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Stories posted in this category are works of fiction that combine worlds created by the original content owner with names, places, characters, events, and incidents that are created by the authors' imaginations or are used fictitiously, and any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, organizations, companies, events or locales are entirely coincidental.
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Gone From Daylight was created by Comicality <br>
Desclaimer: this is my fanfic for the Gone From Daylight series by Comicality (Rest in Peace good sir), Im using it now as way to thank him for the wonderful stories that he has made over the years. Note none of my characters are real they are all fictional ! Now back to the story XD

Eternal Echoes: The Story of Aelios and Adrian - 1. Chapter 1: A Chance Encounter

Oakridge, California, 1992

After moving here, my life seemed to spiral from bad to worse. My neglectful parents thought a change of scenery might lift my spirits, but they couldn’t have been more wrong. At my new school, I found only a few close friends to keep me company and a few bullies to torment my 13-year-old self. All I wanted was a moment of peace, a brief escape from my troubled existence. That’s when I stumbled upon a secluded clearing hidden away by the overgrown trees behind my house.

One afternoon, after exploring the clearing, I decided to claim it as my own artistic getaway. It had a serene aesthetic: a small open area surrounded by trees, a large rock in the middle, and a small pond. The colors of the clearing were a mix of golden and brown hues, thanks to the sunlight filtering through the trees. I sighed contentedly, listening to the birds chirping and the gentle rustling of the forest. A smile spread across my face as I took in the beauty of nature. The scent of fresh grass and earth created an atmosphere of pure calm. The cool air rejuvenated me. Laughing and giggling, I hopped on the rocks and rolled on the grass. The feeling of happiness and freedom was intoxicating. An idea popped into my head: what if I drew here tonight? Nighttime brought a special kind of peace, and I wanted to capture it.

Just like that, my spot was born. If life handed me lemons and misery, I’d stay here in my little sanctuary. Being so close to my house, I could stay as long as I wanted. Each time, I sketched my worries away. However, some nights, I felt an odd sense of being watched from afar. It was nothing overtly threatening, but it was unsettling.

Then one night changed everything. It was a normal evening until I realized the sounds of the entire area had vanished. It was as if all life in the woods had disappeared. Honestly, it was creepy. A rustling caught my attention. A shadowy figure seemed to be watching me, judging by the slight tilt of his head. It was hard to see clearly, as the trees concealed parts of his body.

Judging from his height, he appeared to be my age, though slightly shorter. Summoning my courage, I called out, “Hey… who are you? Are you lost? Do you need some help?”

The figure hesitated before stepping out of the shadows, and that’s when he took my breath away. Emerging into the clearing, the boy looked almost unreal. His features were so flawless and beautiful that he seemed to embody the night itself. It was as if he was the night incarnate. His solemn, melancholic eyes, a deep purple, seemed to look straight into my soul. He was pale, with long black hair flowing freely to his shoulders. He was dressed in a dark, flowing tunic with intricate silver embroidery at the collar, and black trousers that complemented his ethereal appearance. He looked delicate yet strong, youthful yet more than he appeared. Then my ears caught something unforgettable—his voice. It was like a sweet melody, smooth and hypnotic, with a soft, almost musical cadence.

“My name is Aelios, and thank you for your concern… but I’m fine,” he said, his unique accent and gentle smile making my face flush.

“Uh, my name is Adrian…” I stuttered, trying to regain my composure. Damn, he was too good-looking.

He giggled at my attempt at introducing myself. “Maybe I should ask you if you’re alright?” he laughed gently, making my cheeks burn with embarrassment.

“It’s Adrian… my name is Adrian,” I said more firmly this time, which made Aelios smile and laugh even more. “Adrian… Adrian… it’s such a beautiful name,” Aelios said between laughs, his pleasure evident in his expression. My stomach did backflips at his compliments.

“Now Adrian, why are you wandering these parts of the woods all alone?” he asked curiously.

“I should ask the same of you,” I replied with a smirk. Aelios looked at me, amused, and laughed.

“Point taken… for me, it’s the quiet solace this place offers, especially when the weight of the world feels heavy,” Aelios said, glancing around the surroundings. “The night brings a serenity everyone needs, don’t you agree, Adrian?” He looked at me with those mesmerizing eyes. My heart melted from his voice alone.

“Yeah… sometimes people just need a place to unwind and release all that pent-up stress,” I replied, making him smile even more. He then walked toward me slowly, his movement graceful like a cat.

“You’re an artist, I see…” he noted, looking at the sketchpad in my hand.

I suddenly felt self-conscious at the thought that Aelios, this boy with such perfection, wanted to see my work.

“Yeah… you could say that… but I’m just a beginner and…” Before I could finish my nervous rant, Aelios, moving with speeds too quick to see, snatched the sketchbook and began browsing curiously. My mind raced with panic. What if he didn’t like my drawings? I tried to get the sketchbook back, but Aelios easily dodged my attempts.

“Some of them aren’t good!” I blurted out, but Aelios’s eyes widened with surprise and intrigue as he admired my work. A smile spread across his lips, and he looked at me with excitement.

“Not good… Adrian, they are the best I’ve seen in a long time… the lines, the colors, and the way your sketches come to life… simply amazing,” Aelios said, his admiration evident.

“Oh… well, you know, practice and all…” I blushed and laughed, embarrassed but happy at the praise.

“I love it… can I… can I keep one of the drawings at least?” Aelios asked nervously, handing my sketchbook back to me. My heart raced as he looked at me, this perfect being, almost begging for one of the pictures. I found this side of Aelios both cute and endearing.

“Sure… which one do you like?” I asked as I rummaged through the sketchbook.

“The one with the woods and, well… where we are standing… it will remind me of… a special someone I met tonight…” he said gently, his voice carrying a sweet undertone. I could have sworn I saw a blush on his pale cheeks. He looked at me so lovingly that I wished it wasn’t so late at night. I wanted to stay with Aelios all night if possible.

I felt my cheeks heat up at the compliment and fumbled to find the page. After a few moments, I found it and carefully tore it out. I handed him the page, and I saw him blush again. “Thank you, Adrian…” he said warmly.

We sat and chatted some more before I left. He mentioned he lived nearby and hoped we might meet again. I was excited at the prospect of seeing him again. Our conversation had covered nature and my art. It seemed Aelios was a big fan of art and was willing to help me with my projects. When I asked him about his parents and if he had siblings, the question seemed to pause him. He looked away for a moment, and the atmosphere shifted. I worried I’d ruined the conversation, but he assured me it was fine. He turned to me, his eyes reflecting a solemn and melancholic look.

“I… I don’t remember them… it’s been a long time…” he said quietly, struggling to recall. His gaze was sad as he spoke of his foggy memories of his parents. Without thinking, I moved closer and put my arm around his shoulder. Aelios flinched slightly at the contact, and I was surprised by how cold he was—probably the night air. We sat in silence, just appreciating each other’s company.

“Adrian… thank you again… your kindness is a gift in this cruel world…” Aelios said softly, as we stared up at the stars. My heart raced at his words.

“You’re welcome… Aelios,” I replied, equally soft.

We sat in silence for a while, the sound of crickets and the night breeze our only companions. Aelios eventually stood up and brushed off some dirt, then helped me to my feet.

“Well… it’s getting late… maybe tomorrow night… same place,” I said nervously.

He smiled at my suggestion and reassured me we would meet again soon.


Thank you to all please email me if you have suggestions and somments. Email me at sagechiu2@gmail.com. Note I am new to this XD

Thank you to all please email me if you have suggestions and somments. Email me at sagechiu2@gmail.com. Note I am new to this XD
© 1998-2022 Comicality; All Rights Reserved; ©Copyright (2024) Hikaru29; All Rights Reserved.
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Thank you for all who have read my fanfic, please help me improve my story so if you have suggestions or comments pls email me. Dont be shy I want to learn and improve thank so much. Right my email is sagechiu2@gmail.com
Stories posted in this category are works of fiction that combine worlds created by the original content owner with names, places, characters, events, and incidents that are created by the authors' imaginations or are used fictitiously, and any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, organizations, companies, events or locales are entirely coincidental.
Authors are responsible for properly crediting Original Content creator for their creative works.
Note: While authors are asked to place warnings on their stories for some moderated content, everyone has different thresholds, and it is your responsibility as a reader to avoid stories or stop reading if something bothers you. 

Gone From Daylight was created by Comicality <br>
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Chapter Comments

This is an encouraging introduction. You have introduce two interesting young male characters who seem to share things in common and may grow well together.

I am glad to see you honoring Comicality and can assume some common themes. I also loved to find special spots in the woods when I was a teenager.

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Thank you so much :), comsie’s stories warmed my heart and i enjoyed reading them when I was a teenager. I did promise him that I will make a story from his world and well it’s time to cash in. I miss ya Comsie I loved chatting with ya I got star struck to be honest 

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A very interesting beginning to your story, looking forward to seeing where this goes!

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6 minutes ago, Hikaru29 said:

Thanks Chris, hope Comsie will be happy I will try my best at least 

Anything in memory of Comsie, is great to read.

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