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The ramblings of an itinerant gay Buddhist

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The natives are restless

As Kitty mentioned to me in an e-mail (along with the final edit of Ch. 7), "the natives are getting restless." So I'll be posting Ch. 7 on Wednesday evening (which would be Thursday morning for me, Taiwan time ... hehe) It's the longest chapter so far, and I hope everyone enjoys it. It'll be up on my own web site first, and then probably a day or so later on my GA shared member hosting page.   I'm also working on a (long) short story right now. I'm about halfway finished (I think). I'm alread



Finally finished!

WOO-HOO! I finally finished the rough draft of my Ph.D. research proposal, and have sent it on to my thesis editor. Now everything (including the last few chapters of my thesis) are in her hands, so now I just have to sit back and wait for her to send me the corrections. I still have to start doing some reading to prepare for the written exam, but that only counts for about 30% of the score for the entrance exam. The other 70% or so is based on your oral exam (discussing your M.A. thesis, resear



An exciting day ... NOT!

Today was probably the most eventful day I've had in a while ... I went to see my doctor this morning to get a refill on my sleeping pills (I have really bad insomnia sometimes). It's 2:23 AM now and I'm still not ready to sleep, but I have to wake up at 6:30 to get ready for work ... so apparently the medication isn't helping very much.   I also managed to trek over to the supermarket, Carrefour (a French supermarket chain, although it's unfortunately been "Taiwan-ified"). I had to go because



Decisions, decisions ...

My stomach bug has cleared up for the most part, thankfully. On the down side, the few extra kilograms that I was hoping I would lose from it didn't go away, so I might have to actually start exercising or something ... *GASP*   Ch. 5 of SOOTB is already posted on my website for those who can't wait for Nifty. It will be up on Nifty late Friday night or early Saturday morning, probably.   I'm still fretting about my future. I know I'm not "old" at age 28 (although I certainly have been feeli




I've had a horrible stomach bug for the past few days ... I won't go into details, but it hasn't been pleasant. Needless to say, I've spent most of the past several days in bed (or in the bathroom), and haven't gotten anything done. Not that I have the motivation to do anything, but I still need to at least finish what needs to be finished. Hopefully tomorrow I can make a little headway on my Ph.D. research proposal, and finish up with Ch. 9 of SOOTB.   Speaking of which, Ch. 4 should already



I'm so bored right now ...

I've started a Yahoo group for anyone who wants to receive notification of new chapter postings and/or discuss "Someday Out Of the Blue" (and my other stories when I get around to them ... hehe):   http://groups.yahoo.com/group/littlebuddhatw_stories   The academic conference yesterday was ... interesting. When I went up to the table at the front and sat down where the "discussers" (people who critique the presenters' papers) sit, everyone in the room just stared at me ... obviously shocked



Stress sucks!

I've finally forced myself to sit down and start writing my research proposal for the Ph.D. program. I'm so burned out from writing, though, so it's hard to sit down and keep on writing even more. My thesis editor has finally gotten her act together (I think) and is working on the final stage of revisions, although I have to re-write a part of my conclusion, which is annoying. It also seems as though competition for getting into the Ph.D. program this year will be more difficult than I had expec



I hate Tuesdays

I finally got up off my lazy butt yesterday and forced myself to go to the supermarket and get some cleaning done, and today at work I worked a bit on the conclusion for my thesis, which is about halfway finished (the conclusion that is, the main text of the thesis is mostly done, save for a bit of revising and polishing up) ... it always seems, however, that the last little bit is the hardest to write, and although I know what I want to say, and even though it's mostly just re-hashing the main



Chinese New Year

Another Chinese New Year has come and gone ... it's now the Year of the Dog. I'm not much into Chinese astrology, so I have no idea if it's supposed to be an auspicious year or not ... I just know that it's been cold, rainy, and the locals have been shooting off firecrackers for the past twenty-four hours non-stop. Chinese New Year is always really boring for me ... everything shuts down and everyone goes to spend a week with their families. Being that I have no family in Taiwan, it's always jus



Brokeback Mountain

I saw "Brokeback Mountain" this past Saturday evening, and the movie was early sold out when I reserved my tickets online early that morning. I have to say that it was one of the most moving films I've seen, regardless of the subject matter. Ang Lee is truly a remarkable director. It's amazing to me how realistically he captured the culture, way of life, and sentiment of the American West and cowboy lifestyle, considering that he's Taiwanese. I also admired that he portrayed it as a "love story"



Taipei weather is insane!

It's been really warm here the past few days ... I swear, I hate the weather in Taiwan! Just last week, I had to wear layers of clothes just to keep barely warm, since they don't have heating here (and I won't get one of those space heaters 'cause I don't trust my cats around them). The past two days, though, have been really warm. I've had to open the windows, which hasn't really helped much (plus they're letting in a lot of mosquitoes) ... I've contemplated turning on the air-conditioner, but



What a boring life!

I've had even more free time than usual over the past couple of weeks (and I had *tons* of free time before that!), but now that I have even more free time, the lazier and lazier I've become. I mean ... I *should* be finishing my thesis, but I just don't feel inspired. There are also a couple of other projects that I'm interested in, but I don't want to get caught up in any of those until my thesis is finished ... kind of like a Catch-22, I suppose.   Anyway, one of the projects I want to work



Happy New Year from Taipei!

Well, it's already 9:00 AM on New Year's Day here in Taipei ... a few more hours until it's New Year's back in the States. It was a blissfully uneventful New Year's Eve spent watching TV, napping, and laying around doing nothing, except for spending a couple hours yesterday afternoon with my classmate/thesis editor discussing my thesis over coffee. I've got six chapters to revise (some more than others), and still have to finish the last half of my final chapter ... If I can just get my lazy but



Greetings from Taiwan (12/30/2005)

Well, this is my first time writing a blog in English ... I have another blog in Chinese, but unless you can read Chinese, that probably wouldn't be very interesting to most people.   Today has been a pretty uneventful day ... just three hours of work in the morning, and now I'm home for the weekend. I need to get my M.A. thesis finished, and hope I can make a good bit of progress on the last chapter this weekend. I'm meeting tomorrow afternoon with one of my older classmates to help me make r



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