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Finishing Everything

Ever feel like you are so far behind you might never catch up? I get that way occasionally. I mean, well, it seems my life is going on without me and now I have to try to play a part in it. I don't know if that makes sense.


Anyway, I got a lot accomplished today. Chapter 27 is in the hands of my beta and editor. I'm working on 28 and nearly done. I guess you can say I am not the world's most patient person so I published Red ahead of time. That only leaves one more chapter. With the way I am feeling it will probably be published on Thursday.


I am sort of screwed up on November Birthdays at the moment. I had ordered tickets for a Patti Page performance in Patchogue on November 5th. I was just notified the concert has been cancelled so there went my gift for my father for his birthday. I have no idea what I am going to get him now. I've finished my shopping for other friends who have birthdays next month. In fact tomorrow I plan to wrap them all up and then I just have to wait till we get closer to that time to mail them all. If I don't seal the boxes up I know I will continue to shop and that can get to be expensive to ship.


Oh I also found a now belated birthday gift for a friend from here. I hate when i find things out last minute and have to scramble but I think this will do nicely.


Tomorrow I plan to write out some post cards, bills, and just finish up the odds and ends I hadn't touched yet. Hate being behind.


Oh well, enjoy all.


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From all the things you get to accomplish, you sound like a whirlwind of energy. I don't know how you do it!



There are good days and bad Bleu. Sometimes I get it all done and sometimes I am just a lazy bum. lol

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