wind, and a long, white scarf wrapped around his neck fluttered wildly, streaked with what looked suspiciously like blood.

Tears streamed down his face, glistening in the moonlight, as his long, dark hair was swept back by the relentless wind, revealing eyes of a disturbing blood-red hue and filled with a tumult of emotions. His hands were clenched into fists, the knuckles white with tension, his jaw quivering with a tumult of anger and pain.

The man's head shook violently as he uttered words filled with venom and despair.

“You will never have anyone else if you can't have me. You will realize that you and I were meant to be, and I will show you.” His voice was a guttural growl, barely audible over the storm.

Slowly, he opened his palm, revealing a delicate necklace with two half hearts, intricately crafted and joined together, bearing the initials "LJ". He clutched the pendant to his chest, his blood-red eyes lifting to the heavens as lightning split the sky and thunder roared in response.

With a final, resolute breath, he stepped forward, walking off the cliff and disappearing into the darkness below, the storm raging on as if to mourn the loss of another tortured soul.

Thunder split the sky, its deafening roar echoing across the cliffs, and then the heavens opened, unleashing torrents of rain. It poured down with a ferocity that seemed to mourn the soul that had just been lost, each drop a tear from the sky. The deluge turned the earth into a muddy mire, washing away the footprints and any trace of the man's final walk.

As the rain continued its relentless descent, voices began to emerge, carried on the wind. They were whispers, faint and haunting, and they didn't sound human. They seemed to come from everywhere and nowhere, a chorus of ethereal murmurs that blended with the patter of the rain and the distant rumble of thunder. The voices wove through the night, their tones a mixture of sorrow, anger, and something more sinister.

“Lost... forsaken... eternal...”

The words were barely discernible, more felt than heard, and they sent a chill down the spine, colder than the night air. The whispers grew louder, intertwining with the sound of the storm, creating a symphony of despair and malevolence that permeated the night.

“Bound together... forever... in darkness...”

The rain intensified, as if the heavens themselves were sobbing, and the whispers became a cacophony of anguish and fury. The night seemed to pulse with a life of its own, the storm a manifestation of the man's tormented soul. As the wind howled and the rain fell in unrelenting sheets, the voices continued their lament, a haunting requiem for the lost and the damned.

And through it all, the cliff stood silent and imposing, a sentinel over the abyss, its secrets swallowed by the storm, waiting for the dawn to bring a semblance of calm to the shattered night.


Present Day…


The club was a beacon of light and sound, pulsating with energy. The chandeliers overhead cast a golden glow, reflecting off the polished surfaces and adding a touch of elegance to the already sophisticated ambiance. Music thumped through the air, a rhythmic beat that resonated in the very bones of those on the dance floor. Laughter and chatter filled the spaces between the beats, as people danced and mingled, lost in the euphoria of the night.

At an isolated table, away from the main crowd, sat a man who commanded attention despite his solitude. His features were striking, almost ethereal—sharp cheekbones, a chiseled jawline adorned with a beard so perfectly groomed it seemed as if angels themselves had sculpted it. His lips were a delicate shade of pink, full and inviting, and his eyes, a mesmerizing sky blue, held a celestial quality. Yet, there was a loneliness in those eyes, a depth of sorrow that contradicted their angelic appearance.

This was Lucas Elrod, a man whose handsomeness turned heads and drew admiring gazes from all around the room. Men and women alike found themselves irresistibly drawn to him, their eyes undressing him with unabashed desire. But Lucas sat detached, observing the revelry with a detached air. He took a deep, harsh breath before downing a glass of liquor, the bitterness contorting his handsome features momentarily.

The music's hypnotic beat began to draw him in, threatening to make him forget his surroundings until a familiar voice cut through the haze. Looking up, Lucas saw his best friend, Will, smiling down at him, a bottle of liquor in hand. Will was a hunk, his muscular frame and seductive smile making him the center of attention.

His light brown eyes sparkled with mischief as he asked, “Why are you sitting here all by yourself when the club is packed with people?”

Lucas sighed, his voice tinged with weariness. “I'm comfortable where I am, Will.”

Will chuckled, shaking his head. “Do you have any idea how many people would throw themselves at your feet if you just snapped your fingers?”

“That's what I'm worried about,” Lucas replied, his voice soft but firm. “I'm fine, really. Go enjoy yourself.”

With a shrug, Will relented.

“Suit yourself.”

Almost immediately, a blonde beauty pulled him by the neck, leading him to the dance floor.

Lucas watched them for a moment, a fleeting smile touching his lips before the weight of his thoughts returned. He began to fill another glass when something, or rather someone, caught his eye. A few tables away sat a strikingly handsome boy, his black skinny jeans and plain white t-shirt accentuating his lean, sexy frame. His short, dark hair, streaked with pink highlights, was styled in a man bun, adding a touch of edginess to his look.

Their eyes met, and Lucas felt a jolt of electricity shoot through him. The boy's baby blue eyes were captivating, sending shivers down Lucas's spine. His heart began to race, a feeling he hadn't experienced in what felt like an eternity. He couldn't tear his gaze away, utterly mesmerized by the sight before him.

Lucas tore his eyes away from the boy, knowing all too well the danger of allowing himself to desire something he could never have. He returned his focus to his drink, the amber liquid providing a temporary solace from the ache in his chest. He took another deep, harsh breath, letting the bitter burn of the liquor consume him. Yet, he couldn't help but wonder who the boy was, what his story might be.

Meanwhile, at the other table, the boy Lucas had been staring at was engrossed in his phone. His smile and occasional blush spoke of a conversation filled with affection and warmth. His fingers danced across the screen, completely absorbed until a voice cut through his reverie.

“Liam, what’s got you so invested in that phone that you can't even concentrate on us anymore?”

Liam looked up, his face lighting up with a smile as he saw his friends—both males and females—gathered around him. He chuckled, his eyes twinkling.

“Sorry, guys. My boyfriend keeps texting me.”

One of his friends gasped, grinning.

“It’s nice seeing you smile like that, Liam. But you've just returned to the country. You have to enjoy yourself with us now.”

Liam smiled, warmth radiating from his expression.

“I know, I know. I promise I'm all yours tonight. Just let me take this call, and I'll switch off my phone and spend as much time with you as you want.”

His phone began ringing, and he held up a finger. “Just a sec.” He glanced at his friends. “I love you guys. Be right back.”

Before they could respond, he slipped away, weaving through the crowd towards the back door. He stepped outside, the cool night air a stark contrast to the warmth and noise of the club. Liam took a deep breath, the chill biting at his skin, and answered his phone.

Liam leaned against the wall, phone pressed to his ear, talking sweetly to his boyfriend. His voice was soft and affectionate, punctuated by bursts of laughter that echoed in the quiet alley. Anyone listening would hear the unmistakable sounds of love in his words and the joy in his laughter. They talked about their days, shared little jokes, and spoke of how much they missed each other. Despite the distance that had separated them for so long, the bond between them was palpable.

After what felt like both an eternity and a fleeting moment, their conversation drew to a close.

“I love you so much,” Liam said, his voice tender.

“I love you too, Liam,” his boyfriend replied. They exchanged a few more loving words before finally hanging up.

Liam sighed happily, gripping the handle of the door to re-enter the club, but it wouldn’t budge. He frowned, trying again, but the door remained stubbornly closed. He knocked and banged on it, but the pounding music from inside drowned out his efforts. Frustrated, he leaned his head against the door.

“Great,” he muttered. “Now I have to go all the way around.”

Resigned, he started walking, intending to circle back to the front of the club. But as he made his way through the dimly lit alley, he realized he might have taken a wrong turn. Confusion set in, and he turned to retrace his steps. His heart nearly stopped when he noticed a figure standing in the shadows a distance away.

The man wore a dark hoodie, his face obscured, and something about his presence sent a shiver down Liam's spine.

He called out, “Hey! Can you help me?” but there was no response. The man remained silent and still, an ominous silhouette against the night.

Fear began to creep in, tightening around Liam’s chest. The man started to move, taking slow, deliberate steps toward him. Panic surged through Liam, and he turned, sprinting down the alley as fast as his legs would carry him. His breaths came in ragged gasps, the adrenaline pumping through his veins.

Behind him, he heard the unmistakable sound of footsteps, quickening to match his pace. Glancing over his shoulder, he saw the man had broken into a run, closing the distance between them. Liam’s heart pounded in his chest, the fear almost overwhelming.

“Help! Someone help me!” he shouted, but his cries were swallowed by the night, unheard and unanswered.

He pushed himself harder, his feet pounding against the pavement. At the end of the alley, he burst onto a deserted road, flanked by a line of trees leading into the woods. He dared another glance behind him; the man had disappeared, but Liam knew better than to trust the apparent calm.

Without a second thought, he dashed into the woods, the dense underbrush and trees offering a semblance of cover. He ran until his lungs burned and his legs threatened to give out, finally ducking behind a large tree. His heart raced, every beat echoing in his ears as he tried to steady his breathing. He peered cautiously around the trunk, the darkness of the woods offering a temporary sanctuary, but the fear still gripped him, refusing to let go.

Liam stayed behind the tree, scanning his surroundings for any sign of the man. His eyes darted through the darkness, the shadows playing tricks on his mind. After several tense moments, he felt certain he was alone. Relief washed over him, and he bent over, hands on his knees, trying to catch his breath. The adrenaline slowly ebbed away, leaving him shaky and exhausted.

Minutes felt like hours, but the initial panic had dulled. He knew he had to get back, but fear still clung to him, a constant companion. He considered using his phone to call someone, but the thought of the light giving away his position made him hesitate. Gathering his courage, he began to slowly step out from behind the tree, every muscle tense.

Suddenly, strong hands grabbed him from behind, one clamping over his mouth. Liam's eyes widened in terror as he tried to scream, but the sound was muffled. He struggled violently, his body twisting and turning, but the man’s grip was unyielding. Fear surged through him like a tidal wave, overwhelming his senses.

The man dragged him deeper into the woods, the darkness closing in around them. Liam's efforts to break free were futile; his captor was too powerful. Tears streamed down his face as he felt the man's hand rip his t-shirt, the sound tearing through the silent night. Desperation fueled his fight, but his strength was no match for the brute force of his attacker.

Liam's horror grew as he was thrown to the ground, the rough earth scraping against his skin. The man tore at his trousers, ripping them off along with his boxers. Liam's screams were lost in the void, his pleas for help swallowed by the oppressive darkness. The pain was immediate and excruciating as the man penetrated him, each thrust sending shockwaves through his body.

He cried out in agony, his voice hoarse from screaming, but there was no one to hear him. His strength ebbed away, leaving him limp and broken. The last thing he remembered was the man’s grunts and moans as he reached his climax, the final act of violation sealing Liam's fate.

As the man finished and pulled away, Liam’s consciousness faded, the pain and terror finally giving way to merciful darkness.


A scream pierced the quiet of the mansion, jolting Rosa and Ben awake from their slumber. Rosa, a beautiful woman with flowing dark hair and soft, expressive eyes, threw on her robe while Ben, tall and sturdy with a kind yet commanding presence, quickly followed suit. Together, they rushed out of their room, hearts pounding with a mixture of fear and urgency.

The screams led them downstairs to the living room, where they found their daughter, Mia. She was a striking young woman with chocolate brown hair and warm brown eyes, currently filled with panic. She was holding her brother, Lucas, who was shaking violently, his face pale and stricken with terror.

Rosa's heart clenched at the sight.

“Ben,” she whispered, her voice trembling as she clung to her husband's arm.

Lucas, their handsome son with sky blue eyes that now looked haunted, seemed as if he had seen a ghost. His hands were covered in blood, and the sight sent a chill down Rosa's spine. She rushed to his side, kneeling beside him.

“Lucas, my darling, what happened? Why is there blood on your hands?”

Lucas's mouth quivered, his eyes filled with tears, but no words came out. Ben joined them, his voice firm yet gentle.

“Lucas, you don't need to be scared. Just tell us what happened.”

Tears spilled down Lucas's cheeks, and his voice was barely a whisper as he finally spoke.

“I killed him.”

The words hung in the air, heavy and ominous. Rosa felt her breath catch in her throat. Ben's face hardened, a mix of disbelief and concern.

“Who, Lucas? Who did you kill?”

Lucas' eyes flicked to his bloody hands and then back to his father.

“The man in the woods,” he murmured, his voice trembling. “I didn't know what happened. I didn't mean to.”

Rosa's mind raced as she tried to comprehend what her son was saying.

“How did it happen, Lucas?” she asked gently, her voice quivering.

Lucas gasped, tears streaming down his face.

“I don't know,” he said in a voice barely above a whisper. “I think I... I raped him," he choked out, his words breaking into uncontrollable sobs.

Flashbacks flooded his mind—finding himself on top of the man, naked, his body violating the man's lifeless form. A shiver ran through him, leaving him cold and trembling.

Rosa and Ben glanced at each other, their faces pale with fear and shock. They felt an overwhelming sense of dread and helplessness. Rosa grasped her son's arm, her touch gentle but firm.

“Who was he, Lucas?” she asked. “Do you know who he was?”

Lucas shook his head, his tears falling freely. “I don't know,” he cried. “I saw him at the club, and then the next thing I knew, I woke up on top of him in the woods. I didn't mean to hurt him.”

Rosa felt tears welling up in her eyes, but she knew she had to be strong for her son. She knelt in front of him, cupping his cheeks with her hands.

“Lucas, listen to me. I know you didn't mean to. You couldn't hurt anybody.”

Lucas tried to speak, his words catching in his throat, but Rosa interrupted softly. “You've had a long night, sweetheart. You need to rest.”

With their help, Lucas stood, still shaking and crying. Together, they guided him to his room, where they helped him clean up and change into fresh clothes. His sobs slowly subsided as exhaustion took over, and finally, he managed to fall into a fitful sleep.

Hours later, Ben and Rosa stood in the doorway of Lucas' room, watching their son. His tear-streaked face was peaceful in sleep, but the lines of worry and pain were still etched on his features. The weight of the night's events pressed heavily on them, but in that moment, all they could do was be there for him… support him and comfort him.

Ben sighed heavily, his eyes lingering on Lucas before turning to his wife.

“Another innocent boy has lost his life,” he said quietly, his voice thick with sorrow.

Rosa closed her eyes, suppressing her tears. “It wasn't his fault,” she whispered, more to herself than to Ben. “He was also a victim in all this. All our son wanted was to be happy, and all life keeps giving him is sadness.”

There was a moment of silence, a heavy stillness that seemed to wrap around them like a shroud. Then Ben spoke again, his voice filled with a deep, weary resignation.

“We've done everything we could to rid our son of this curse, but to no avail.” His words hung in the air, a grim reminder of their years of struggle.

Both parents could vividly remember the day the priest had told them about the curse. It had been a dark day, filled with fear and desperation. The priest had spoken of a terrible curse, placed on Lucas with black magic, one that would cause anyone he got intimate with to lose their life. It was a curse that was difficult, if not impossible, to break.

Ben ran a hand through his hair, a gesture of frustration and helplessness.

“We can't just think of Lucas,” he said finally. “We need to know who the boy that lost his life was. We need to do something for his family.”

Rosa looked at her husband in shock. “Why would we do something that would implicate our son?” she asked, her voice rising in panic. “As far as we know, Lucas has never done anything like this before.”

“We can't just sit and watch,” Ben replied firmly. “We both know that Lucas is going to be deeply affected by all this. If we do nothing, it will only make things worse for him.”

Rosa's sobs broke the silence, her body shaking with the force of her grief. “I wish I could take away his pain,” she cried. “Maybe I should have gotten the curse instead.”

Ben moved closer, wrapping his arms around his wife. “We're going to do whatever it takes to make sure Lucas lives a normal life,” he assured her, his voice steady and determined. “We'll find a way, together.”

They stood there, holding each other, drawing strength from their shared love and determination. No matter how difficult the road ahead might be, they were resolved to do everything in their power to help their son, to give him the chance at happiness that he so desperately deserved. But the question was, what were they going to do?


Viola rushed toward the door, her heart racing with every desperate bang that echoed through the house. She looked stunning even in her nightgown, a simple silk garment that flowed gracefully around her. Her long, dark hair tumbled down her back, and her eyes were wide with a mixture of fear and curiosity. Who could be at the door at this hour, in such a frantic state?

With trembling hands, she reached for the doorknob and flung the door open. Immediately, someone gripped her arms, pulling her forward. Her eyes widened in horror as she took in the sight before her. The boy who held her arms was a mess—his eyes were blood red and swollen, filled with a mixture of fear and desperation. His clothes were torn, hanging off his body in shreds. Dirt and blood covered his skin, making him look like he had been through hell.

Viola screamed at the top of her lungs, “Liam!”

Liam's grip tightened as if afraid she might disappear.

“Help me,” he pleaded, his voice barely above a whisper. “Please, help me.”

Her initial shock quickly gave way to concern and determination. She gently pulled him inside, closing the door behind them.

“Liam, what happened to you?” she asked, her voice trembling with emotion.

Liam collapsed onto the floor, his body shaking uncontrollably. “I... I was attacked,” he stammered. “In the woods. A man... he... he hurt me.”

Before Viola could react, Liam’s eyes rolled backwards and he became unconscious.

Copyright © 2024 vanalas; All Rights Reserved.
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Thanks a lot to everyone that took the time to read my work. I love you guys a lot. Don't forget to drop your comments about what you think about my work. Ciao!
Stories posted in this category are works of fiction. Names, places, characters, events, and incidents are created by the authors' imaginations or are used fictitiously. Any resemblances to actual persons (living or dead), organizations, companies, events, or locales are entirely coincidental.
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Liam survives, Lucas is haunted by something he did, but was not conscious of?   I’m hooked. Need to know more about the curse and the possible breaking of the curse…

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Great start. Thanks for sharing, I’m looking forward to reading further chapters 

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Great start, lots of mystery and some fantastic descriptive visuals, you've cast the line and I'm hooked as well. Looking forward to reading more.

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