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Echoes of the Heart - 11. Chapter 11: The truth comes knocking on Carter's door. Will his search finally come to an end?

The room was alive with vibrant energy, the soft hum of conversation punctuated by the rhythmic pulse of upbeat music. All around, elegantly dressed attendees sat in eager anticipation, their eyes fixed on the gleaming runway before them. The space itself was an artful blend of light and shadow, with beams of golden light dancing across the polished floors and glinting off the sequined fabrics of the clothing being showcased. Overhead, chandeliers cast soft glows, highlighting the exquisite atmosphere of the evening.

As the first model strutted down the runway, the audience fell into a hushed awe. Each model seemed to glide effortlessly, exuding confidence as they displayed the summer collection's stunning pieces. Flowing, ethereal fabrics in shades of sunset orange, seafoam green, and deep azure blue, all woven together into delicate patterns that mimicked the shifting colors of a summer sky at dusk.

Dresses with cascading layers floated like warm breezes, while structured blazers and trousers offered a bold contrast—tailored to perfection. A murmur of approval rippled through the crowd with each new reveal, their eyes wide with admiration as the models showcased the creativity and elegance of each piece.

The collection's theme was unmistakable: a love letter to the freedom and vibrancy of summer, a season that captures both playfulness and sophistication. Floral patterns, beaded embellishments that shimmered like dewdrops, and sheer fabrics that teased the skin with sunlight—all these details wove together a story of boundless warmth and beauty. The models, each one uniquely captivating, were like living canvases moving through this world of color and imagination.

As the final model exited the runway, the lights dimmed momentarily, a pause as if to catch a breath, before they brightened once again. The music softened, shifting to a gentle, melodic tune, and the audience leaned forward in anticipation. From the far side of the stage, Carter emerged.

He was radiant, breathtakingly beautiful as he stepped into the spotlight. He wore a crisp, white silk shirt that caught the light just right, its tailored cut accentuating his lean frame. The shirt, slightly sheer, flowed elegantly, the long sleeves gathered at his wrists with delicate silver cufflinks, and the top two buttons were left undone, revealing just a hint of his collarbone.

His pants were a deep midnight blue, perfectly fitted and designed with subtle embroidery along the seams that caught the light in fleeting moments as he moved. On his feet, polished black shoes completed the look, their sleek design echoing the sophistication of the entire ensemble.

His long hair was tied back in a loose, effortless ponytail, strands of it cascading down his back like dark silk, a few stray wisps framing his angular, handsome face. His eyes, bright and alive with emotion, scanned the crowd, catching the soft glow of the runway lights. Carter exuded an air of calm confidence, his presence commanding the room with a grace that seemed both effortless and powerful.

As he reached the center of the stage, the crowd erupted into applause, but Carter only smiled gently, raising a hand to quiet the room. The music faded into silence as he stood before them, the microphone in his hand, his voice rich and warm as it echoed through the space.

“Thank you all so much for being here tonight,” he began, his words slow and deliberate, each one filled with emotion. “This collection... this moment... it’s all been a dream of mine for so long, and to see it come to life like this is overwhelming in the best way possible.”

The audience was rapt, their eyes fixed on Carter, captivated by both his beauty and the sincerity in his voice.

“Summer,” he continued, his gaze softening as he spoke, “is a season of freedom, a season where we allow ourselves to breathe, to explore, to embrace everything around us. When I set out to create this collection, I wanted to capture that feeling—the warmth of the sun on your skin, the way the wind feels in your hair, the magic of a sunset that seems to last forever.”

His words were poetic, painting pictures in the minds of the listeners as he spoke. Jeremy, sitting in the front row, couldn’t take his eyes off Carter. His gaze was intense, his heart swelling with pride as he watched the boy—his boy—take control of the stage with such grace and elegance. Jeremy's eyes glistened with emotion, a soft smile playing on his lips as he absorbed every word, every movement Carter made.

“The inspiration behind this collection,” Carter continued, “comes from the little moments. The way the ocean glistens under the sun. The feeling of sand beneath your feet. The laughter of friends gathered together, the first taste of a summer breeze. I wanted to create something that felt like home, something that reminds us all of the simple, beautiful things we sometimes overlook.”

The crowd was utterly still, hanging on to every syllable.

“But this collection,” Carter said, his voice growing a touch softer, more personal, “is also about love. Not just romantic love, but the love we carry with us—love for ourselves, love for life, love for the people who make it all worthwhile. This is for the dreamers, for those who dare to believe in something more, something beautiful, even when the world tells them otherwise.”

A ripple of emotion passed through the audience, many nodding, others whispering to one another.

“Thank you to every single person who made tonight possible,” Carter said, his eyes sweeping over the crowd. “To my team, who worked tirelessly to bring this vision to life. To my friends, who inspire me every day. And to all of you—thank you for your support, for your belief in the beauty of this world. I hope tonight has been as magical for you as it has been for me.”

The applause that followed was thunderous, the audience rising to their feet, their admiration palpable. Carter smiled, his cheeks flushed, and with one final nod, he stepped back from the microphone.

In the front row, Jeremy’s gaze never wavered. His heart swelled with pride, his eyes shining as he watched Carter’s every move. This moment—seeing Carter so radiant, so sure of himself—was everything.


Carter moved through the crowd like a radiant star, his smile contagious as he greeted each guest with genuine warmth. His energy was magnetic, drawing everyone into his orbit. "Carter, darling, that collection was breathtaking!" someone gushed as they embraced him.

“Thank you so much!” Carter beamed, his eyes sparkling with joy. “I'll make sure you get those pieces.”

One after another, the guests congratulated him, asking about pieces they were dying to have in their closets, and Carter, ever the charmer, promised to make it happen. As he continued moving through the sea of well-wishers, his eyes finally drifted to the front, and there he saw him—Jeremy.

Jeremy stood with the most beautiful, tender gaze, his eyes filled with pride and love as they followed Carter’s every move. The sight of Jeremy staring at him so intently made Carter’s heart flutter. He was about to head straight toward him, his steps growing quicker with excitement, when…

A soft tap on his shoulder stopped him in his tracks.

Carter turned around, his smile brightening even more as he gasped, “Eric!”

Eric stood before him, his grin playful and full of mischief. He winked at Carter, his eyes twinkling with delight.

“You didn’t think I’d miss your big event, did you?” he said smoothly, leaning in slightly as if sharing a secret. “How else am I supposed to impress you in the two weeks you gave me if I can’t see you?”

Carter laughed, his face lighting up even more.

“You’re crazy, Eric, but seriously, thank you for coming. It means so much to me.”

His gratitude was sincere, and the smile they exchanged was warm, intimate, the kind shared between old friends—or something more.

Across the room, Jeremy’s smile faltered. His eyes darkened as he watched the scene unfold before him. The way Carter’s face lit up when he saw Eric... the way Eric winked at him, spoke to him with such ease. A frown creased Jeremy’s brow, and suddenly, the lightness of the evening seemed to fade for him. His heart began to race, a gnawing sense of restlessness curling in his stomach. He watched Carter laugh with Eric, the two so caught up in their conversation that they seemed to forget the world around them.

Jeremy’s fingers curled into his palms as unease settled in. Why was Eric even here? Carter had promised to speak with his aunt, to make it clear that he didn’t want to go through with any arranged marriage. Yet here Eric was, and Carter looked thrilled to see him. His chest tightened. He knew he had to do something, anything… to pull Carter away.

From across the room, Dexter watched everything unfold with sharp, calculating eyes. His gaze darted between Jeremy, now visibly tense, and Carter, still smiling at Eric. An evil grin tugged at the corners of Dexter’s mouth. Jeremy’s restlessness, his jealousy was clear as day, and Dexter saw an opportunity. This was something he could use to his advantage. If Jeremy’s emotions were already this fragile, a well-placed seed of doubt could drive a wedge between him and Carter. Yes, it was perfect.

Dexter cleared his throat and started moving toward Jeremy, ready to stir the pot. But before he could take more than a few steps, he felt his phone buzz in his pocket. Stopping abruptly, he raised the device to check the message—and froze.

His eyes widened in shock, his face draining of all color. His grip on the phone tightened as his pulse quickened, a wave of cold fear crashing over him. His body trembled, his mind racing as he reread the words that had just appeared on the screen.

Elena escaped.

Dexter’s heart pounded in his chest, the room around him seeming to blur for a moment. The ground beneath his feet felt unsteady as the reality of the situation sank in. She had escaped. A rush of panic seized him, and he rubbed an invisible sweat off his brow, trying to calm himself. But he knew—he knew that if Elena had managed to get away, everything could come crashing down. He couldn’t afford that.

With a deep breath and renewed determination, Dexter took a turn and hurried out of the room, his earlier plans forgotten. He had to fix this… now.

Meanwhile, Jeremy couldn’t take it anymore. His restlessness had grown into a full-blown need to act. He took a deep breath, steeling himself as he made his way toward Carter and Eric. Approaching them, he smiled stiffly at Eric before turning his gaze to Carter.

“Hey,” Jeremy said, trying to keep his voice calm, though his insides were in turmoil. “The event organizer needs to talk to you outside. Urgently.”

Carter frowned, glancing down at his watch.

“Can’t it wait?” he asked, his tone gentle but curious.

“No,” Jeremy replied quickly, the edge of desperation creeping into his voice. He moved closer, grabbing Carter’s hand in his own. “It can’t. We need to go now.”

Carter blinked in surprise at the urgency in Jeremy’s tone but nodded, trusting him.

“Alright,” he said, turning to Eric with an apologetic smile. “Grab some food while I’m gone, okay? I’ll be back in a bit.”

Eric waved him off with a grin.

“Take your time. I’ll be here.”

But as Carter allowed Jeremy to lead him away, Jeremy’s mind was spinning. He couldn’t shake the feeling that Eric’s presence meant something more, and that if he didn’t act quickly, he could lose Carter forever.


Dexter slipped away from the crowd, his breath ragged as his phone pressed tightly against his ear. His eyes darted around the room to ensure he was far enough from everyone. Once he was sure no one could hear him, he let loose, his voice shaking with fury.

“What do you mean, she escaped?” he hissed into the phone, barely keeping his voice below a scream. “That’s what I’m paying you for! You had one simple job—get rid of the woman once and for all—and now you’ve gone and messed everything up!”

His face twisted into a snarl, his eyes blazing with rage as he paced in quick, agitated steps.

“Do you even know what you’ve interrupted? Do you realize how critical tonight was?”

On the other end of the line, the thug fumbled for words.

‘I’m sorry, boss. I—I stopped for just a second, you know, to take a piss, but when I got back, she was gone. I swear, I didn’t see her go anywhere—'

Dexter’s voice erupted with mocking anger.

“How? How does someone who was unconscious and bleeding manage to escape from a so-called ‘professional’ like you? You call yourself the best?” His lips curled into a sneer, and his knuckles whitened as he gripped the phone harder. “I don’t care how it happened, just fix it! Do you have any idea what’ll happen if Elena reaches Jeremy? It’ll ruin everything!”

The thug stammered through his response. ‘I’ve got my men on it, boss. We’re combing the area, and I swear we won’t let her get close to Jeremy. We’ll make sure things don’t escalate that far.’

“They’d better not,” Dexter snapped, his voice low and dangerous. His patience had worn thin, and he could feel the evening slipping out of his control. “You make sure Elena doesn’t show her face anywhere near Jeremy, or you’ll wish you were the one bleeding out instead of her.”

Without waiting for a reply, Dexter angrily ended the call, his finger jabbing at the screen with force. He stomped his foot on the ground in frustration, the pressure of the situation threatening to crack his composed exterior. For a moment, he stood there, seething, his chest heaving as he tried to calm himself.

Taking a deep breath, he clenched his fists and muttered under his breath, “I have to make sure Elena doesn’t reach Jeremy. This ends tonight, no matter what it takes.”

With renewed determination, Dexter strode off, his mind racing with schemes to ensure Elena would never make it to Jeremy—no matter the cost.


Jeremy led Carter outside, his hand still wrapped around his as they stepped into the cool night air. Once they were alone, Jeremy let go of Carter’s hand. Carter glanced around, frowning when he saw no one.

“She’s not here...” Carter began, confusion etching into his features. "Where is she?" But before he could finish his thought, Jeremy’s voice cut through.

“She’s not coming,” Jeremy admitted quietly. “She wasn’t even looking for you, Carter. I brought you here because I need to talk to you.”

Carter frowned deeper, letting out a soft sigh.

“Jeremy, what are you doing?” His voice held a note of frustration as he glanced at his watch. “I have so much work pending—clients to talk to. I don’t have time to waste like this. We can talk after everything is done.”

He turned to head back toward the event, but before he could take another step, Jeremy’s hand shot out, grabbing his arm and pulling him back. Jeremy’s face was stern, though beneath that tough exterior, nerves surged through him.

“You had time to talk to Eric,” Jeremy muttered, his tone sharper than intended. “Weren’t you wasting time back then?”

Carter blinked, frowning as he looked at Jeremy. His confusion deepened, unsure of where this sudden jealousy was coming from.

“What are you talking about?” he asked, his voice calm but questioning.

Jeremy inhaled deeply, his heart pounding in his chest. He had to do this, and he had to do it now. He couldn’t let this drag out any longer.

“You spoke to your aunt about Eric, right?” Jeremy asked, his voice a bit quieter now, almost hesitant. “What did she say? And... what is Eric doing here?”

Carter sighed heavily, bringing a hand to his forehead in slight frustration, rubbing his temple.

“Is that why you brought me out here? To ask about Eric?” He paused, his voice turning sharper as he added, “Can’t it wait?”

Jeremy shook his head, his face serious. “No, Carter, it can’t wait.”

Carter took another deep breath, letting it out slowly as if trying to keep his cool.

“Yes, I talked to my aunt,” he explained, crossing his arms over his chest. “I told her about Eric—that I didn’t want to marry him, but she still doesn’t understand me. I already gave her my word, Jeremy, and I’m not backing down. I’m not going to marry him.”

Relief washed over Jeremy’s face like a wave, a small smile flickering at the corners of his lips. He looked away for a moment, letting the tension slip from his shoulders.

“That’s... okay,” Jeremy said, nodding as if reassuring himself. “Eventually, she’ll understand.”

When Jeremy turned his gaze back to Carter, he found the boy staring at him with a confused expression. Jeremy swallowed hard, feeling his nerves return in full force. His heart raced again, and he struggled to gather the courage to say what had been buried inside him for so long.

“You’re probably wondering why I keep asking you about this... why I keep bringing it up,” Jeremy started, his voice shaky but determined. “I’m going to tell you the reason…”

Before he could finish, Carter interrupted, a small smirk playing on his lips. “I know the reason, Jeremy.”

Jeremy’s heart slammed against his chest, his body tensing as a shiver ran down his spine. Fear gripped him, freezing him in place. He stared at Carter, wide-eyed, wondering what he was about to say.

“You... you know?” he stammered, his voice weak.

Carter nodded, his expression calm as he spoke.

“Of course, I do.” He gave Jeremy a knowing look. “The way you’ve been acting, the constant questioning... the way you reacted when Eric brought up the marriage... how could I not know?”

Jeremy felt his body tremble as he looked into Carter’s eyes, waiting for the bomb to drop. But then, Carter’s face lit up with a warm smile, and he chuckled softly.

“You’re worried about me,” Carter said with certainty. “It’s because you care so much. You’re afraid that any decision I make will hurt me, and you don’t want to see that. My happiness, my sadness... it affects you because we’re close. It’s only natural.”

Jeremy blinked, feeling the weight lift from his chest. A slow smile crept onto his face as he listened to Carter. His heart, which had been thundering in fear moments ago, now beat steadily.

“You're always there for me,” Carter continued, his voice soft and filled with gratitude. “You’ve saved me so many times. You know about my past, and I get it—you’re afraid history might repeat itself. But I’m not going to make a hasty decision, Jeremy.”

Carter reached out and took Jeremy’s hand, rubbing it gently.

“We’re standing here together because destiny brought us here. We’re friends, Jeremy—more than friends. I’m so thankful for what we have.”

Jeremy felt a wave of emotion swell in his chest. He looked at Carter, his voice low with affection.

“I couldn’t have said it better myself,” he murmured. “I didn’t realize you knew all of this.”

Carter chuckled, raising an eyebrow.

“How could I not? You’re my best friend. We may not have started that way, but... I’ve never felt so much peace with anyone else.”

Jeremy smiled, nodding in agreement, feeling overwhelmed by Carter’s words. But then, Carter’s expression changed, becoming slightly sheepish.

“I even talked to my aunt about it the other day, you know. I told her how important you are to me. She knows I’m not making any rash decisions.”

Jeremy’s smile faltered, fading as the topic shifted. His brow furrowed as Carter continued.

“The only reason Eric is here,” Carter explained, “is because he asked for two weeks. Two weeks to convince me that he’s the right man for me. If he manages to convince me... well, then we’ll take things forward.”

Jeremy’s face went blank, shock washing over him like a cold wave. He stared at Carter, barely able to process what he was hearing. Two weeks?

Carter, oblivious to Jeremy’s distress, chuckled awkwardly.

“I only agreed to it so my aunt would stop pressuring me. I thought it would be best for everyone involved.”

Jeremy's heart raced again, this time with fear and desperation. His thoughts swirled, wondering why Carter would agree to such a thing. His chest tightened as he struggled to comprehend it.

“We’ve spent a lot of time out here,” Carter said with a sheepish grin. “I need to get back and finish up. I’ll see inside soon.”

Jeremy nodded slowly, unable to speak as Carter smiled and turned to leave. He watched the boy walk away, his mind racing with one thought—he had to beat Eric. He had two weeks to tell Carter the truth, or it might be too late.


Elena crouched behind a row of trash cans, her head covered by a scarf as she tried to blend into the dark alleyway. Her body trembled uncontrollably, every muscle tense with fear. Her breath was shallow, her eyes wide as they darted back and forth, scanning the street in front of her. The dim lighting provided some cover, but she knew it wasn’t enough. Not with Dexter’s men searching for her.

She slowly raised her head just enough to peer over the edge of the trash cans, the faint glow of streetlights casting shadows across her pale, weak face. Her heart pounded in her chest, and she instinctively pulled the scarf tighter around her head, shielding herself from view. But even as she hid, she couldn’t stop the thoughts racing through her mind.

“Do anything, Elena... anything. But find Carter. He has to know the truth.” Her hands trembled as she gripped her scarf, her lips moving silently as she whispered to herself. “I have to tell my son what really happened. Only Carter can make Jeremy understand. And Jeremy... he’s the only one who can punish Dexter for what he did.”

Elena leaned back against the wall, trying to steady her breathing as her head spun with dizziness. The weight of exhaustion was pressing down on her, but she knew she couldn’t give up—not now. She had to make it to Carter’s apartment.

“I have to tell him.”

Her heart skipped a beat as she lifted her head again, squinting into the street. That’s when she saw it—a familiar car pulling up to the curb across from where she hid. Her breath caught in her throat as she watched a man step out of the driver’s side. He was dressed smartly, a wide smile on his face as he walked to the passenger side and opened the door with a gentle flourish.

Elena’s eyes filled with tears as she saw another man step out, sharing a soft smile with the driver. The two men exchanged sweet words, their voices faint but warm in the night air.

“Carter... Jeremy,” she whispered under her breath, her voice barely audible as the tears slipped down her cheeks. She looked up to the heavens, whispering a quiet thank you, her heart swelling with relief. “I found them.”

Even with her body weak and trembling, Elena knew she couldn’t stay hidden any longer. She had to reach them. Now or never. Taking a deep breath, she scanned the street, her eyes darting left and right. The coast was clear for the moment, and with shaky resolve, she pushed herself to her feet. She stepped out from behind the trash cans, moving quickly but cautiously toward them.

Meanwhile, across the street, Carter stood by the car, holding a small bouquet of flowers Jeremy had given him. He glanced at the delicate blossoms, then back at Jeremy with a soft smile.

“Thanks for bringing me home,” Carter said, his voice light as he admired the flowers. “And for these. You really didn’t have to.”

Jeremy shrugged, a playful grin tugging at his lips.

“Of course, I did. It’s your day.” He gave a mock bow, one arm sweeping out theatrically. “Had to treat you like a prince.”

Carter laughed, the sound bright and unrestrained as it echoed down the street. He clutched the flowers to his chest, still chuckling.

“You’re ridiculous, Jeremy.” He glanced at his watch, his laughter dying down. “But seriously, it’s really late. I’ve got to go inside. The twins are probably waiting for you, too."

Jeremy raised an eyebrow, crossing his arms.

“Are you trying to keep me from coming inside? You know I’m always welcome, right?”

Carter smiled softly, shaking his head.

“You are, always. But right now... you’re needed elsewhere. The twins must be wondering where their dad is.”

Jeremy sighed dramatically, throwing his hands up.

“Fine, fine, I’ll leave.” He stepped forward, pulling Carter into a quick but warm hug before stepping back. “But don’t think you’re getting rid of me that easily.”

Carter grinned, watching as Jeremy climbed back into his car, waving as he started the engine. Jeremy returned the wave with a wink before driving off into the night.

As the car disappeared around the corner, Carter stood on the sidewalk, smiling softly as he watched Jeremy leave, leaving behind only the faint sound of the engine fading into the distance. He stared down at the flowers in his hands, a small smile tugging at his lips.

The scent of the blooms filled the air as he turned, beginning to walk back toward the entrance of his apartment, his eyes briefly lifting to the moon hanging low in the sky. It was peaceful, the quiet of the night soothing him after such an eventful evening.

Suddenly, a voice broke the silence behind him. His name. Faint at first, but unmistakable.

Carter frowned, stopping in his tracks. He turned around slowly, his brow furrowed in confusion.

“Who’s there?” he called out, scanning the darkness.

The voice came again, this time louder, more desperate.


His heart skipped a beat as he squinted into the shadows, trying to make out the figure moving toward him. The silhouette of a woman, her movements unsteady, came into focus. She seemed to be struggling, her steps slow and shaky. As she got closer, Carter’s eyes widened, his breath catching in his throat.

“Elena?” he gasped, the name slipping from his lips in disbelief.

Her eyes met his, and despite her obvious weakness, a soft smile appeared on her face. She called out his name again, this time with warmth, almost relief. Without thinking, Carter started rushing toward her, his heart pounding with a mixture of confusion and fear. What’s happening? he wondered, his mind racing.

They were only a few feet apart when it happened.

A loud, crackling sound echoed through the night, piercing the calm with violent force. Bang! And then another. Bang! And another. Bang!

Carter’s feet stopped moving. His entire body froze in place as he stared at Elena, who had also come to a sudden halt. She stood there, her eyes locked on his, wide with shock and pain. Her smile faded, replaced by a pained expression as she took a shaky breath. Blood began trickling from her mouth, and she coughed, the crimson droplets staining her lips.

Carter’s world slowed. He felt numb, his mind struggling to process what was happening. No... no, this can’t be real. He wanted to move, to run to her, but his body refused to respond. All he could do was stare in horror as Elena stood there, swaying on her feet.

Then came the screech of tires, and Carter’s head snapped to the side. His eyes locked onto a car speeding away, smoke trailing from its exhaust. In the passenger seat, he saw the shadow of a man, a thug’s mask covering his face. The man’s hand was still out the window, clutching a gun before he pulled it inside and the car disappeared down the street, leaving nothing but smoke and fear in its wake.

Carter’s gaze snapped back to Elena. She swayed on her feet, struggling for breath, her chest heaving as her hands pressed weakly against her wounds. Blood was spreading across her clothing. And then, in one agonizing motion, her body collapsed.

“Elena!” Carter screamed, his voice breaking as he rushed to her.

The flowers slipped from his hands, falling to the ground in a scattered heap as he dropped to his knees beside her. His heart pounded in his chest, the blood draining from his face as fear gripped him like never before.

Tears blurred his vision as he cradled her in his arms, his hands trembling.

“Elena, please... please hold on!” he cried, his voice trembling with panic.

He could feel her body growing cold, her breaths shallow and ragged.

“I’m gonna get help. I promise, just—just stay with me!” His tears fell onto her face, his heart breaking as he held her closer, desperate to keep her alive.

But Elena, with what little strength she had left, weakly pulled on Carter’s sleeve. Her chest rose and fell rapidly, each breath a struggle. Her lips moved, but the words were barely audible.

“I... I’m so sorry, forgive me,” she whispered, her voice so faint it was almost lost in the night air. “I love you...”

And then, with one final, shaky breath, her body went limp in Carter’s arms.

“No!” Carter’s voice shattered the night as he screamed her name, shaking her gently, as if trying to wake her from a terrible dream. “Elena!”

His tears flowed freely now, his hands trembling as he clutched her lifeless body to his chest.

“Elena, please! Don’t die!”

His cries echoed down the empty street, mingling with the smoke and fading into the night. All around him, the world remained still, but inside Carter’s heart, a storm raged. Grief, shock, and fear collided, threatening to tear him apart as he held her close, his sobs tearing through him, unable to comprehend the horror of what had just happened.

She was gone.

To be continued…

Copyright © 2024 vanalas; All Rights Reserved.
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OMG, these two are clueless. The words from Carter about Jeremy’s concern for him actual sound as if it’s two fold; his concern for Carter making a rash and wrong decision indeed, but concern for himself too, as his fear of losing someone precious to him yet again. Dang Jeremy, get yourself together and speak the truth of your feelings. Umm 🤔, well umm 🧐, yes Carter we’re more than just best friends and I’m thinking we should see where this takes us…together; you frustrating idiot. 

Argh, poor Elena trying desperately to get to Carter, to tell him her most important message, for his safety and for her love,…my son, Ethan your twin murdered….instead we have …I love you, then lifeless limp;  Pray that once again she is as tough as she has proven thus far and Carter is able to get her her rather quickly.

😤 😡 🤢 #%&@ that dirty thug needs to be pursued right back to Dexter while detective Cliff Hanger figures this crime out; obviously the gun shots didn’t leave the tape marks, bruises, and bloody concussion evidence that Elena is sure to have. Maybe the thug shot both her kidneys and she’ll need a donor, that prompts testing… Maybe Aunt Sheila will can and recognize Elena as Carter’s mother Grace, at the hospital in recovery I mean 😪. 🙏 

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