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The Academy - 4. Part 4



Chapter Eight:

Of Past Regret and Unspoken Apologies




Standing at the head of the Imperial Senate, Legatio Speaker Lucius Valerius stood up from his white marble throne, tossing his gold fringed red toga over his shoulders before speaks. “Fellow Senators, news from the front. Our great Field Marshal Lukas Fowler has once again achieved victory on the field of battle, his legions surging from The Gate into the hills of Freen to capture the king Rygar’s palace after only a fortnight of besieging the city of Jorlan.”

To this news the rest of the Senators let out a loud cheer clapping their hands as they imagined the new treasures and slaves that would soon be streaming into the empire, increasing its already incredible wealth.

During the applause a black robed Famulus approached the dais Lucius was standing on, holding a gold tray in his hands. Bowing in front of the Speaker, he offered the scroll resting on the tray.

Raising his hand, Lucius brought his fellow Senators to silence.

“More news,” he chuckled in a jovial tone before opening the scroll,

his face quickly turning pale. “Oh dear... fellow Senators listen to me. The Imperial Fleet, under the command of Admiral Urrak and by the

orders of Field Marshal Darius attacked and defeated a fleet of over two hundred Jadoorian warship near the harbor on the Island of Eb.”

To this news the Senators cheered again only to be silenced once again by their Speaker, Senator Perils leaving his spot in the front row of the tiered marble benches to approach the speaker and take the scroll from him. “Senators it appears a disaster has befallen our fleet. The day after the Island of Eb fell to our Centurions over a thousand Jadoorian ships gathered at the mouth of the harbor, cutting off any possible escape for our fleet of six hundred ships. Since the mouth of the harbor is narrow Admiral Urrak has no hope of breaking through such a blockade and is therefore trapped with six legions... almost a third of the Western Centurion Army at Eb. He asks that Field Marshal Lukas send aid at once or he will be forced to kill his Famulus rowers in order to preserve his already meager supplies. My fellow Senators... this is indeed a disaster, unlike any we have faced since the Empire’s founding. I vote we immediately consult with Field Marshal Xavier and begin opening an investigation into the leadership of Field Marshal Lukas... for possible impeachment,” Perils said, his own face going pale. Never in his life did he think Lukas would be such a fool as to risk a third of his forces to capture such an insignificant rock as the Island of Eb. It seemed that is exactly what the Field Marshal had done, falling into the Federation’s trap.

As he slowly returned to his bench, letting the scroll fall from his hands, Perils’ calculating mind was already busy working out his next move. He couldn’t send the message to have Jason killed, not now at least. With the Western Army crippled, it would be a grave mistake to begin a new war with the Confederacy. No, he would have to wait and push for Field Marshal’s Lukas’ removal. With a new Field Marshal, one he would handpick, Perils could have the advancing legions of the Western Army pull back and fortify. It would mean losing territory but at least the Centurions would be in better position to defend against Jadoor’s next move. Summoning a Famulus messenger to his side, Perils scribbled a note to be sent to Xavier. He would need Xavier’s help removing Lukas. If both Xavier and the Senate demanded Lukas’ impeachment, Perils prayed that Field Marshal Darius would have enough sense to play along. How could he not after Lukas’ blunder?

As soon as Jason entered his literature class, Academic Horst’s face soured. He looked tired, and his clothes were a little ruffled, but

when he stood up to address the class he had a smile on his face. “Due to the change in Academy curriculum I have decided to

assign a project to each of you. In keeping with the theme of the war, all of you will read one of the Great War epics. You will have a week to read them and I expect a full analysis from all of you. Felix... you will research the War of Mathannon Succession. Justin... the Second Qopo Campaign, Jason... I have something special for you... I want you to read The War of the Labyrinth Tower. You should be able to write a good paper about that since you were there,” he said with a snickering voice.

“Thank you.” Jason smiled, while in the corner of his eye he saw Kristen go pale. “What’s wrong?”

“Shhh... you will soon find out,” Kristen warned.

Horst continued to give out assignments and then went into a lecture on the Poems of Sarith, who wrote about a Legatio’s abortive love affair with a Centurion. The poems were bitter and filled with feelings of betrayal... Sarith blamed his Centurion lover’s death on the Centurion people, leaving his lover to suffer the long centuries alone.

Jason for his part, did not miss the point of the lesson... a Legatio falling in love with a Centurion would only find tragedy. It was all he could do not to burst into tears on thinking of Philip, Alex, and Gideon.

After the lesson was over and Jason was on his way to his arithmetic lesson, he asked Kristen why he had looked worried about his reading assignment.

“Horst is setting you up to fail.” Kristen started to explain. “The epic of the Labyrinth Tower was just finished a few weeks ago. There is not even a copy in the Academy library. Even if you found one, it is over five thousand pages in length, over a page for each day of the war.”

“And I’m to read it all in a week?” Jason exclaimed. Kristen gave Jason a looked of pity. “You can’t... at least that is what Horst is hoping for.” “So he wants me to fail?”

“Yes, he can’t have the favorite of the Centurion instructors’ Legatio student outshine someone like Felix. You should have guessed by his selection of poetry that he does not care for his Centurion cousins. If you are lucky though Academic Melkior might have a copy... he is considered the most learned historian in all of Domus.” In fact Melkior did have a copy of every volume and let Jason

read some of it in his office, but only from the final volume, from the last few pages, the ones dealing with his rescue. When he saw Jason drop the tome to the stone floor, his eyes dripping with tears, the

Academic knew that an important truth had been hidden from Jason. Out of curiosity he wanted to see what Jason would do next.

Leaning down to recover the book Jason whispered; “This can’t

be true.” “But it is, my student... that chapter is almost an exact copy

of Commander Philip’s report to then General Darius. On his way to

rescue you he came upon and killed the Captain of the Tower, Melissa Arkridge, the woman who protected you for so many years. It was done because it was the only way Philip knew to ensure your rescue, something that Melissa was willing to give her life for. Now tell me, what do you think of our Centurion cousins now?”

“I...” Jason whispered as his face began to turn red. He then

began beating Melkior’s large desk with the book as he yelled; “I hate, I

hate, I hate everything!” He then dropped the book, slowly backing out

of the room before darting out of the Academic’s office, fleeing down

the stairs and out of the Cube.

“I thought you would,” Melkior sighed, resting his forehead in both gnarled hands. He suspected that Jason had been hiding the rage of twenty years of abuse. He never let it show until now. That of course had been Melkior’s intent. Jason had faced love, lust, fear, and doubt and survived. To be a whole man however Jason needed to deal with his rage, something he would never face if not pushed. The Academic’s desire to forge Jason into a great man overrode his strong urge to protect him. He did not fear Jason wouldn’t recover. His main concern was Philip. Would Jason’s moment of anger scare the Centurion off or would Philip stand fast and endure Jason’s wrath knowing his rage would only be temporary, and like a smithy’s flame, temper Jason into a stronger man. This Melkior didn’t know. Centurions could be such cowards when it came to love. Very few took rejection well as the death of Horn showed. Melkior hoped Philip’s qualities would see him through this storm and wait for the prize just beyond the horizon. The old Legatio tried to hope at least. After so many centuries waiting for a man like Jason to rise from his fellow Legatio, Melkior did not believe he had the strength or years in him to wait for another.




It did not take long for word to spread in the Academy of what Jason learned today or the terrible mood the news had put him in. Even Alex and Gideon kept their distance, afraid the Legatio’s rage would turn on them. While Philip cowered in his bedroom, Varrus went searching for Melkior, finding the old man hobbling down the stairs of the Cube, toward his quarters. “So we have you to blame for today’s tension.”

“I know what I am doing. If Philip doesn’t see that he’s more of

a fool than I took him for,” Melkior grumbled. “Right now Jason is in the sparring square turning the dummies

into mangled shreds of cloth. The whole area is littered with straw.”

“Then maybe you should go there and give him someone to really spar with.”

“And let him get mad at me?” Varrus scoffed.

“You Centurions are such cowards when it comes to love. The moment any of you think you’re about to be rejected you either challenge the person to a duel or go off having as much sex as possible with as many men as you can just to prove you’re still desirable.”

“And to make the other man jealous,” Varrus pointed that.

“Of course, that too, but why must it always be that way. Jason is furious right now but what about tomorrow or a week from now when his anger has died down? He will come looking for Phillip, you, and his other friends. Will you still be there for him as a mentor should?”

“What would you have me do?”

“Go to him since Philip won’t. Show him he’s still loved that what happened to Melissa was not his fault.”

“His fault? It was Philip who killed her.”

“But he killed her in order to save Jason.”


“So you thickheaded Centurion, Jason believes the only reason Melissa died was because of him. He might be angry with Philip but the reason he’s out on the sparring square right now is because of the rage he feels toward himself. He can’t forgive himself you see... that is a lesson he’s never learned. You Centurions are trained from birth to feel no regrets.”

“One’s enemies might one day become our friends... carrying a

grudge is therefore pointless.”

“Have you never known a Legatio to hold a grudge?” Melkior chuckled.

“Well Legatio are Legatio. They’re infamous for waiting centuries before getting revenge.”

“Shall we wait that long until Jason strikes, at himself most likely?”

“No, I would not wish that on anyone. Even if I might long be dead I would still not want Jason to do anything to hurt himself let alone others.”

“Then you must go to him, convince him that what happened was not his fault and, if you can make him believe that Melissa’s death was her choice, her last gift to him.”

Scratching his chin Varrus let out a sigh before speaking. “I do not know if I can do that but I will try.”

“Good, but be careful. You might be asked to pay a high price in order to convince Jason of the truth but it must be paid. Do this and you will prove you are a worthy mentor.” Melkior said, patting Varrus’ arm before walking away.

“What price might that be?”

“One that your heart has been desiring to pay but one your honor can not afford.”

Knowing what Melkior was hinting at Varrus let his shoulders slump even as his heartbeat quickened. Making love to Jason had long ago become his obsession. With only three months until his twenty-first birthday when he would be circumcised and recognized as a true man among the Centurions, Varrus had been counting the days pass at a painful pace. He was more than willing to wait however until the day he could claim Jason honorably, though it was becoming increasingly difficult to do so. Now, with the wisest and greatest of all Legatio practically giving him permission to take Jason now, Varrus felt as if his mind and heart were at war with each other.

On reaching the straw covered grounds of the sparring platform Varrus saw the young man’s 6’4” frame striped to his white loincloth, sweat causing his pale skinned body to glisten under the moon’s light. For Varrus, he had never seen a sight like it... not that Jason’s moves were perfect, but that it was a Legatio... a strong Legatio, who was not afraid of physical pain, yet so emotionally fragile. It was as if Varrus were watching liquid porcelain, waiting with dread for it to cool and shatter.

Stripping down until he too was only wearing his loincloth, Varrus picked up one of the staves on the rack and approached Jason. “Shall we spar?”

Jason, his face a mixture of confusion and rage, nodded his head and went to one of the corners and made a short bow. Varrus, more calm than Jason, took a deeper bow only to rise up to block a furious blow from the youth.

“Why did Philip have to kill her?” Jason screamed. He made

blow after blow, all of them out of control and simple for Varrus to

block. “He did it to save your life.”

“But why my life? Why couldn’t he have saved Melissa’s? She was... she was the only person who... who loved me.” Jason wept his eyes becoming blind from the tears.

Seeing he could not even aim his staff, Jason threw it aside

and tackled the blur that was Varrus. This was what Varrus had been

waiting for, for he was a near master of the “fist” having learned over

seven hundred of the thousand exercises.

It did not take the Staff Master long to pin Jason down on the straw mats of the practice floor. It took a long while for Jason to calm down however, allowing Varrus to relax his grip.

“Jason... you said Melissa loved you?”

“Yes.” Jason nodded slowly, his voice very hoarse.

“Well, did you know that she was willing to die so you could live?”

“But Philip murdered her!”

“No... Melissa ordered Philip to take her head. It was the only way he could save you, for your mother would not have sent down the elevator without proof that Melissa was dead.”

“That makes it my fault. I should have been the one who died, not her! She was a good person.”

“And you are not? You must love yourself better than this if

you wish to follow the path of a Centurion. Anyway, that was not your

choice to make... nor was it Philip’s... it was Melissa’s. You say you loved her, then respect her sacrifice and do not blame Philip and certainly not

yourself for what happened.”

After a long silence Jason spoke. “I’m sorry if I am not good enough. I’m sorry I got mad. I’ve never felt this way before.”

“Sure you have been angry before... only your mother never let you express your anger. I might be a Centurion and you a Legatio but we are both still men. You just need to learn how to use your emotions and be able to forgive yourself.”

“Is that why Philip keeps on asking me to stop saying I am sorry?”

“Exactly... especially when it is not your fault. Live without regret... a good Centurion motto, no?”

“I do not know if I can, but I will try.” Jason said, resting his head on Varrus’ chest.

“That’s all you ever need do,” Varrus cooed, kissing the top of the Legatio’s head.

“Please hold me tighter,” Jason pleaded softly.

Tightening his arms around the young man, Varrus rolled on

top of him unprepared for Jason’s desperate kisses. “Be calm Jason, we can stay here as long as you need.”

Looking up into Varrus violet eyes Jason touched the man’s perfect face. “I don’t understand what I am feeling.”

“Yes you do. You know all to well. All young men experience

what you’re feeling.”

“Sometimes I think it will take me over,” Jason said as he

continued to stroke Varrus’ face.

“It has taken you over, my student,” Varrus laughed as he felt the young man’s stirring against his body.

Expecting Varrus to roll off him but not wanting him to Jason wrapped his arms back around the Centurion’s neck. “I’m sorry.”

Laughing Varrus rolled both of them over so Jason ended up on top. “You say no with your mouth while your actions say otherwise. Go or stay, it’s your choice. Just make sure it’s what you need.”

“What do you mean?” Jason asked, raising himself up on his

elbows which were pressed against Varrus’ chest.

“What do you need Jason. What will take away the pain I see in your eyes?”

“It’s forbidden.”

“But it’s what you want?” Varrus offered spreading his arms apart, offering his body to Jason.

“More than anything right now.” “Then I will give it to you.” “But?” Jason protested. “It is what you want Jason, as you said, more than anything right now.”

“But your honor?”

“My honor is in serving you.”

“A Centurion serving a Legatio,” Jason laughed sitting up.

“I am no ordinary Centurion and you, lovely, are like no Legatio I’ve ever known,” Varrus said taking hold of Jason’s pale hips. “Ask me anything and it’s yours, even that which is forbidden.”

“And if the Commandant finds out,” Jason whispered, his heart now racing.

“Let me worry about Oktor but, if this is what you want, we should not stay here. I know a grove in the Jacobite Woods where we will not be seen.”

“It is what I want, more than anything,” Jason replied, lying

back down on top of Varrus, his head on the man’s broad chest.

“So all is forgiven? Varrus said as both of them stood up and started gathering their discarded clothes. “You are no longer angry at Philip?”

“I wish he’d told me the truth,” Jason replied, slipping on his


“You do know why he didn’t, though?”

“Yes, he must have been afraid the truth would hurt me... and it did.”

“But now?” Varrus asked.

“Did Melissa really ask him to take her head?”

“That’s what the book said. In Domus it is a crime to falsely record an event in history, especially one of such importance as the fall of the Labyrinth Tower.”

“Then the fault is mine.” Jason whispered as the two of them starting walking towards the forest.

“It’s not. Melissa made her own choice.”

“Only because she loved me.” “Would you have no one love you? Do you think you can order

Philip, Alex, Gideon or even me to stop loving you? You can’t Jason so don’t even try. There is only one reasonable choice you can make and

that is to forgive yourself.”

“I do not know if I can do that.”

“Not tonight, the wound is still fresh. The most I can ask of you is to forgive for not being able to forgive yourself today.”

“And tomorrow?” Jason asked looking up at Varrus as the Centurion took hold of his hand as they walked together.

Going to the nearest large tree Varrus pinned Jason to it. “Tomorrow has yet to come. As we are taught when we are young it is a waste of time worrying about the future when there is still the present to enjoy,” he said before kissing Jason’s neck several times, moving his lips up until they were against Jason’s mouth.

“The bond Varrus,” Jason whispered, seeing the blue anima as

it dripped down Varrus’ face. Grinning, Varrus placed a finger into his mouth, drawing it out

coated with the blue elixir. “I know, I can taste it. I do not need to ask to know you want it.”

“I want to give you mine as well, Philip Alex and Gideon too.” Jason said as Varrus brushed the Legatio’s lips with anima using his coated finger.

“But it can only be given once. As your mentor I am telling you my student, but you are not yet ready to make such an important decision. As a Centurion I can give my anima as many times as I wish, on a whim even. As a man who loves you more than anything however I am giving it to you with the same commitment you will make the day you decide which of us will receive your bond.” Varrus said before giving Jason a very deep kiss, letting his anima flow into the young man. This time anima didn’t make Jason fall asleep but ignited his passions further. Soon the two were rolling among the fallen autumn leaves, Jason pursuing months worth of the dreams and fantasies he had had since first laying eyes on the staff master. Varrus did his utmost to meet if not exceed them. When dawn arose the next day the two were still naked and in each others’ arms, woken only by the shouts of the Centurion students as they went through their morning run.

“We must dress,’ Varrus said as he shook Jason gently before searching for his discarded clothes.

“When?” Jason asked as he crawled back onto his feet.

“You mean when will we do this again?” Varrus asked.

“Yes, that is if you want to?” Jason said with a hint of nervousness as he pulled on his trousers.

“I’m ready right now but we must take care. What we did was forbidden, not for you but for me.”

“I have destroyed your honor.”

“You have given me new life, more important than I could ever have from victory in war.” Varrus said, kissing Jason on the forehead as the Legatio pulled his arms through the sleeves of his shirt.

“I love you Varrus. I don’t even want to be apart from you.”

“Nor shall we... in three months time you will be a man. Nothing

will be able to keep us apart after that. It makes me glad to see the guilt

and anger out of your eyes.”

“I have not forgiven myself... I guess for now all I can do is forgive myself for not being able to.”

“And does that make you feel any better?” Varrus asked, as he buttoned Jason’s shirt for him.

“It does actually,” Jason nodded.

“Good... so where are you going to first?” “I guess to Philip. He probably thinks I’m still mad at him.”

“Knowing him he probably does,” Varrus nodded. “Will you tell him about tonight?”

“I should but do you think that will make him angry?”

“Not at you, or me for that matter. It will make him angry at

himself if anything. Like you, he has an important decision to make as well. You know he loves you?”

“More than anything,” Jason nodded.

“Just as I do,” Varrus agreed.

“Why does he hold back?” Jason asked as the two of them, now dressed started walking out of the woods.

“Because he’s confused by his love for you.” “I don’t understand.”

“That is because you grew up without a father. In many ways that is how Philip sees himself, as your father. He also sees himself as me, a man who both loves you and ‘loves’ you,” Varrus chuckled, reaching to squeeze Jason’s hand.

“He can’t be both?”

“No, by any custom your father can not be your lover. That is why he’s confused. To fulfill one dream he must be willing to surrender the other. Now you answer me this, why have you not pursued Philip with the same tenacity you show me.”

“I do not know. I guess it’s because he reminds me of Melissa.”

“He should. Melissa was more of a mother to you than the queen ever was. Philip is the closest thing to a real father I do not doubt. From what I know you were not as you are now... strong, tall, and confident. When he rescued you, you were but a mere skeleton, starved of food and love. Things have changed and you have grown into a wonderful, handsome young man. Philip knows that. Knowing however is not so easy as changing.”

“He wishes to be my lover?” Jason sighed.

“He wishes more than that. He wants to have your bond, for him to be the center of your life just as you are for him.”

“I do love Philip.” Jason whispered. “More than all others?” Varrus asked.

“I love him... more than anything.” Jason said after they were halfway back to the Academy, just coming to that realization.

“I know,” Varrus replied. “I have always known. If only you could see through my eyes and see yourself when Philip is near. I can draw out the desire in you but Philip has always had your devotion.”

“Should I bond to him?” Jason asked, feeling confused.

“That is something only you can decide. I doubt me telling you will summon the anima from your core. It must be your own decision, one that leaves you with no doubt that your choice is the right one,” Varrus said as the two left the woods.



Chapter Nine:

Jason’s Challenge

It was during his eleventh week at the Academy that Jason passed a wall on the way to the student dining hall. On it was a message painted in red paint. “Jason... Whore of Qul Tos.”

“Don’t mind that Jason,” Gideon said as he tried to push Jason along.

“Who wrote it?” Jason demanded.

“Just look for anyone with red paint on their hands,” Alex grunted as he looked around the hall.

“I think I have found our culprit,” Gideon said as he pointed to a Legatio student with red paint smeared on his white shirt, wearing it with pride.

Before Jason knew what was happening, Gideon grabbed the

offending student and dragged him back. “You want to try that again,

Felix?” “Let me go!” Felix squirmed.

“No... I don’t think so. Jason, this is the guy responsible for me losing my arm. I can’t challenge him but you can,” Gideon grunted.

Jason, caught up in the moment, responded before he gave it a good thought. “I challenge you, Felix.”

“You can’t... Legatio never duel,” Felix snickered “Yes they can,” Staff Master Varrus said, walking determinedly

toward them, taking charge of Felix from Gideon.

“You can’t force me,” Felix insisted as he struggled to get free of Varrus’ strong grip.

“You saw what I did on the first day of lessons... I can make you do whatever I want. You can either duel Jason or I will let Jason beat you until he is satisfied.”

Jason did not like the sound of that so he spoke up. “Sir...” Jason

started to say but was cut off by a glare from Varrus.

“At the start of class... you will face Jason in a duel or you will

be flogged in front of the entire Legatio class. Do I make myself clear?”

Varrus said in a threatening tone. “Do you know who my guardian is?” Felix said in disbelief.

“Yes... Senator Perils. Does that make any difference?”

“He will see you punished for this. He will have you made into a private and sent to the war front,” Felix promised.

“I very much doubt that... the Commandant is my commander, not Senator Perils.”

“You’ll see... YOU’LL SEE!” Felix said in near hysterics. Varrus had had enough of Felix’s threats and waved over two

guards to take the boy away. “Let him eat his lunch but he is not to leave the dueling ring. I will be very disappointed if he is not there to face the son of Agamemnon,” Varrus told the guards.

Both guards saluted before dragging Felix off, followed by his

many Famulus servants.

“Jason, you better beat him,” Varrus whispered into Jason’s ear before leaving the dining hall.

“I didn’t see this happening,” Alex chuckled.

“Jason... you don’t have to fight him if you don’t want to,” Gideon said, now in better control of his temper.

“I want to fight him... he hurt you... both of you,” Jason said, but without conviction.

“I have to warn you, Jason... beating Felix will not earn you any friends with the rest of the Legatio. He sort of leads the Legatio students around by the nose just like his father does the Senate,” Gideon warned.

“You and he were once close,” Jason remembered. “He had to have liked Centurions at one time.”

“It was more like a political marriage. After his Centurion father died, my father became Felix’s guardian. I was the only person near his age so it was only natural that we became friends. I think my father hoped we would like each other, as he wanted Felix to become his protégé and me to become a general. We started being intimate with each other at age 15, but after we joined the Academy Felix changed.

“My father, Senator Perils, is the wealthiest and most politically connected man in the Empire. If there are two things that the Legatio students are impressed with it is wealth and power. Felix felt he didn’t need me any more as a friend with most of the Legatio students fawning over him in hope of earning a high government position later after graduation. Every now and then he would invite me to his bed but he acted more like he was doing me a favor. I had enough of it when he asked me to join him in bed with another Legatio student. Being ignored by me was more than he could stand however... me being a lowly Centurion. You know how he got back at me.”

“Yes,” Jason said filling with the same anger both Alex and

Gideon felt.

“Lunch is already halfway over. Let’s eat. You don’t want to fight on an empty stomach,” Alex said, leading them to their usual bench.

They finished the meal Kristen had prepared, very little of which Jason was able to force himself to eat. Being nervous, Jason went to the dueling ring and practiced his staff exercises. Watching him were Alex, Gideon, and a restrained Felix. With each graceful move Jason’s made with his staff, Felix sunk deeper into despair. That still did not stop Felix from shouting out threats to all around him.

As the time for class came closer, more and more Legatio students gathered, as did the Commandant and several of the other weapons masters. Alex was happy to see his own weapons class and teacher present, as that meant he could also stay. Gideon, though, had to leave as his Legatio linguist teacher was not someone he expected to excuse his absence over a duel.

The last to arrive was Varrus, stripped of his shirt again and carrying two staves. He nodded to the guards, who let go of Felix, whose face was red from shouting his protests. Varrus threw one of the iron-shod staves to Jason, who once again caught it in the air despite its weight. Felix’s hit him in the head, knocking him down on the ground.

“You are not getting out of this that easily!” Varrus cursed.

Varrus took a small vial from his belt. He opened it and held it

under Felix’s nose. In a matter of seconds Felix jumped up wide-awake, his eyes opened as wide as possible.

“Get up and fight!” Varrus ordered, embarrassed that Felix was supposed to be one of his students.

Felix stood back up and picked up the heavy staff, struggling with its weight. But eventually he was able to do a poor copy of the same guard position as Jason had taken up.

Both boys armed, Oktor ordered his shield-carrying green-cloaked guards to surround Felix, Jason and of course Varrus, who would act as referee.

“Shields!” the Commandant then ordered. The guards stacked their large rectangular shields so that a wall, ten-foot square, surrounded the participants.

“You have nowhere to run,” Varrus warned Felix. “Fight Jason to the best of your ability and earn some respect.”

The sound of many sandals slapping against the stone floor began to echo across the hollow cube. Looking up Jason saw that the Commandant, teachers and students were now looking down on them from upper levels of the Cube.

“Bow!” Oktor ordered from the second floor.

Jason made a deep bow, but Felix, scared out of his mind, did not move an inch. Varrus, demanding that tradition be maintained, went over to Felix and punched him in the stomach, causing the boy to double over.

Silence fell over the courtyard, only Felix’s gasps for breath echoing in the hollow structure. When the Commandant felt that the boy had recovered enough, he drew a short sword and dropped it into the ring signifying the start of the duel.

Jason straightened up first, but it was Felix who made the first attack, thinking that so long as he did so, Jason would only be able to

defend himself. Yelling his own personal war cry derived from panic-driven

fear, Felix charged Jason with his iron staff as if he held a lance. Jason responded by sidestepping Felix’s attack before hitting the side of his opponent’s ribs, knocking his fellow Legatio to the mat.

“Get up!” Varrus ordered when Felix remained down. “No!” Varrus pointed to the dropped sword. “You will get up and fight or I will cut you open!”

Presented with the greater danger of being skewered, Felix scrambled back onto his feet. As Felix went to pick up his staff again, Jason waited in the far end of the ring for his rival’s next move, he did not have to wait long. Just as Varrus let the staff fall back down on the floor, Felix took hold of one end of it. Spinning around like a top, Felix ran toward Jason, the iron staff circling his body.

Jason moved back, waiting for Felix to become too dizzy to keep it up. But, instead of that happening, Felix let go of the staff, which shot out like a giant bolt right towards Jason.

To Felix’s credit, his aim was good, Jason had to throw himself down on the ground, landing hard on his own staff producing a loud cracking sound as Felix’s staff passed over him and rammed into the shield wall.

In a great deal of pain now, a spot of blood growing in his chest, Jason heard a low moan coming from the shields wall. Looking behind him, he saw that Felix’s staff had broken through the shield and was embedded in it. Whoever had been holding that shield must have had his arm smashed by the force of Felix’s throw.

Knowing that once again he was involved in an innocent person being hurt, Jason was filled with rage. Felix was supposed to fight him, not hurt other people. Getting back up, his chest burning with pain, Jason moved in on Felix to give him a lesson in honor.

Felix, now completely unarmed, saw the hate filled look in Jason’s eyes. With his staff now out of reach the only weapon he could see was the dropped short sword on the ground. Diving to pick it up, Felix got back up just in time to see Jason swing his staff in his direction. He tried to block it, but with the combination of his lack of skill and the force of Jason’s blow, his wrist was shattered when Jason’s staff came down on it. Jason then made to hit him again. Felix, now on his back, tried to protect his body by raising his legs. That did not matter to the enraged youth. Jason simply struck and broke both of them. He was about to attack again when another object was thrown into the ring... a sword sheath, indicating the end of the duel.

“That’s enough, Jason,” Varrus said as he took firm hold of Jason’s staff, stopping Jason from giving a fatal blow.

“Aaaa...” Jason said as he struggled to catch his breath, letting

Varrus disarm him. Soon the shields started coming down and the onlookers returned to the ground floor. Jason saw one of the masked guards

cradling his bloody arm, the bone sticking out at an odd angle.

Jason then did something unheard of, at least by Centurion and Legatio standards. He went over to the wounded man and hugged him, asking forgiveness. Jason blamed himself that his duel had caused the other man’s injuries. The Centurion looked shocked, not just that the boy was blaming himself, but that he, a Legatio, felt concern for him.

“Can you help him?” Jason asked Varrus when he came close.

“He is a Centurion... in a week he will be healed,” Varrus said to ease Jason’s worry. “I will be fine.”

The guard smiled through his pain. “You can visit me at the healers if you want”

“I will... every day,” Jason promised.

Jason then saw Alex run over to him. “Jason... you were great!”

“I was...?” Jason at first smiled, but it then faded when he heard Felix scream in pain. “I really hurt him.”

“He had it coming,” Alex brushed aside. Jason felt guilt growing inside him.

“Yes, but he really didn’t stand a chance.” “You could have died if his staff had hit you when he threw it.”

“And I dodged it. I should have tried to block it. The guard would not have been hurt if I did that.”

“Jason... don’t blame yourself for what happened. You fought honorably.”

“I still feel bad.”

“I know,” Alex sighed as he hugged Jason tight.

Soon two stretchers were brought to pick up the soldier and Felix. The guard grinned in silence while Felix screamed, switching between pain and anger.

Alex, on seeing the Felix’s condition, took Jason’s face and buried it against his chest so he would not see what he had done. Once Felix was out of sight, Alex let go and kissed Jason on his forehead.

“Will I always be shorter than you?” Jason asked, looking up at his tall friend.

“I hope so.” Alex grinned. He was a good four inches taller than Jason, making Jason the perfect size to hold. “You are a Legatio... Legatio are suppose to be smaller than us Centurions... it is one of the things that make Legatio so cute.”

“I just want to take a bath and rest,” Jason said before coughing on Alex’s white uniform. When he looked at where he had coughed he saw a splatter of blood.

“Jason... what is wrong?”

“Blood...” Jason exhaled, touching his lips to find blood on them

as well. Looking down he saw that his shirt was also soaked in it.

Chapter Ten:

A Field Marshal’s Bond

“Healer!” Alex yelled, realizing Jason had to be bleeding. He

reached over and peeled Jason’s shirt off to find a broken rib sticking

out of the skin.

Erik came running over and used his own black tunic to cover the wound. “I need to get him to the healers!” Erik said, worried.

“What’s wrong with him?” Alex asked panicked.

Erik face took on a worried look. “His bleeding is out of control.

If we can’t stop it he will die.”

“No!” Alex screamed in fear, shaking Erik violently.

“Don’t go all panicky on me,” Erik ordered as he led the three of

them out of the sparring ring and to the nearest gate.

Soon Jason was coughing up more blood, his face becoming pale. By the time they arrived at the healers, Erik and Alex were carrying Jason, now weak from loss of blood.

“Another one!” the chief healer sighed on seeing Jason dragged in.

“We need anima!” Erik demanded as he helped Jason onto a bed.

“I’m sorry, we only have one vial here and I was about to give it to master Felix. Legatio are not supposed to get injured like this. What was Varrus thinking?” the healer said, holding the glowing blue vial in his hand. “Jason needs it more!” Alex yelled, almost taking the blue vial

away from the healer only for the Famulus to jerk his hand out of

reach. “Healer Yadish... Jason is bleeding to death. Centurion bones

will not stop it. He needs anima fluid now or he will die,” Erik explained

as calmly as he could.

“Well, serves him right. He broke both of Master Felix’s legs and cracked two of his ribs,” one of Felix’s Famulus said, as he fawned over

his Legatio master. Seeing that the healer was about to go back to Felix with the

vial, Erik grabbed the black hood of the man’s robe, pulling him back.

“Felix is not bleeding. He will live until more anima can come from Domus. Jason will not last more than an hour if he is not treated.

As if on cue, Jason went into another fit of coughs, spraying blood everywhere. “You’re right...” Healer Yadish agreed. “But you promised my master the anima fluid!” Felix’s Famulus

protested. “He is not dying!” Yadish shouted back.

“But he is in pain! It is the son of Agamemnon’s own fault that

he is dying. My master never wanted to duel him.” Yadish removed the crystal stopper from the vial as he brought

it to Jason’s lips. “Sorry... I have no choice... Jason’s life is more important than Felix’s comfort.”

“My father will have your neck for this!” Felix yelled from his bed.

That last comment froze the healer in place when he was just about to tip the vial’s contents into Jason’s mouth. If he treated Jason he would save the boy’s life but it might cost his own life in the process.

If he let Jason die, Yadish was sure he would face the wrath of the Commandant and many of the other Centurions. Seeing that the doctor did not know what to do, Erik spoke up.

“Whose anima fluid is that?” “Field Marshal Gorr’s... he willed it to the Academy.

“Very valuable anima indeed then...” Erik nodded. “But it still belongs to the Eastern Army does it not?”

“Yes...” the man admitted.

“Alex, go as fast as you can and find your brother and bring him here,” Erik ordered.

“Why?” Alex asked confused.

“Just do it!” Erik ordered.

“Yes,” Alex said as he darted out of the building.

Not sure what was going on, Yadish returned the stopper back in the vial. “Do we really have time for you to bring another opinion?”

Erik gave the healer a dead serious look. “Are you saying you will agree to give Jason the anima?”

“No...” Yadish was ashamed to admit.

“Then I think I need to bring someone who can order you to make the right choice,” Erik said before turning back to check on Jason.

“Fine,” Yadish said as he took a seat.

Felix’s Famulus servant took out ten large chains of gold coins that had been tied to his belt. “My master will pay you ten thousand gold standards if you will give him the anima.”

“I...” Yadish said stunned.

“Twenty thousand,” the servant offered.

“Well...” Yadish started, trying to hide the growing smile on his face.

“I would like to remind you, Yadish, that Jason is the Commandant’s favorite. If he learns you sold Field Marshal Gorr’s anima fluid to the highest bidder, what do you think he will do to you?” Erik warned.

Yadish forced his gaze from the small fortune Felix’s servant was holding up to him. “I think I will wait to hear what Commander Philip has to say.”

They did not have to wait long. Within ten minutes Philip came bursting into the room. “Give Jason the anima fluid,” he ordered, his voice deep and menacing.

“What about Felix?” Yadish asked.

“He will heal,” Philip replied, stressing each syllable.

“The problem is that I might not,” Yaddish replied, eyeing the adoptive son of Perils.

“Show him your ring,” Erik said calmly.

Philip took his right fist and shoved it near Yadish’s face. On that fist was a gold ring capped with a large blue sapphire.

Erik let out a deep sigh. Sometimes Centurions could be so dense. “The other ring.”

Embarrassed Philip exchanged fists, showing a gold ring with

the family mark of Field Marshal Darius engraved on it, an ax behind

a field of wheat.

“Do you recognize this ring?” Erik asked the chief healer.

“Yes...” the healer said nervously.

“That is the bond ring of Field Marshal Darius, leader of the Eastern Army. It not only marks Philip as his lover, but also his spokesman. Do you know what that means?”

“No...” Yadish admitted, not able to take his eyes off the gold


Erik face took on an evil smile. “It means that Philip speaks for the entire Eastern Army. Gorr had the right to say where he wants his anima stored but it still belongs to the Eastern army. Therefore, Philip, as spokesman for the Eastern Army, has the power and right to say how Gorr’s anima is to be used.

Yadish’s shoulders slumped in defeat. “I see.”

Erik turned his attention back to Philip. “What do you want done with Gorr’s anima?”

Philip moved in closer to Yadish, his face taking on a threatening expression. “Give it to Jason.”

“But my life!” Yadish said nervously, looking at the wounded Felix.

“I think you want a transfer, Yadish... how about you join the Eastern Army. I promise that they will keep you safe,” Philip offered.

“I don’t think I have any other choice,” the healer replied. He went over to Jason’s bed and poured the bright blue anima fluid down the young man’s throat. Philip and Alex then went to Jason’s side and placed their hands on Jason’s stomach, triggering a red glow. Soon their blue light mixed in with the red, turning purple. The light spread throughout Jason’s body, healing him. Like the last time he had received anima, Jason began to grow. Not as much as before... only two inches, but he did bulk up. His chest began to stand out and the faint outline of hard abdominal muscles showed. His arms and legs also thickened and became more sculpted.

“If we keep on feeding him anima fluid, he might just turn into a Centurion.” Alex grinned, impressed by Jason’s new body.

“Give him some time to recover.” Erik smiled. “He lost a lot of blood... anima does not restore that.”

“But can we take him home... he won’t need any more medical care?” Alex asked.

Erik turned and looked at his master and saw the lustful look he was giving Jason. “That depends on Philip...?”

“I would like him to stay with me,” Philip said as he ran his fingers down Jason’s chest, longing in his eyes. Jason was even more beautiful than he had been before, as his body seemed to have taken on the best attributes of both Legatio and Centurion and combined them to form a perfect body to match his spirit. Waiting for Jason’s 21st birthday was becoming a form of slow torture.

“He will go home with you, Alex,” Philip decided after knowing

he could not hold back if he had Jason in his bed.

“I’m sorry, Philip” Alex replied, seeing the internal struggle in his brother’s eyes.

“Do you need me?” Erik asked, as he saw Philip’s hardening under his uniform.

“No... I’ll go find Varrus... Jason has picked him as his mentor,” Philip decided on the spot. Varrus was the only person he knew whose feelings for Jason seemed to run as strong as his own.

“Very well...”Erik nodded, letting Philip leave the hospital.


While Jason slept, Alex waited for the Famulus to get a stretcher ready to carry Jason home. While he waited, Gideon came running in. “I just heard... is Jason alright?”

“He will be,” Alex replied, not able to take his eyes off Jason.

“What happened to him? He looks... different,” Gideon said, in

shock on seeing Jason. “He was given more anima...,” Alex explained.

“He looks almost like us now... only better,” Gideon replied, his

own eyes now focused on Jason.

“I must say I find him...” Alex looked up from Jason to see the giant grin on Gideon’s

face. “Yes... Philip felt the same way... that is why Jason is coming home

with us.”

“Why?” Gideon asked confused.

Alex raised his eyebrows and gave Gideon a questioning look. “Do you think you could keep your hands off him?”

“No, but I don’t have to. I only have to worry about one hand,” Gideon joked.

“Philip feels the same way. Until Jason is twenty-one, Philip

can’t offer his bond to Jason.” Gideon nodded. “You’re right. Did I miss anything else?”

“My brother now has the bond ring of Field Marshal Darius.” Gideon pulled Alex back from the hug and looked into

his friend’s eyes, excited. “Really... that makes you a fairly political connected person... the brother of a Field Marshal’s lover.”

“I do not think Philip knew what he was getting into when he and the Field Marshal decided to take their relationship further.”

“Should be interesting,” Gideon agreed.

“We are ready, sir,” a Famulus and his partner bowed, carrying a stretcher in their arms.

“Are you going back to class?” Alex asked Gideon.

“I should. It is almost time for my fencing lesson.”

“Then go... both the Commandant and Varrus know what happened. They will excuse my absence without too much punishment.”

“Keep an eye on Jason while I’m gone.” Gideon grinned as he made for the door.

“I plan to keep both of them on him.” Alex chuckled as he watched Jason transferred to the stretcher.

“I love you,” Alex whispered as Jason continued to sleep. “I love you and am going to marry you someday. Everything will be perfect then. I will have a purpose in life... protecting you. Not even being Field Marshal would equal that.”

Tears running down his eyes... Alex rolled Jason over so that

the Legatio was on top of him. Looking into Jason’s closed eyes,

Alex wished for them to open so he could see the rich emerald green underneath. They did not open, however. “Please, Jason... please say you love me more than Gideon... more than Varrus, more than my brother. Compared to all those others I am willing to give you so much more. I am willing to give you everything and forsake all others.”

Jason remained silent however, deep in an anima-induced slumber.




“Philip you can’t keep going like this,” Varrus almost shouted

as the two argued while soaking in the heated pool.

“I don’t know what you are talking about,” Philip insisted while

Erik stood behind him, massaging his back.

“Yes you do. Jason loves you more than anything but he won’t

wait forever.”

“Then all you have to do is wait and you’ll get what you want.”

“But it’s not what Jason wants.” “Forgive me Varrus but I still have my honor. I’m not going to destroy that over a moment of weakness.”

“This is not about what Jason and I did. This is about you. You have to decide what you want more, a child or a man.”

“Leave us Erik,” Philip ordered before dipping his head underwater. He did not surface until Erik was gone and when he did he rose beside Varrus.

“Well,” Varrus asked, turning to face Philip so he could wrap his arms around him.

“Can’t we do what we always do?” Philip sighed.

“You mean have sex after our usual fight over Jason. No, I’m a little tired of you living through me. Jason deserves better. He needs to know what kind of relationship you are going to have with him.”

“I think he already has everything he needs. All he needs is you and me.”

“All he really needs is you,” Varrus insisted.

“I’m sorry Varrus, but I can’t. I can’t get the image of that starving boy I found so many months ago out of my head.”

Wrapping his fingers around the back of Philip’s neck Varrus leaned back into the water, letting his legs ride up Philip’s thighs until they were wrapped around the man’s waist. “He is almost a man now. He lacks only one thing, for you to acknowledge he is a man.”

“I’m afraid to,” Philip said closing his eyes, lowering his head in embarrassment.

“Because you would do what I did, honor or not,” Varrus insisted, their sex now lined together under the water.

“He has grown... with your help.” Philip admitted, feeling himself stir.

“And yours are as well. You both have admitted to me what you two really want but too afraid to tell each other.”

“And what does Jason want?” “He wants you to decide if you really want him.” “He doubts my love for him?” “No he knows you love him. He loves you more than anything

as well. Just like you however he is confused.” “Yet he let you seduce him.” “No you misunderstand,” Varrus laughed. “Jason can be aggressive when he wants something. He wanted me so he had me. The same is true about Alex and Gideon. You are different however. You more than saved his life but gave him his first taste of true love. That is

why when he is near you he can not help but go back to becoming the desperate child you rescued. Since that is the way you still treat him, he dares not pursue you.”

“So you are saying I should pursue him?”

“No, just treat him as you would any man who loves you.” “I can’t. He isn’t just any man who loves me,” Philip replied. “And you’re not just any man loved by him.” Varrus said, leaning forward as he moved his hands up from behind Philip’s neck

to the back of his head. “You wish for me to seduce him?” “No, I want Jason to know you could seduce him.” “And you and I?”

“We’ve pretty much seduced each other, haven’t we?” Varrus laughed. “I better be careful, I wouldn’t want to incur the wrath of our

beloved Field Marshal.”

“He knows the extent of our relationship. You should be more worried he will attempt to seduce you, Varrus.” “Seduced by a Field Marshal, that’s an honor I wouldn’t mind having.”

Copyright © 2012 JMH; All Rights Reserved.
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