Well, I repeated my PSA and it came back at 3.0 this time, which is a hell of a lot better than 8.5, but not nearly as low as it was a year ago. The free PSA was a marginal 22%, which translates roughly to my having a one in ten chance of having prostate cancer. That's a whole lot better than I thought it would be! I'll go back for another repeat in three months and if it's still low, chances are I just had prostatitis. If it's up again, however, I'll need a biopsy but, as some here have rel
Wow! I can't believe it's been nearly two years since my last entry! Truth be told, I was never big in keeping a journal going, even when I was required to in school, and I've never been much interested in maintaining a blog. The last couple of years have not been kind to me. Caught up in across-the-board layoffs at the university where I worked, I took a job in another city and we moved there, only to be laid off a month later when they lost a major contract that accounted for more than hal
I'm way overdue in making an entry, but I just had to say something on this history-making day - the day after America elected Barak Obama to be the 44th President of the United States. My wife and I were Obama supporters from the beginning. I usually don't go around making a big deal of my politics, but I strongly believe in the basic premise that government has an obligation to ensure a level playing field for humanity. That doesn't mean there needs to be a huge bureaucracy, but the lack of
Just when I thought things were bad enough, I've been laid off! But don't worry, I've landed on my feet. More on that in a bit.
OK, let me back up a bit. If you haven't read it already, go back and read my story, The New Job. This is not only the story of my coming out to my wife, but it chronicles the story of my career, too. Although the story is fictional, the scenario is close enough. After finishing university, graduate school and medical school, I did my residency
Well, this is my very first entry in my very first blog. I better not set the expectations too high - posts will be few and far between, as I'm busy, busy, busy. . . .
If any of you have read my story, The New Job, you know that I moved here after my department was consolidated into another. A colleague of mine, a "friend", or should we say former friend, offered me a position as more of a lifeline than anything else. Unfortunately, the thing is that if anyone should never have become a