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A Place for Thoughts No One Will See

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Getting Threw, Getting By

It is funny how things shift your perspective. My friend whose dad died, we used to talk every other day or so and the conversations usually started with "OMG, you can't believe what this idiot just did...." It usually involved being cut off by someone while driving, someone in the store being stupid, or someone at the office, but every time it flashed into my head this week to call him it made me think how totally trite it all is and life is far too short to let stupidity raise your blood press




My best friend's father was murdered yesterday. Murdered and then the perp tried to burn the body and it took 50 firefighters an hour to put the fire out.   The news kept calling David's dad "charred remains" and "the body". Mr. Klein is David, Mike and Kari's dad, not charred remains and a body. Until a disgruntled employee, fired two days earlier, walked into his office yesterday morning and shot Mr. Klein and Storm, Mr. Klein's German Sheppard.   They interviewed the fire captain, he call



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