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Stories posted in this category are works of fiction. Names, places, characters, events, and incidents are created by the authors' imaginations or are used fictitiously. Any resemblances to actual persons (living or dead), organizations, companies, events, or locales are entirely coincidental.
Note: While authors are asked to place warnings on their stories for some moderated content, everyone has different thresholds, and it is your responsibility as a reader to avoid stories or stop reading if something bothers you. 

Fairy Dust - 9. Adventures in the Dark

Adventures in the Dark

They got into Tom's car and were soon navigating the muddy partially washed out streets. He lived no more than two miles away but they had to go so slowly that it seemed like they were traveling to another world. As they made their slow journey lightning struck something in the distance and the streetlights went dark. Tom sighed, "I bet it got the house lines too."

He was right. At the end of a long driveway Tom's house stood in darkness and the garage door refused to open. They had to run around to the front door. Tom had them wait inside by the door while he found some candles and a flashlight. He had wisely left his shoes by the door and asked his guests to do likewise. The front yard was turning into a muddy pond. Tom thought for a moment.

"Ok, why don't we do this? I'll lend you some cloths and we can let your wet ones dry. You can shower if you like. The water heater runs on gas. I can start a fire in the meantime."

Handing them a pair of candles he showed them to the bathroom and found some sweats for them to change into. Fred went to shower first. Sam waited his turn in the rustic living room. Tom had found a camping lantern and was busy with the fireplace. Fred watched him bend and reach as he opened the flue and started arranging the logs. The short run to the door had gotten him quite wet. His shirt clung to his back. As the wood started to burn Tom stood back and watched making sure it did not go out. Sam leaned on the back of a wingback chair watching the backlit silhouette move. He commented on the size of the stone fireplace. It was huge in proportion to the room it occupied but Sam was more focused on Tom's proportions.

"Yeah, its big," commented Tom as he turned around, "I love the way it has a big opening. You can get a lot of heat out of it."

Sam smiled glad for the dim lighting. He was starting to feel guilty for staring at Tom and simultaneously sure that his feelings were completely obvious. He casually took a step behind the chair just as Fred walked in. Sam excused himself to take a shower not sure if he should make it hot or cold.

He decided he wanted to thaw out. The hot water felt good on his ice-cold skin. As he warmed up he realized just how cold he had been. Letting the water run over his face he started thinking about Tom again. Against the fire he looked like a perfect stencil of a man. He was fit but not overly muscular nor was he a mannequin-like airbrushed magazine model. As the water ran down his body Sam imagined himself with Tom in the steamy candlelit shower. Then he realized that if he did not hurry up the men in the living room might start to wonder what he was doing.

A few minutes later he was wearing a borrowed sweat suit very much aware that he had no underwear on. He joined his companions on the couch. The fire was now filling most of the fireplace and the room was getting warm. The lantern was on the coffee table with a few candles. Sam added his to the collection. Tom had also changed into dry cloths. He was now busy stacking magazines and papers that had been scattered over the small table. He moved the candles closer to the center and Fred helped him pick up the rest of the magazines.

Noticing a photograph among the papers Fred asked, "Who is that? Is she your girl?"

"Used to be," answered Tom.

Sam's heart sank. He had never considered the possibility that Tom might be straight. He felt stupid for even imagining that Tom could be interested in him. His heartbreak was punctuated by another flash of lightning. The storm was getting closer. The strikes were more frequent and the wind blew with enough force to rattle the windows. They sat talking for another hour hoping that by some miracle the phone lines would get fixed. Finally Tom stated the obvious, "Well guys, looks like the storm won't pass anytime soon. I think we should try to get some rest."

His guests agreed.

"Ok there's a bed in the guest bedroom. There's a bigger one in my room so maybe you two could double up and I can move to the guest room," suggested Tom.

"I don't think that's gonna work," said Fred looking self conscious, "I snore like a freight train. Even my ex wouldn't sleep in the same room with me."

Sam wanted to make an excuse of his own but could not think of one. He agreed to bunk with Tom against his better judgment. As they went to the bedroom Fred smiled at them and said, "Have fun seeping together."

Before Sam could tell off Fred, Tom started laughing. "We will. You should join us," he said in a sexy voice.

Sam tried to laugh along but with the effect Tom was having on him it was not easy. When they finally went to bed Sam could not sleep. He was only separated from Tom by a foot of space. Sam could hear Tom breathing. He could smell him. Just as he got comfortable on his back lightning illuminated the room. Sam rolled over on his side hopping Tom had not noticed how excited he was. Thunder shook the house. Sam could hear Tom shift his weight. He tried to ignore the sounds the matters spring made but with every flash of lightning he looked over at Tom. He loved the way Tom looked so peaceful and innocent as he slipped into a deep sleep.

After a while a new sound joined the intermittent thunder. Fred was snoring next door. It sounded loud enough to wake the whole town but Tom slept through it with no problem. Sam wanted to sleep but could not. He tried laying with his back to Tom so he would not look at him. This sent his imagination into overdrive. Annoyed with himself he rolled over on his stomach. The pressure of his body against the bed only made him wish he could press his body against Tom. After what felt like hours, he gave up on sleeping. He got out of bed keenly aware of the soft texture of the sweat suit against his bare skin. He picked up the flashlight that Tom had left for him on the nightstand in case he needed to use the bathroom. The batteries were old and barely gave enough light to find the bathroom. That was all right with Sam. He would not need much light for what he wanted to do.

Feeling slightly relieved he returned to the bed. Tom had now rolled over to the middle of the bed giving them only a few inches of separation. Sam lay down facing him. They were so close that he could feel Tom's breath on his face. Sam had to constantly remind himself that Tom was straight. He continued telling himself that if he kissed Tom he would soon find himself out in the rain until exhaustion took over and he fell asleep.

Copyright © 2011 jfalkon; All Rights Reserved.
Stories posted in this category are works of fiction. Names, places, characters, events, and incidents are created by the authors' imaginations or are used fictitiously. Any resemblances to actual persons (living or dead), organizations, companies, events, or locales are entirely coincidental.
Note: While authors are asked to place warnings on their stories for some moderated content, everyone has different thresholds, and it is your responsibility as a reader to avoid stories or stop reading if something bothers you. 
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