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Things that don't kill us, makes us stronger...I'm not dead yet!

Entries in this blog

Empty Nest

Words can’t express how proud I am of our daughter.  Today, J.J. became a home owner! This kid has worked her butt off saving to buy a house.  As a Paramedic, she works very long hours.  She works nights and weekends and sacrifices holidays.  When other kids her age were out partying, she was dedicated to keeping our community safe. J.J. did it all on her own!   Of course I’m nervous for her to leave the nest, but excited to see her grown. 😍  


K.C. in Empty Nest

COVID is just the Flu!

I swear if I hear one more person say that COVID is just the Flu, I might knock their teeth out!  I’ve had the Flu many times in my 47 years on this Earth and I this is NOTHING like the Flu.  I caught it 4 months ago.  It was a brutal 10 days of high fevers, awful cough, chest/lung pain, whole body aches, ear infection, lose smell and taste,  I even passed out a few times… I really thought I was going to die! Mine was a heavy viral load, so I kept testing positive for 6 weeks. (Ne



A Sad Ending That Might Lead To A New Beginning

It’s heartbreaking getting the call that one of my oldest friends is very sick. I scrambled to try and see him, but sadly, two days later he passed away.   My friend, Mike and I had grown apart over the years. Our lives took different paths, but I never stopped thinking about him. He was a great guy. We talked fewer and fewer over time and now he was gone.   I heard that his parents retired and moved away from the city. When Mike got sick, they wanted him to be closer to them and the funeral



I Almost Killed My Daughter’S New Boyfriend!

Started my vacation yesterday by waking up to rain, rain, rain, but that was okay. I had a bunch of indoors projects planned. Off to the bank, run errands, and hit the gym before going home to get cracking on a project when my daughter informed me that she invited her new boyfriend over for dinner.   I figured that was fine, it was still a few hours before dinnertime, so I pried open my new crate of ammunition and got to work. Multiple rounds in assorted calibers needed organizing. That’s



Right Place...Right Time!

Yesterday was a crazy day at work. Every time I started to leave, something else popped up needing my attention. My shift was over, but I just couldn’t get out the door. Once I escaped, I was driving home lost in my own thoughts, completely zoned out, driving on autopilot when something caught my attention.   It was a beautiful sunny day, but extremely windy when I saw a flash at the top of a building. FIRE! I saw the flames at the top of the building before I saw the smoke which was be



Outsmarted by a 6 year-old

I was babysitting my 6 year-old nephew for a few hours. He watched TV and played Legos while I typed away on my laptop when a new review popped up on one of my stories. I read it and smiled to myself when my nephew suddenly plopped on the couch beside me and asked, “Whatcha doing?”   “I’m answering someone who liked my book.” I turned my laptop and showed him.   “You wrote a book?” He asked.   “Yep, I’ve written several books.” I proudly told him, but he looked very skeptical.   He watch



Ponder in the Dark

How come, I can wake-up in the middle of the night and walk around the house in the pitch dark like a Ninja… but a few hours earlier when I went to bed, I leaped across the dark room onto the bed like a scared little girl, so the monsters under the bed wouldn’t grab my feet in the darkness??



My Bloody Valentine!

This past October, I had the best time working in a haunted house. It was a big production, professional make-up, costumes, blood and gore with strobe lights and fog. It was only for a month, but it was awesome!!   I just got a call asking me to play a crazy killer for “My Bloody Valentine.” The haunted house is going to re-open for 1 weekend in February. Friday the 13th and Saturday the 14th (aka Valentine's Day)   Hell yes!!! Everyone tells me I’m crazy for loving this, but it is so much



Santa Meltdown

Had to finish up some Christmas shopping, so the Kid and I hit the mall. Store after store and going to yet another store, she was a little irritated with me. She didn’t like anything I picked out for gifts and she was annoyed that I wasn’t taking it serious.   “Could you be any more embarrassing?” Kid mumbled under her breath.   ……...........….Challenge Accepted……….........….   I waited until reaching the center of the packed mall, crowds of people waiting in line to see Santa whe



Don't Pull That

Don’t Pull That   I’ve had a very busy last few weeks. My kid is organizing a Christmas Parade which turned into the Hubby and I doing a large majority of the work. She’s a wonderful kid so we don’t mind helping out, it’s given us some extra family time (considering she’s a teenager and actually still wants us around is amazing in itself), and it has been really fun. We made this massive castle, a train, signs, got tons of candy. I was super excited…for the kids!! LOL   Get down to the



Sooooo, Now What's Next?

As some of you know I’ve been crazy-crazy-stressed with several big changes at work ((which now requires a new certification in Anesthesia.)) It’s required to keep my job in surgery. The exam for the certification was brutal…but I passed!!!! Today, I found out that I’ve gotten the highest score out of all my co-workers. So glad, I don’t have to worry about that again, at least not for another 5 years when it’s time to re-certify   I had put everything on hold to study and now that it’s d



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