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Andy's Blog

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Well shock and horror the sheep is still around! :)


Yeah, I've been kinda absent of late, lots of stuff going on. Nothing noteworthy, just so many different little things taking up so much time.


Anyway, this blog entry is about my experiment today with freewriting. It's not something I do very often, but I enjoy it when I do.


For those who have never done any freewriting, it's actually quite easy. You simply write, without regard to spelling, grammar, subject matter, plot, or any of those other annoying pesky things that get in the way of us writing.


Most of the time, I usually throw away my freewriting. It's not that it's no good, or that I don't want to share it, as most people who have done any freewriting will tell you, it can be a bastard and a half turning freewriting into a story that makes sense. Sometimes the basic idea survives and becomes a short story, but now I find myself with a story to either adopt or kill.


A simple experiment has left me with an 8k Harry Potter fanfic, that I have absolutely no idea what to do with. I just sat down and started writing, and before I knew it, I was writing a bloody HP story :lol:


So I either bin the story - believe me I've never ever sat down with the intention of writing an HP fanfic. I've written one very short HP story, but I'd much rather leave the HP epics to authors like Dan and Myr - or I adopt it, and not have clue one where the fuck to go with it or what the fuck to do with it.


I guess we'll all find out over the coming weeks.

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Bad sheep for being away so long :angry: Glad you're back so I can take the Shiny from you :lol:


I wouldn't say no to a Harry Potter fanfic - keep on Writing :hug:

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I agree with Dang Bear.  Missed your woolly ass. lol.  Seriously, I'd love to read a HP fanfic written by you.  Don't trashcan it!

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.  Missed your woolly ass. lol. 




LOL all my prompt responses are just that - free writing.  I get to around the 1200 word mark and that's the end of where i know i want it to go!   Wayne and a few others keep encouraging me to finish some of them, but without a road map i'm lost!


Welcome back.

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