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NaNoWriMo 2011

Are you doing it? Huh? Huh? Huh?


Isn't that so annoying? Yeah? I thought so.


Anyways, quick note on me: I'm good. Slightly sick but good all things considered. I don't have any cable because the cable company can't get off their fat arses and fix it, which I'm okay with at the moment. I'm somewhere with fast net. I'm good.


As for me, I'm doing fanfiction this year. A story that has been biting my own arse to get me to write it. Yeah.

It's called Like a Bullet, is a Bleach AU, comes from the same bunny that created Midnights Taste, an original story that is a serious psychological horror.


I also had to reformat my hard drive. Lost EVERYTHING. I'm still recovering. *flails*


So I will hopefully be on more often.


By the way...when did we change things? Really?


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