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Stories posted in this category are works of fiction. Names, places, characters, events, and incidents are created by the authors' imaginations or are used fictitiously. Any resemblances to actual persons (living or dead), organizations, companies, events, or locales are entirely coincidental.
Note: While authors are asked to place warnings on their stories for some moderated content, everyone has different thresholds, and it is your responsibility as a reader to avoid stories or stop reading if something bothers you. 

Without a Manual - 4. New News is Old News

I heard the theme music from Halloween, rolled my eyes, and picked up Nate’s cell phone.

“Hey! What’s up?”

“Are you guys busy right now!?”

“No, just reading. Nate is playing a game.”

“Great! I will be over in a few minutes! You are never going to believe what happened today!”


“Tell you when I get there. See you in ten!” He laughed while hanging up the phone.

I yelled up to Nate‘s office. “Jeff in on his way over!”

I looked over at Hannibal who was sleeping peacefully. I poked him once. One slitted eyeball examined me. “Hey, no sleeping, Uncle Jeff is coming.” He closed his eye again.

I got up and pulled out some skinless chicken breasts. They would be fine for Jeff and his healthy diet. Over the last month his trips to the gym had decreased dramatically, but he still tried to eat healthy.

Nate came in behind me and grabbed a soda. He put a hand on my side and kissed my ear.

“On his way?”

“Yes. Grab some vegetables for me.” He turned away and dug around.

“He sounded really excited and wanted to tell us something.”

“Uh, oh.” He looked at me and frowned.

“I know.” I shook my head.

“Corn and green beans alright?” He held them out for examination.

“I think he likes carrots better.”

“Right.” He switched the beans and corn for carrots and broccoli.

“Anyway, he wanted to tell us together.”

“What’s to tell? He’s in love again?”

I didn’t even look up from the stove. “That’s what it sounded like.”

“Bit soon right?” He scratched his head. “Three months? Right? Since Zach?”

I sighed. “Come on. We need to be supportive. He has to find Mr. Right sometime.”

“I hope so. I can’t take much more heartache.” He leaned on the counter and looked down.

“Me either.”

Hannibal rubbed on Nate’s leg.

“Could you feed him?”

“Yep.” He opened Hannibal’s cupboard. “Come on.” Hannibal walked around and sat next to his bowl. “Good boy.”

I stirred and thought. “Should we see if he wants to watch a movie?”

“Sounds good.” I could hear the slight grin appear in his voice.

“Not one of your slashers. Please?” I looked up at him and smiled.

“You’re no fun.” He kissed me gently on the temple and chuckled. I shook my head. We knew each other far too well.

The doorbell rang.

I looked at my watch. “That was quick.“

Nate strummed my back and walked past and out to the door. I heard Jeff’s excited voice approach.

“… I know. Where’s Pete?” He came into the kitchen like a whirlwind. “Pete!” He hugged me from behind. “Oh, carrots and broccoli, you are the best!” He kissed me on the back of the neck.

I turned to see Nate smiling. I stuck my tongue out at him over Jeff‘s shoulder. Nate’s eyes crinkled showing his internal delight at me being right.

“So what’s going on?”

“I ran into an old friend today…” He was nearly busting at the seams. “Patrick!”


“Patrick!” Jeff looked at me and paused before seeing I still did not get who he was talking about. “You remember…” He backed up, puffed his chest out, and stood on his toes to add some height. “High-school? Remember?”

“Patrick? Oh…” I did remember but was not sure how to feel.

“Umm…” We both turned to look at Nate. “Who’s Patrick again?”

“I told you about him before. He‘s this guy…” I started.

“This gorgeous guy!” Jeff interrupted. “Big, tall, strong, gorgeous!” He turned to me. “He still is! You should see him!”

“So what happened?” Nate took another swing from his soda.

“Ok, so I was working in the theatre at school with some of the kids from my class today, right? Well, I had just come into the hallway when this big lumbering guy came in, it was Patrick!” He jumped up and down in the kitchen.

“What was he doing there?” I added some broth.

Jeff’s voice changed slightly. “He was meeting a friend.” He opened the fridge. “The friend’s daughter was playing volleyball in the gym.” He closed it again without getting anything. “Remember Ben?”

I had to think a moment on that one. Ben. It would come to me.

“Anyway…” Jeff’s voice picked up again. “After the game he came back to the theatre and we talked. I showed him some of the set. Then we went for coffee.” He positively glowed when he pulled out a napkin from his pocket.

“I got his phone number and e-mail address! See?” He shoved the thin paper at us.

“So… you going to call him?” Nate caught my frown behind Jeff. He managed to hide my apprehension.

“Hell yeah! I had such a crush on him.” He looked at Nate, then at me. “When’s dinner? I’m starving!”

“A few more minutes.”

“Cool. I’m going to try and get the rest of the paint off my hands.” He scampered out of the kitchen and we could hear him run up the stairway.

There was a piece missing. I didn’t know what, but there was, maybe something about Ben. Even Jeff had looked away for a moment when he came up. I looked up at Nate. He had a long, blank expression. Hannibal sat and licked his paws like he had just killed and eaten a wildebeest.

* * *

While we ate, Jeff rehashed his encounter. His enthusiasm was, as always, overwhelming.

Then I remembered Ben.

He had been a transfer student. He was popular, very popular. Jeff and Patrick used to hang out all the time before Ben came to the school. After that, it was Ben and Patrick, Ben and Patrick. Jeff had been devastated. He had been in love with the boy. It may have been even his first crush. I had guessed as much. He moped around for months watching for any sign that Patrick would come back to him. He withdrew to the theatre and that group and back to the library with me. It had been painful to watch.

By the time we were finished eating, I felt like a stone had settled into my stomach.

“Well, I should get going,” Jeff announced while putting the last of the dishes into the washer for me.

“Oh, no movie then?” Nate appeared disappointed.

“Nah, I’ve tied you up long enough. Besides…” He winked at us. “It’s time you two should go up and you know…” He winked and laughed.

Nate blushed and put his arm around me. “I was thinking the same thing.”

“Cool! You guys have fun!” We followed him to the door.

“Keep us updated.”

“Of course!” He hugged us together and then again separately before leaving and shutting the door behind himself.

“Do you think this time will it work out for him with this guy?” Nate held my hand.

“I don’t know.” I squeezed back.

Maybe Jeff would finally get the man of his dreams. Stranger things had happened before.

“So, what’s the story with Patrick? And Ben?” Nate tugged my arm.

I shook my head. “Jeff was in love with Patrick back in High School.”

“I think I remember that part. Ended badly right?”

“Jeff was devastated.” I leaned in and rested my head on his shoulder. “I think that is what started it all for Jeff.” One disappointment after another ever since.

He kissed my hair.

If Jeff had met Patrick and Patrick was meeting Ben… not good. Not good at all. I sighed.

“Are you ok?” Nate tugged gently.

“Yeah. Just thinking.”

He kissed me gently on the top of the head. “Cut it out. Whatever happens we are here for him. Together.”

I smiled and buried my head in his chest. His strong arms wrapped around me tightly.


* * *

“Hey Je…”

“I have a date! I have a date!” Jeff almost knocked me off my feet hugging me hard.

“With who?”

“Patrick!” He kissed me on my mouth. “Patrick!” He kissed me again.

“Hey! what’s going on?” Nate came in from the kitchen.

“I have a date with Patrick!” He jumped off me and onto Nate who pretended to collapse to the floor. He pulled Jeff down along with him.

I shut the door and chuckled. In spite of my misgivings, I couldn’t help it. “When?”

Jeff sat on Nate’s chest and grinned. “Tuesday!” Jeff turned to Nate and leaned down to kiss him quickly. Nate grabbed on and rolled him onto his back and began to tickle him.

“Stop it, stop it!” Jeff laughed.

“Come on you guys,” I chucked.

Nate pulled up the front of Jeff’s shirt and blew into his belly like he was a child. Jeff continued to laugh, tears in his eyes.

“Get a room.” I tried to sound exasperated but ended up chuckling.

Nate’s back went ridged for a moment above Jeff. He turned his head to look at me, his expression strange. Jeff slowed down his laughter and gasped for breath. Nate looked back down at him, disengaged himself, and stood up. He pulled Jeff up.

“Where are you going to meet up?” I asked.

“He sent me directions to a place off the highway. Somewhere he knows down there.”

“Down there?” Nate had backed up a little toward the kitchen.

“He lives outside of Chicago. I have to pick up some stuff from a supplier for the show down there. We agreed to meet up for dinner.”

“It will be fun to catch up on old times…” I offered.

“I know right! Then who knows!”

Nate and I looked at each other then back at Jeff. He laughed.

“Oh, stop it you two! I know, I know, one step at a time. I am not that far gone.” He grinned.

I heard Nate exhale. Jeff turned and hugged him.

“Don’t worry, I’ll be fine.” He came and hugged me. “It’s just dinner. Who knows right?”

I nodded.

“It’s not like I can just keep coming here and hang out with you guys forever right?” He looked between us then grabbed my arm and headed me toward the stairs. “Now, I know it will be a little big on me, but you know that back and gray shirt of yours? Can I borrow it?”

Copyright © 2014 Randomness; All Rights Reserved.
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Stories posted in this category are works of fiction. Names, places, characters, events, and incidents are created by the authors' imaginations or are used fictitiously. Any resemblances to actual persons (living or dead), organizations, companies, events, or locales are entirely coincidental.
Note: While authors are asked to place warnings on their stories for some moderated content, everyone has different thresholds, and it is your responsibility as a reader to avoid stories or stop reading if something bothers you. 
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Chapter Comments

On 09/17/2014 01:14 PM, Irritable1 said:
Oh gosh, I hadn't figured out till this chapter that this is pre-Patrick. I don't know if I can stand to watch Jeff's sadness again... and what is up with Nate's discomfort about the "Get a room," crack? Curious.
Cool. I was hoping not to give away the when too early. Thank you. Sometimes I can be too heavy-handed in my mind and then have to fight the urge to be too drawn-out on paper. Hopefully, this means this is balanced between the two properly.


As for Nate... same dilemma... too quick or too slow. I very much like this comment/review. Thanks for keeping me on my toes! ;-P

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