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    London, Greater London, the Greatest London!
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    Travel, meeting new people, learning about new cultures. Come and say hi! :)

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  1. OK, what is this? ;-)
  2. https://encrypted-tbn3.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcTXLM_-I0Egovd3lui9ZUFrDj7mg0DgcV2A_upexYd6sG_XBU7-pg It's an astronomical clock! What else were you thinking???
  3. "molested 5 girls OUT OF WHICH 4 WERE HIS SISTERS" :-O :-O Stellar family values!
  4. paya

    I Say No!

    My German is worse than I expected... Would you manage to find a transcript somewhere? I tried to Google but she has too many comments...
  5. paya


    I agree! Vicious is great for a quick laugh and Frances de la Tour and "Ramsay Bolton" are just as awesome as the two main queens in it! BTW there are two more grey haired "Gay" ambassadors - Martin Sheen and Sam Waterston kiss and hug a lot in the Netflix's Grace and Frankie! Wholeheartedly recommended! ;-)
  6. paya

    3 years on

    I hope the UK visit is a promise! Unless we are busy attending to a wedding in the family (end August), we would take it as a personal affront if you didn't let us know when you're around! ;-)
  7. paya

    Dr Who

    How come nobody is chatting here? I would have thought that the new season would elicit at least some reactions, speculations, debate! I mean WHO is that woman??? And what does she want? Or should we ask WHO does she want?
  8. Yeah, it is. It's called 2001: Vampire Space Odyssey ;-)
  9. paya

    Dr Who

    Daleks are back in London!!! They are hiding in a house in Fitzrovia! Everybody on high alert! We need the Doctor!
  10. I hope London will get more out of this. It's a city that is competing on an international scale yet it's completely bogged down by the Treasury and it only has 1 % of the tax income raised on its "soil". I know many of these taxes are based there only because of national and international HQs, as well as many employees working in London (generating profit for the enterprises in it) are actually living outside London. BUT those employees pay income tax outside London too - and the city needs to count with these extra people on top of the residents and tourists in designing its infrastructure, so it should get more money for that purpose. So yeah, great that the Scottish are getting more powers but I think we're getting a proper devolution across the whole of the country, creating in fact a federal United Kingdom.
  11. I have to admit I have been appalled at the amount of violence that this campaign stirred. The Yes proponents are going too far - as far as threatening the lives of the No supporters, scaring them off, hackling their children (!!!), calling them traitors... whatever happens, the Scottish society/nation itself will come out of this deeply polarised and divided. Is that what Salmond and SNP wanted??? It's a disgrace of a democracy, and really shameful example of what to expect from the new country were it to happen.
  12. Yeah, I understand that. But that should not mean that GA will pretend politics - and gay politics - doesn't exist and we don't talk about it.
  13. paya

    Queer As Folk

    QAF and GA were what made me feel better about being gay, accept myself and gradually come out of the closet. We watched this series together with Westie as well, twice now I think, and every time I saw something different. I really enjoyed it and I think a properly thought out film would be marvellous - it would certainly be fun to see how the stars of the show that are now in their 40s and 30s (Debbie and Carl well over 60 I'd guess), how these people contrast to today's gay icons, people 18-30 yo, Gleeks and Modern Family and all the wilderness that the you gay scene is. Maybe a 16 yo Gus who never had a problem with coming out (come on, genetics is there, a kid of two gay parents?), could show us the new gay scene? He will be 18 by the time the movie is shot and released.
  14. As I understood it at the time, one drama queen (deeply vested with one of the US main political parties) threatened to leave the site if the soapbox doesn't close and since they are considered to be a great author (never read anything from them so I can't tell), obviously the choice was to keep the author generating traffic and close the soapbox that was giving the mods headache anyway. Like everyone said in here, the civility is the main problem here. The question arises though, what sort of person are you, if you can't keep your communication civil at all times? I can have heated debates on political causes close to my heart, I can shout, sigh with desperation that my opponent doesn't acknowledge my point, but I would never take that and use it against them in other parts of the website (do I understand correctly that somebody actually said something in the lines "Your story would have been good but since you are Democrat, it's sh*te"?). Also, if you are an author who is venerated throughout the website, published in the Premium section, etc., and you don't like the treatment you're getting in Soapbox, why are you going in there in first place??? Anyway, the fact is, we don't pay for anything in here unless we choose to go Premium and I don't imagine that generates much of revenue. The website is surely quite pricey to run, even if it's only volunteers who admin and mod here. So the main concern will be to generate money while providing place for stories a notch above Nifty. That it could be a main meeting hub for LGBT community where we could discuss issues of gay life as Adam mentions in his blog doesn't have to concern the owners of the website. After all, there is only that far they can go with their charity to the community. As a P.S. I'm adding my personal pet peevee: I still find it incredulous that you are not allowed to post erotic pictures in here, say a blog where they post cats and kittens in cute pictures on one side and men posing in similar positions like those cats in the other. There are no genitals (or I don't remember seeing any) but it was not allowed to be posted in here. Again, I point out, that the 12 and 13 year olds that come to this website can read all sorts of obscenities in the stories here (and let their imagination run wild) but got forbid they see a hot man in here.
  15. paya

    Dr Who

    Soooo...??? What do you think?
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