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Mindless thoughts & observations

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Long Distance Relationships... hell no!

Do long distance relationships work? From my own experience I would have to say no, not for me anyway. I got to thinking about this today after reading someone’s post in the forums, and it reminded me of a relationship I had some 12 years ago.   I met Scott online, through a chat room. It started off pretty innoxiously, chatting now and again. The more we spoke, the more we realised how much we had in common. IM’s became web cam chat, which sometimes went on all night, not a day passed when we



Single and......no clue

I think that has to constitute as the longest week of my life! [sigh]   Well, the deed is done and I’m now single. I’m not really sure how I feel about it to be honest, it’s been such a long time since I’ve been on my own...truly on my own. It feels liberating, but then the coin flips, and my mood darkens. I guess it'll take time for things to settle down to some semblance of normalcy.   So anyway, the break up. I’m not going to go into great detail, because it’s still kinda raw. But I didn




Have you ever had a partner cheat on you? Well that's what's going on with me at the moment. It seems my 'better' half has decided to advertise his wares on a dating website. Nothing resembling gaydar or the like you understand. No, this is quite a legitimate site, that ordinary singles go on in the hope of finding that special someone.   So, not only is he deceiving me, but also, all the poor saps that reply to his profile. I have no idea if he's gone out and met anyone yet, and quite frankly



Mental Block!

Well, chapter 2 is in the final stages of editing, but have had a mind freeze half way through the third chapter! Really frustrating, because I have all these thoughts and ideas, but for some reason, I just don't seem to be able to put them on paper as it were. It's driving me totally crazy! lol I mean, I have the outline, so I know what's going to happen, but the physical act of putting them into coherent sentences seems to be eluding me. Think I'll step back from it for a day, and then have



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