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  • Cia

    Secret Author Stories Kickoff!!

    By Cia

    That's right! Get your spy glasses, red herring hunting, secret revealing blacklights on (okay, maybe not that... who knows what you'll see?!!) 🫢But today is the kickoff for the Secret Author Story Contest Stories. One will be posted per day until they've all been revealed... but the authors are still hidden. Just who wrote these stories?!   Read today's kick off story here or find each day's new story featured in the Stories tab.    Discuss your thoughts (after you read, like, c
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2011 Fitness Totals

2011 turned out to be the 'Year of Fitness' for me. I totaled everything up, and it's actually quite staggering now that it's all there in one place.   Gym Workouts - 452 Running Sessions - 332 (for 2,117 miles) Rollerblading Sessions - 64 (for 644 miles) Road Biking - 48 (for 768 miles) --------------------------------- Total - 896     My main goal was running 2000 miles, so I was happy that I surpassed that.   I'm going to tone



Gym Crush = Straight

Well, I haven't updated in a while. I realized my activity on GA correlates to Domluka's postings, which is pretty sparce. I've realized I'm becoming one of those GA members who kinda moves on, fades away.   Not much new going on. Still keeping busy with fitness. Doing 2-3 activities a day. I think I'm an adrenaline/endorphine junkie.     But anyway, since I had blogged so much about him in the past, I figured I should bring closure to my stalkee, the 'Gym Crush'.   I've been stalkin



Exercise Insanity

okay, for the month of May (which ended today):     29 Runs for 191 miles (6.58/miles average) 46 Gym workouts, with 13 of those being primarily Spartacus workouts 5 Rollerbladings for 56 miles 8 Outdoor Bike Rides for 128 miles   88 total Workouts/Activities   It's a little shocking to add it all up (and that doesn't include mowing the lawn or other household/yard stuff). I'm not sure what to think about it. whether it's good or bad, whether I can maintain the pace, or actually add



What 'Base' am I at with my Gym Crush?

Today I gave my Gym Crush my business card with my cell phone number on it.   We had been chatting off and on at the gym for the last couple of weeks and he mentioned now that the weather was getting warmer that he'd like to come running with my group at some point. I told him he was always welcome and just to let me know ahead of time so that I would make sure someone (me) would definitely be there.   Just about an hour ago, he texted me thanking me for my contact info as well giving me



Gym Crush, Spartacus, Health & Fitness, & a pat on the butt

Cool stats of mine...   Body Fat - 3.4%-3.8% Resting Heart Rate - 47 beats per minute Better than an athletic 18-25yo. Take that athletic twinks half my age !   It's been a while since I last updated, and unfortunately there's been little progress on the Gym Crush front. We've seen each other at the gym several times and have spoken casually, but no 'moving forward' (which was expected in the 'baby steps' method).   However, for the last month, I've been consistently doing the Men's



Proactive pays off

So, I manned up/grew some and took some advice given here. I mentally pledged to stop with the head games & the active ignoring. If I saw Gym Crush, I would say hi, no matter if I said it first or not. I was going to start acting like an adult and treat him like I would anyone else.   So anyways....I was finishing up at the gym this evening, and Gym Crush shows up. I had a few more minutes on the rowing machine, which was very close to where Gym Crush does this special workout that he'



"Hey Vic!"

So it's been a couple weeks since I invited Gym Crush to go running, and not surprisingly, he hasn't shown up at 5am to run.   I've seen him several times at the gym since our last 'chat', but never close enough or convenient enough to make small talk. I also swear a few times we were close enough, but he never made eye contact with me so that we could chat (which in my mind meant he didn't even remember who I was or even if he recognized me).   I was starting to get really frustrated with



My Gym Crush, we finally spoke...to each other!

Please keep this in mine while reading this blog entry:   - Yes, I am 42 years old, no I'm not a teenager, stop rolling your eyes - Yes, I move slowly, stop rolling your eyes - Yes, I'm a wuss, stop rolling your eyes   After many long years, I finally had the opportunity to exchange words with my Gym Crush. I'm as giddy as a school girl over the experience. You see, I've had a crush on this guy for over 3 years. I looked back over my blog entries and found these 3, all about him:   Sl



Do you believe everyone is smart?

I've had this lingering thought in the back of my mind, for the longest while. It's been reaffirmed, strengthen at times by some of the things that I read here on GA and as of recently an NPR story that I listened to a week ago. It's the idea that everyone is smart in his/her own level and, given the opportunity, can provide a grounded opinion. In other words, when enable to, a person can produce a creative idea, logical response, or convincing argument. That there aren't just a "set" of people


Camilo in Camilo


Today was an odd day.... Ran 10k at 6am Worked out at the gym from 8am-10am (shoulders and an hour on the stationary bike) Rollerbladed 10miles at 1pm Hit the gym again from 5:30pm-7:00pm (legs & chest) There was also yard work & cleaning the pool....     Weird. If I'm bored, I feel like I need to be doing some physical activity.   I'm not sure what my mental problem is. Maybe I do it all cause I don't ever want to be fat again. Or maybe I'm trying to make up for my la



A return to blogging

April 30, 2010         I've just completed a good run. I always feel well afterward, if a bit parched since I don't have a water bottle. I'll be fixing that soon, hopefully. I've been meaning to work out more regularly and I've decided that today will mark day zero for that effort. My goal is to eventually do two miles in fifteen minutes, and twenty minutes of running total. Today I got maybe a mile and a half before the fifteen minute mark and my lower legs felt like they were burning, but


Demetz in Demetz

Big Pharma got me

Getting ready for work this morning, I decided to pack up a couple pills so I could have them when I ate breakfast at work this morning.   I had a horse sized glucosamine pill (they're for joint pain relief due to my running), a multivitamin, and then an advil. I started taking the glucosamine because apparently it helps with joint cartilage, the advil because my knees were sore from running earlier in the morning, and the multivitamin just because I'm probably not getting enough from the sod



Degrees of Outness - Different on Facebook vs. GA

I never really thought I hid my gayness out in the real world and certainly don't hide it with my online persona here on GA. I don't have Gay & Available stamped on my forehead, but I don't deny or deflect when people ask. However, a friend called me out on the fact that my Facebook profile doesn't provide any direct evidence that I'm gay. Sure there are clues that the trained eye can deduce, but nothing definitive to say 'I'm Gay'.   In the past, I've justified the lack of information



Email sucks

So I got rid of AOL a long time ago, but when they said i could keep my email address I said sure because it was convenient.   Fast forward to now and for the last few hours I haven't been able to get into my account. I'm using the right sign-on info and the


DomLuka in Dom Luka

Nutty bonkers

I don't share tooth brushes and I don't share boyfriends. That said, when I'm in a relationship I don't cheat and I certainly don't wait for my boyfriend to do it. If it happens, and it has, then they're gone and I move on, because I know myself too well to try to work it out. I'll hold a grudge and those don't belong in a relationship.   So today I'm talking to this girl who thinks her boyfriend is cheating on her. With his cousin(distant, but still), no less. All because the girlfriend does


DomLuka in Dom Luka

Gay Man's Guide to confusing family & friends

They say a picture is worth a thousand words. Apparently, a picture can elicit phone calls & emails to my mom and sisters...     A HighSchool friend was visiting for the weekend and we took a day trip to Santa Barbara. This picture is of the two of us...on the beach...on Valentine's Day.   I was pretty sure everyone knew I was gay, but I guess this confused a few relatives or perhaps gave some of them hope that I switched teams again .   I can imagine my mom wistfully pondering



Being Positive - giving up 'not nice' for lent

I'm liking positive, optimistic people lately. I find myself being more drawn to them and avoiding or spending less time with negative, debbie downer types.   Whenever I get exposed to negative people...you know, the ones who seem to complain or find fault in just about everything....It sucks the life out of you. It's no fun to hear how this is pissing them off, or that's bothering them all the time. Don't get me wrong, we all gripe. But the glass is not always half full.   Positive/enco



I'm bored and curious.

So here's the question: do you like to know how a story ends before you read it?   I'm guilty of reading the last page before I start a novel, or even buying a book unless I trust the author to be consistent and give me what I want in the end. Usually, that's the happy, or at least a somewhat peaceful ending. Unless I'm reading something twisted, in which case...   Anyway, it seems like I've read too many stories where someone dies meaninglessly and I'm brought down instead of up, even if th


DomLuka in Dom Luka

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