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She's not there



I've loved this song my enitre life. I usually think of the original version by the Zombies, but I've heard others that I've liked as well. I didn't even mind when "Glee" did a cover, though like all the times they've done a cover of one of my favorite song, I've been wary (though twice I feel their interpretation improved it on the original, such as "Bad Romance").


And in all the times I've loved and thought about this song, there was one reading of it I never considered, and that stopped me cold.


My aunt passed away a couple months ago. The scariest moment, the moment that drove me to tears, was a few months before when she had a bad drug reaction and lost herself for a couple days. There was just, no one home, and in one of the most intellegent and alive people I've ever met, this scared me more than the thought of her dying. This hit home what she was going through. And this song brought up that memory.



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