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2011 Fitness Totals



2011 turned out to be the 'Year of Fitness' for me. I totaled everything up, and it's actually quite staggering now that it's all there in one place.


Gym Workouts - 452

Running Sessions - 332 (for 2,117 miles)

Rollerblading Sessions - 64 (for 644 miles)

Road Biking - 48 (for 768 miles)


Total - 896



My main goal was running 2000 miles, so I was happy that I surpassed that.


I'm going to tone things down a bit for 2012. For running, I plan on reducing my mileage to work on my speed.


I also realize that I've neglected my social life, so I'll try to focus more on that instead of fitness.


So within the next couple of days, I'll come up with my goals for 2012.


Hope you all had a good 2011 and that you accomplished the things you wanted to.


Take Care,




Recommended Comments

That's crazy!! As paya said, there are only 365 days in a year... On the other hand, you look pretty happy running.


I've not gone to the gym nearly as frequently as you have, but I've been getting better returns than in the past after I started taking some protein powder. But then I'm building up vanity and not mileage. :P

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My goal for 2012 is to not be out of breath and in need of a nap after reading your list of goals. :) Seriously, you're looking great...for an old guy.


I want to learn tai chi this year.

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