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Stories posted in this category are works of fiction. Names, places, characters, events, and incidents are created by the authors' imaginations or are used fictitiously. Any resemblances to actual persons (living or dead), organizations, companies, events, or locales are entirely coincidental.
Note: While authors are asked to place warnings on their stories for some moderated content, everyone has different thresholds, and it is your responsibility as a reader to avoid stories or stop reading if something bothers you. 

The Exchange Students - 2. Chapter 2


Brad, Amy, Emma, and I stared at the Norwegians in amazement.

"How did you do that?" asked Brad.

"We have some self-defense training," said Frank.

After an awkward pause, Carson added. "That type of training is common in Norway."

I wasn't sure about that. 'That's some training,' I thought. 'The guys that robbed us looked tough. John Wick would have trouble disarming them.’

Who are these guys?


“The ‘N-line’ is scheduled to arrive in three minutes,” said Oscar. “Isn't that your train Emma?”

“Yes,” said Emma.”

“We should hurry then.”

“You don't need to escort me home,” said Emma.

“It’s not a problem,” said Oscar. “We should probably stay together for safety.”

We all proceeded to the gate and boarded a train.

“By the way, where do you guys live?” asked Emma.

Frank looked at the other boys as if seeking agreement on what he was about to say. “We live in a house on Edgehill.”

“That’s close to me,” said Brad. “It’s nice up there and less crowded than most of the city.”

“That’s one of the reasons we like it!” said Carson.

“And it’s close to school,” added Jakob.

Once on the train, I expected we’d be safe. I didn't think the thugs that attacked us would come anywhere close to the metro for a while. I was sleeping at Brad’s that night. The Norwegians, Brad, and I were traveling out of our way to escort Emma and Amy home. Amy lived in the Duboce Triangle neighborhood a stop or two before Emma’s Cole Valley stop. This part of the city was generally safe, as was Brad's and the Norwegian’s neighborhoods.

Brad walked Amy to her home, and the Norwegians and I continued to Emma’s house.

With Amy and Emma safely home, we caught an inbound ‘N’ train, picked up Brad, and backtracked to the Church Street Station, where we transferred to the K-Ingleside train for the trip to the West Portal Station. The train wasn’t busy at all. The evening commute was over, and most people were probably heading in the opposite direction into town for some fun on a Friday night.

I was pretty sure that Brad and Amy had a heavy make-out session while we were taking Emma home. Brad probably had ‘blue balls’. I had my own frustrations.

I was hyper-aware of Oscar sitting in the seat next to me. We were so close that our legs touched, and I was excited. Strangely, I felt like leaning close to Oscar and smelling him. I was acting like a pervert. It was all I could do to distract myself by discussing the Deadpool movie. The Norwegians attended the same showing as we did. Jakob and Brad were sitting in seats facing ours. They were having a good time reliving some of the fight scenes and action sequences. Frank and Carson sat just behind me, occasionally adding to the conversation.

“Where did you guys learn so much about American culture,” I asked

“We are all obsessed with American movies, television, literature, and culture,” said Carson, “and stream an enormous amount of content.”

“As an added benefit, it helps us with our English,” added Frank.

“We’ve wanted to spend time in America for years. You might say we prepared for this trip,” said Oscar.

As we approached the West Portal Station, Jakob asked me, “Would you like to come by our place for a sauna? It’s very relaxing at the end of a busy day.”

Oscar added, “That would be fun. Will you come?”

How could I say no? Brad was also up for it. He was always open to try something new.

We hiked about six blocks from the station, mostly uphill, but since we were all young and in good shape, it wasn't a problem. I could feel the excitement growing in me. I was with Oscar.

Despite being in the city's geographical center, it felt like we were in a forest. Other houses were around, but the lots were large for San Francisco and spaced irregularly, giving the impression of isolation. It was a pretty big house, surrounded by trees, probably close to four thousand square feet, and isolated on the side of the hill with views on three sides. I could make out the moon reflecting off of the Pacific Ocean several miles to the west. This place was incredible!

“Are there any adults staying with you,” I asked.

“No, just us,” said Carson.

I was dying to ask them how they could afford a place like this, but that would be rude. This house had to be worth several million dollars.

“Would you like something to drink?” asked Frank.

“What do you have?” said Brad.

“We have Ringnes Pilsner …”

“I’ll have one of those!” Brad exclaimed excitedly.

Frank smiled and turned to me. “We also have Coke, juices, and water.”

I sheepishly replied, “I’ll have one of the Pilsners too.”

We all had a Ringnes, including Jakob.

Curious, I asked, “What’s the drinking age in Norway?”

“It’s eighteen or twenty, depending on the alcohol content,” said Carson. “It’s common to drink a limited amount of alcoholic content in Norway with family supervision. We rarely drink, but this is a special occasion. You are our first guests.”

I smiled and, lifting my bottle, said, “Cheers,”

“Skål,” the Norwegians all said in unison.

Brad and I looked at each other and said, “Skål!” We all laughed and took a drink.

I’ve had beers before, but rarely. This was a special occasion for me, too.

“We’re heading over to the sauna,” said Carson, pointing to a separate structure down a short path. “Give us five minutes to heat it.”

After the Norwegians left for the sauna, Brad asked. “Are you OK, Matt? You look nervous like you do before a wrestling match.”

“I’m OK, but you’re right. I am nervous.”

“How come?” asked Brad. “Is it because you’re hot for Oscar?”

“Yeah, how can you tell?”

“I can see how you act around him,” said Brad.

“Do you think everyone can tell?”

“I doubt it. I know you pretty well. Hell, if I were gay, I’d want to bang Oscar too. To be honest, if I liked guys, I’d do any of them.”

“It's been five minutes,” I said. “Should we head over to the sauna?”

“Let’s go.”

We headed outside and down the short path to the sauna building.

The building was probably converted from a garage and built during the same period as the house.

I opened the door and entered what I guessed was the outer changing room.

In front of us was a door with a steamy window leading into the sauna. To the right was a jacuzzi-type pool. On closer inspection, I saw ice cubes floating in the water. I’ve heard of plunge tubs before but never wanted to try one. I need to be more like Brad and try anything once.

To the left of the door was a shelf stacked with clean white towels next to a row of hooks above a bench. Hanging on four of the hooks were the Norwegian's clothes. I gulped and felt myself blush. I saw the hook with Oscar’s shirt and pants and thought of smelling his underwear. I’m such a pervert.

The second thing I thought of was that I was hard. What was I going to do?

Brad was already stripping off his clothes and hanging them on a free hook. I'd never seen him naked before, but he didn't seem to have a problem with it. Unlike me, he was comfortably flaccid, a lucky straight boy.

Brad grabbed a towel and said, “I’ll see you inside.”

I was alone. It was just me and my boner.

I sat on the bench, wondering what I should do. I think I'm a normal size down there, but there was no way I could hide my erection by wrapping one of the towels around me. The tenting would be obvious to everyone. I had an idea. I quickly stripped off my shirt and pants, covered my waist with a towel, and slipped off my boxer briefs. Shielding myself with the towel in case someone came in from the sauna, I climbed into the plunge pool.

Awh! That's cold! Within seconds my dick was soft and shrinking fast. I climbed out of the pool shivering, grabbed a fresh towel, wrapped it securely around my waist, and entered the sauna.

It took a few seconds for my eyes to adjust to the dimmer, steamy light. There were three sets of two benches, one slightly behind and above the other facing the heating element. I sat in a space on one of the lower benches, careful not to let my towel slip.

I looked around. To my right, on the next set of benches, were Frank and Carson sitting on their towels … NAKED!

I couldn’t believe my eyes. Their bodies were toned to perfection. Every part of them was flawless, and I mean “every part.” I could feel my lower regions growing again. I fought to stop it from happening.

It was no use. I sat up a little straighter, bent forward, and fluffed up the front of the towel in a futile attempt to hide my growing embarrassment.

Jacob, sitting to my left and behind me on the upper bench, giggled, “Do you have a hard-on, Matt?”

I blushed and shyly uttered, “Yes.”

Still giggling, Jakob said, “It happens to me all the time, and it’s catching at our age.”

I turned my head and looked at him as he sprouted a boner right in front of my eyes.

He shouted, “Matt’s got a stiffy.”

I scanned the sauna. All the boys, except Brad, were in various stages of an erection.

Brad laughed and said, “Don’t expect me to get boned.” Then he looked down at his growing member and laughed, “I guess my dick changed my mind.”

I opened my towel and relaxed in the sauna's heavy, humid heat. It was liberating.

“Time for me, Carson, and Jakob to get out of the sauna before we overheat,” said Frank. “Give us a few minutes to cool off in the plunge pool, and then it’s your turn.”

I purposely avoided looking at Oscar, afraid it would put me over the top. I sat back and enjoyed the heat.

“Time for an ice plunge.” I heard Oscar say.

I looked up and saw him standing in front of me with the glow of the heater, creating an aurora around his perfect body. I was in love and lust at the same time. I followed him out of the sauna to the dressing room and plunge pool, enjoying every step he took. I needed the near-freezing water to sexually sober me up.

Frank, Jakob, and Carson were casually dressing as we slid into the frigid water. I nearly shouted as my pores rapidly closed. I lasted a minute and a half before I sprung out of the cold water. Brad didn’t last much longer, and Oscar gracefully emerged a couple of minutes later.

We dressed and headed back to the main house. Brad and I thanked our hosts and headed down the hill to Brad's house.

I felt fantastic. What an amazing day. It had a bit of everything: successfully performing my duties as a school ambassador, meeting Oscar and the other Norwegians, seeing a fun popcorn movie, getting mugged and living to tell the tale, and experiencing my first sauna and cold plunge.

My life is almost perfect - almost.

Copyright © 2024 paren01; All Rights Reserved.
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Thanks for reading. Comments are welcome.
Stories posted in this category are works of fiction. Names, places, characters, events, and incidents are created by the authors' imaginations or are used fictitiously. Any resemblances to actual persons (living or dead), organizations, companies, events, or locales are entirely coincidental.
Note: While authors are asked to place warnings on their stories for some moderated content, everyone has different thresholds, and it is your responsibility as a reader to avoid stories or stop reading if something bothers you. 
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Recommended Comments

Chapter Comments

Matt is definetly hooked on Oscar. He had enough chances to see Oscar was a prime, hot male in every way. Brad saw Matt's strong attraction to Oscar. So far, Oscar is not showing he notices.

The good looking  Norwegian boys are a great mystery, They are living in a multimillion dollar house without adult supervision. Plus, they have amazing fighting skills.

Matt and Brad should have more time with these boys to learn more about them and have fun.

Edited by akascrubber
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An interesting first two chapters, I am looking forward to the next instalment. Thank you for sharing 😊

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1 hour ago, Old possum said:

An interesting first two chapters, I am looking forward to the next instalment. Thank you for sharing 😊

Thank you for the interest.

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OK, I'm hooked and want to know what happens next. The Norwegians are not just students just as Matt doesn't want to be just the 'school ambassador'. I'm sure there can be diplomacy on both sides, leading to an agreed position which can be acceded to, by mutual consent, by Matt and Oscar. 

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21 minutes ago, Paladin said:

OK, I'm hooked and want to know what happens next. The Norwegians are not just students just as Matt doesn't want to be just the 'school ambassador'. I'm sure there can be diplomacy on both sides, leading to an agreed position which can be acceded to, by mutual consent, by Matt and Oscar. 

You’re on to something. The Norwegians have a secret. Thanks for the comment.

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Well, male and female Norwegians at 18 are eligible for conscription into mandatory  military service and have a 19 month obligation. The military only takes motivated inndividuals. If the guys are actually older than they appear, they could have been trained to fight during their military service before they came to the US to complete their education.

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19 minutes ago, akascrubber said:

Well, male and female Norwegians at 18 are eligible for conscription into mandatory  military service and have a 19 month obligation. The military only takes motivated inndividuals. If the guys are actually older than they appear, they could have been trained to fight during their military service before they came to the US to complete their education.

Interesting. I didn’t know that.

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Matt has a serious case of DSB, deadly semen back-up, the curse of teenage hormones….Oscar is the cure if Matt can come to his senses…

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1 hour ago, drsawzall said:

Matt has a serious case of DSB, deadly semen back-up, the curse of teenage hormones….Oscar is the cure if Matt can come to his senses…

We’ve all been there. 😉

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