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The blog about me, the Jordanator. Welcomed to my big little nation

Entries in this blog

Someone Like Me - Co-writer wanted!

Thank you all so much for your interest in Someone Like Me, the feedback I’ve received has been enormously helpful. It’s been a very fun story to write but unfortunately it will remain unfinished…. Or will it?  8 years ago when I started writing SLM I only ran with the ideas in my head and a rough guide of where the story would go. I’ve been considering releasing a more developed plot line for you all but as I’ve been filling in these gaps and making tweaks and changes, I’ve realised t


The_Jordanator in Story Update

Something Scary

So like, something curious happened today. Me and my mate, on the school computers, cracking out some media studies work, and I just happen to be on my photo drive staring at this picture I snatched off a digital album posted on the school site of a junior hockey sports game. The photo was of my best crush in the whole wide world even if you combined hot guys like Charlie Puth and Zac Efron together he still would be my pick crush since last year, standing on his lonesome, in the middle of a ho



Typical Mumversations

Me: Mum, guess what? Google has a new logo. Mum: That really is so interesting Jordan. Mum: It's really going to affect the way I live my life. Mum: I'm going to wake up every morning and my first thought will be of Google's new logo. Mum: Thank you for sharing that valuable information with me. Me: You could've just said you didn't care. Mum: But I actually do care. Me: Really? Mum: No.



An Unexpected Addition

It's not too often now days that I post things on my blog, and when I do it's because I'm being either an offensive faggot or in a jovial mood where I post random bullshit.   But this blog post is neither of those for once. This post is about something interesting that happened to me today.   There I was at Period 1 Geography (yes I take geo DON'T LAUGH we don't just colour in in geography. We go on field trips too). Anyway, I sit at a table group of 4, my friend Elliot, Reuben and Adam. Ad



An Unexpected Addition

It's not too often now days that I post things on my blog, and when I do it's because I'm being either an offensive faggot or in a jovial mood where I post random bullshit.   But this blog post is neither of those for once. This post is about something interesting that happened to me today.   There I was at Period 1 Geography (yes I take geo DON'T LAUGH we don't just colour in in geography. We go on field trips too). Anyway, I sit at a table group of 4, my friend Elliot, Reuben and Adam. Ad



Jordan's Guide To Being A Retail Assistant

Guys, I have come up with the basic outline that every retail assistant follows. Here it is!   1. Follow customers like they're the fish to your shark. And when he/she stops to look at something, get in their face and ask: 'How can I help you? Is there anything you are looking for?'   2. When behind the counter and the customer asks for an item, reply with: 'Sure we've got some out the back.' Then, go out into the break room, send 3 text messages to your friends, then come back out with a sm



Jordan's Guide To Flatting In New Zealand

1. If it can't be cooked in the microwave, then it's not worth cooking!   2. Assign job roster systems to the flat for each flatmate. "Hey, wasn't Joe supposed to clean the bathroom this week?" "Nah, he died remember? The stink of the unwashed clothes you forgot to wash last week killed him." "Oh, yeah."   3. Wear earplugs at night so that while you're in bed, the [thump] sound of [thump] your flatmate [thump] banging some girl [thump] and the adjacent wall [thump] doesn't interrupt [thump]



Me And My Guitar Friend Sean

For AJ, this is my guitar video so you'd better agree to upload my new profile pic for me! enjoy anyway.   https://vimeo.com/133812660?utm_source=email&utm_medium=clip-transcode_complete-finished-20120100&utm_campaign=7701&email_id=Y2xpcF90cmFuc2NvZGVkfGZlODI2NmUwODcxMmI2ODRjZWNkZjdjMTRiNjc3YjQ3MjE3fDQxOTk3NzAwfDE0MzcxOTA0MzJ8NzcwMQ%3D%3D



The Voice Of The Jordanator

Wanna hear a 16 minute and a half video of me shouting random banter in your ears? Have a listen! This is my first podcast slash voice memo slash audio clip so here you go. Note: it contains the 'PB' word, is quite ameuteur and could take a while to load. Do have a listen anyway   https://vimeo.com/133443784



Yay Or Neigh For 'punk Bitch?'

I'm still feeling regret over my US Marines and Gay Marriage Mock-up. Not a good idea as I have learnt.   But what I'm still tossing my head around over is the term 'punk bitch'.   Firstly, what does it mean? Similar to my other phrases such as 'crazy goon' and 'silly sausage', it is intended to be a slightly more assertive way of saying how much of how liberal you are. It could also mean how awesome you are too. It could potentially be insulting, which is where the controversy starts.  



Shoot Me Now

So it looks like I'm going against the firing squad for, well, things that should not have been said.   It's like waving a red flag at twenty thousand bulls.   My last blog post (now deleted to prevent continued offense) about the wonderful service of the Marines was meant to be a mere, light-hearted joke that reflects my own humor. And before I apologise for that particular incident, which caused an unsurmountably large uproar of dissaproval, you must realise that it was your choice to com



A Tri-Forum

So you might've seen my latest forums called Eews-Day Tuesday, Whinge Binge Wednesday and ThugLife Thursday. 3 forums. 3 chances fof you to tell some stories. 3 more times for me to up my reputation points.   Anyway, I notice that Eews-day Tuesday seems to be getting more popularity than the other two. So I just wanted to get a poll here. 1. Which forum is your favourite out of the 3? 2. Which one would you want to see scrapped?   I would appreciate your thoughts on this guys



New Story, Punk Bitches!

Thanks to the brilliant ATrueFan's suggestion, I've uploaded one of my fanfiction stories on here. Yes, the Jordanator has a new story for you to read. This one is very different to Someone Like Me. It had no romance or any gay material in it. It's based on my favourite video game, Portal. If you haven't played it, you should. But if you don't want to, I think this will make this story a whole lot more interesting.   See, when others read fanfiction on say a TV show they have no idea what it'



Additional Writing

Hey guys and girls and aliens!   Do you know, your beloved and most treasured writer (the right and honorable Jordanator), is a fanfiction writer?   Oh yes, I specialize in my favourite book series: The 39 Clues and my favourite video game, Portal.   https://www.fanfiction.net/u/4612721/The-Jordanator   WOW! Bam, bam, link out of nowhere! If you click on it, it should take you to a list of my fanfiction stories. I have 6. I reccomend you read:   - Test Subject #00001 - Isabel Kabra - A



Lookin' Good And Feelin' Fine

I feel great   I received my certificate award for passing ten achievement standards at excellence, in front of the entire school with a whole group of people. Attached was a cheque for $40.00 (hooray!)   The other thing was I had class photos today. I'm just hoping the picture came out good. Well, more importantly, I'm hoping that I wasn't blinking in the shot because of the sudden flash of white light just before the camera clicks.   So that was my Wednesday today. And I'm doing alrigh



Teacher's Delight

Today I was walking with Chris toward the school gates after school had finished. I passed my English teacher Ms Patterson who held a stack of folders.   "Hey Miss." I greet.   "Hey Jordan." She smiles back.   As she is wearing something new today, I say: "That's a lovely shirt you have on today. Or is it a dress?"   "It's a shirt." She replies rather pleasantly. "Thank you anyway."   We part our ways happily. Chris says: "That was nice. You're a genuine kind of guy, you know?"   And



Good Scores For Money

Today at school, I was read out in assembly as part of a list of roughly 50 people or more who did well last year and scored excellence (America's A grade) in 10 achievement standards (which I did). As a reward for achieving this, me, Chris (who is the same person who intended to be gay for a week) and others on the list receive a monetary reward for this by the PTA (Parent-Teacher Association). Last year, it was $30 each for these students. I'm wrapt, but I have no idea how to claim the cheque.



You Can Tell Who The Popular One Is

Me in class: *sneezes* Everyone else in class: *Noone cares* Popular guy in class:*sneezes* Everyone else in class: OH MY GOD, MAY THE GRACIOUS LORD HIMSELF BLESS YOU WITH DIVINE HOLY SPIRIT AND PROTECT YOU FROM THAT SNEEZE, AMEN!!!




Today I saw my high school crush. I didn't talk to him obviously but I checked him out from a distance. He was gone for the entire time last week and I was starting to get worried that he moved away! But today, I saw him with his arm in a bandage. Awwwwwww.....he looked so cute even though he'd disfigured his arm which would've really hurt and it probably would've been a big mess. But the arm in the bandage looked cute, I thought. And that's what I wanted to share today. It's a pity I can't sna



Dangerous Settlers

One day in New Zealand:   Auckland Settlers: *Settles upon land sitting on 50 unpredictable volcanoes.* Wellington Settlers: *Settles at the bottom of north island where wind blows everyone over and every time it rains, the place floods.* Christchurch Settlers: *Settles on land above and close to undiscovered fault lines that has every potential to cause violent earthquakes and create tsunamis.* Dunedin Settlers: *Settles on uneven rolling hills, with climate so cold it snows ever season.*



My Interview With The_Jordanator

Hi everyone, welcome to the self-interview! Thank you for joining me today as I talk to The_Jordanator about his story which is fast rising in popularity, Someone Like Me.   Me: Thank you for agreeing to do this   J: It's a pleasure.   Me: The first question we want to ask you is not on your story, but for yourself. You're a new author to GA, and 16 years old which is quite young. You've also told us that you're bisexual as well. Have you ever been bullied for your sexuality?   J: Well,



Older Than You Think

This is just the worst.   My Dad decided it would be a good idea to post a picture of our family of four on howold.net As the results turn out, this was not a good idea at all. Can I just say before you laugh at the results image that I'm 16 and Mum is 45ish. She wasn't wearing any makeup either.   (Note: Photo has been cropped to disclude rest of family)



An Interview With Oneself

I have already made suggestions about this, but now it is official. I will be interviewing The_Jordanator about his story 'Someone Like Me.' The interview will be blogged here at the JordanNation Blog in two days time. The author promises information about the story that is a MUST know for all readers.   He's also taking questions, and the first question somebody has already asked to tell him is: 'Have you ever been bullied for your sexuality?' The_Jordanator will be answering that question a



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