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Stephanie Danielson's For the Heart of Phillip

After having read Stephanie's heartwarming novel about three men consistently intertwined in each other's lives, I paused to consider what I should say in the review. It took just on six hours to read the book. It could have taken four or maybe five hours without interruptions.


To say that I was swept away by emotion would be an understatement. To say that Stephanie's characters engaged me in a three dimensional sense would be an understatement. I was transported into Phillip's world and yes, I will admit here and now, I too fell in love with him.


I reflected on this beautiful story ahttp://www.gayauthors.org/forums/files/file/48-for-the-heart-of-phillip/nd it didn't take me long to know what I would write in my review. I wanted to write something that other reviewers miss.


Now, we all are capable of writing a review. Many of us don't go further than: What a lovely story. I thoroughly enjoyed it. Can't wait to read more. All good. But this is just a comment, not a review. To write a review we must dig deep. Come up with an eloquent discourse of how the story affected the reviewer, touch on characters - how did they make you feel? Settings. Scenes. Climax and anti- climax. Everyone will have a different way of expressing their thoughts and feelings about the story.


Then I remember one simple truth: There are readers, and there are reviewers. I am both. But when a story as good, as rich, as fullfilling as For the Heart of Phillip, hooks me, i have no option but to praise the author in ways that other readers or reviewers have missed.


I hope you will read the book. I hope you will be transported into the deep. For the full review please visit the eBook page, contemporary fiction.




I was. And it made my weekend.

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