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everday necesities...



So, two more guys at work got fired for dishonest acts :angry: I mean what the hell is going on? I swear, at this rate I will be the only employee left by Christmas :o Okay, actually that's a very scary thought. So now Hot abercrombie and cute guy 'C' are gone too. :( My boss seems worried, and he should be, I mean Christmas is just 17 days away... GASP!! 17 days and I literally have not bought one present yet :unsure: I'm officially worried. I told him I'll wear my super woman cape and save his ass again 0:)


I realized only moments ago as I was watching something that Davey sent me that the crazy mom who yelled out her car window at me about the play that was f***kin awesome looks like Stephen Tyler from Aerosmith :blink: Add scary to crazy and you're almost there.


So, besides sending me cute boys to watch :P Davey saved my ass again with this chapter... I've lost count now how many times he has done that, but thank goodness my sweetie knows just what to do all the time. :wub: I'm almost done now, I promise...


So, I spent the whole day in my jammies and I was freezing! I told Davey that I am protesting winter, but my feet are REALLY starting to get cold in my flip flops. I wear these things everywhere and all the time except for when I'm at work... Me and the cold do not get along so well, it's a good thing it's usually really warm here. B)


So I started thinking the other day that there are a few things that I just can't live without. Well not really, but like everyday necesities that are purely material things. Some examples of those things for me are my sunglasses, lip gloss or chapstick, and definitely flip flops. :P I'm curious what things you guys find necesary that are material things for your daily comfort. I also always, ALWAYS have a sweater or jacket with me cause I am always cold... Rich actually tried to tell me once that it's because I'm so short :blink: Some crap about the body produces so much body heat per cubic whatever, blah blah, but can only release it at the same rate through our skin and of course your head. He rationalizes it that way because he is 6'2" to my 5'3" and he is always warm and hardly ever wears a jacket :rolleyes: Whatever... I'm used to being called little now... I have been this size since I was 12 and in the eighth grade.


On to the most important news though... It's only one day till my sweetie's birthday! :wub: Giggle, I can't wait... I think I am almost more impatient than he is :whistle: I guess if you think about it by tomorrow when I get off work it will be his birthday where he lives... :wizard: Yay! :hug:


So I put my story on the new eFiction area here and apparently I am now the second most prolific author :great:


Smiling... 23 hours and counting little brother 0:)



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Hey Viv!


I confess I haven't started reading your story yet :( ,,,,,I want to read it when I have plenty of time and can read a good chunk at once, and unfortuantely I've been really busy lately, between work and my end of semester finals/papers. LOL plus I have no will power for stuff like that, if I started reading something now I know I just wouldn't stop and wouldn't get anything done. Anyway I can't wait till everything slows down and I can read it :D .


Let's see what can I not do without? I know WATER.....Of course I know no one can do without water, but I mean I've got to ALWAYS have at least a gallon jug of water in my fridge and at least several water bottles I can grab if I go somewhere. I'm constantly drinking the stuff, I drink it all day while I'm out, and then still manage to pollish off at least a gallon an evening at home (I can easily go through two if I stay in all day). I drink it with ANYTHING I eat, and I even drink it with pretty much anything else I drink....Like I'd never want JUST a glass of orange juice, or JUST a cup of hot chocolate, I gotta have water with it. I was beginning to panic when all the hurricanes came through and everyone else started buying out all the water too. By the time I was able to restock I only had one opened gallon jug in the fridge and a few bottles left (When I buy, I usually get 18 gallons, and 2 24cases, so this was VERY low for me). LOL yep, I'm pretty much always drinking or always peeing. hehehe need to go do both now :P . Have an awesome day!!



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Awesome Sister Viv (I won't say little...in light of your blog entry)


I will read chapter 5...this weekend when the brain is out of deep freeze.


I am either always cold in the winter or sweating bullets in the summer (I hate extreme temperatures at either end)


essentials..I am like Kevin in one way (I do drink coffee....I can't live without it....it helps jump start my sluggish hypothyroid..and if anyone has one they will understand that...I know its not good but it is what it is....)


but I also drink water (I know you hate Costco but thankfully I LOVE their Fruito2 water)...so I have to have both (I don't drink sodas or orange juice or hot chocolate or milk)


in the winter a sweatshirt with hoodie...or sweater....


in the summer, shorts...sneakers.


now I sleep barefoot but during the day...brrr..as to flip flops....


I need my computer, fax, phone, email for work and my copier and typewriter and my brain....


The mail delivery system, federal express, office supplies.


Heat in the winter/air conditioner in the summer.


Lately, lots of tissues...and my blanket


and per Bard, I have to agree, I need warm warm hot showers..


and a must unless like when I am sick now...the gym...for cardio and weight machines..it keeps me sane (ok as sane as I try to be....ok, so if you think I am insane...ok, so maybe I am...oh boy...I better stop)


funny, how you take that away (oops..lets not forget the microwave, the car, gas for the stove to cook)


and I find if one of those things disappers, I am a wreck...add a combination.....and oh brother, its bad enough I am technology challenged, I can't fix many things so, the house of cards can really play havoc and make me a mess in 2.5 nano seconds.


ugh, I am getting depressed....and the brain is saying ok..stop now...no need to depress the rest of us...lol


night night and put some socks on Awesome Sister...brrrrr..



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Hi Viv :wub:


I've only got two things that I can't live without, family and Killer. :2hands:


That's it. Everything else, I'll make do.




p.s. Damn you lost Abercrombie boy. ##@@@%%%%% Don't work to hard.

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Hi Viv :wub:


I've only got two things that I can't live without, family and Killer. :2hands:


That's it. Everything else, I'll make do.





Awww! Sounds like you really have your priorities straight, Eric. I agree with the family part, and hope someday to add boyfriend to that too :D

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Hi Viv :wub:


I've only got two things that I can't live without, family and Killer. :2hands:


That's it. Everything else, I'll make do.




p.s. Damn you lost Abercrombie boy. ##@@@%%%%% Don't work to hard.



I only have one problem with that dude.... 'What about us?' :lmao:


Take care dude

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