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About LJH

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    South Africa
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    I love helping GA writers edit their work. I look for simplicity, clarity and precision. Some would say I am ruthless, others say I am merciful. It depends.

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Community Answers

  1. A huge welcome to my friend Kimichan. Your work is amazing and I hope you have a fabulous time on GA. Hugs and hearts always
  2. Thanks everyone for birthday wishes. Hugs everyone.
  3. Happy Birthday Mark Hugs Hope you had a bliss day filled with love and cuddles and snuggles and spooning
  4. LJH

    Chapter 1

    Thanks for reading and I see you have stayed with the story. I have published it now with the Title SWIMMER and I must say it's selling quite well. I wrote the story in 2nd person because I like playing with POV. I would hope that the reader was immersed in the story as a character watching everything. Romance is a big part of our lives, and a well written romance must have drama, sadness, love, loss and hope just to mention a few. being a short story, I had to pack the story in, iron it out neatly and fold it wisely. I wanted it to appeal to everyone. I wrote two versions, this, I'm afraid is the family version. The heated version is for sale (LOL). I first wrote it for GA, then added the heat later. At least one reviewer didn't understand the timeline but the story takes place over a couple months and yet another reviewer thought I had rushed the relationship between Will and Baz, there should have been a lot more tension especially when Corneles arrived back on the scene. I suppose I could have made the story longer, but romances are romances, happy ending and all that. I was more interested in writing the lead up to the shark attack than relationships. This is my first romance, the second, called Even Stars Die is also published here on GA, but I am rewriting it. Thank you for all of your support in these comments. I really appreciate it. Your reviews are thoughtful and compelling. Hugs
  5. LJH

    Chapter 1

    This story is by far the most powerful I have had the pleasure of editing. The thing with Yettie's writing is that once you start, you can't stop, It's like a rollercoaster ride of emotions. It reminds me of the question I ask all of my characters: What would mentally destroy your character? And the answer is simple: When you love someone but they don't know it or they don't feel the same way about you, eventually you cannot stop thinking about them and it becomes constant. You think about them when you wake up and they're your last thought before you go to bed.No matter how hard you try, they're constantly on your mind and there's nothing you can do about it because you're too afraid of rejection or you're too good friends with them and if you tell them how you feel, you're afraid/you know they won't feel the same way and your friendship will end, right there and then. The painful, constant thoughts rapidly bounce against the walls of your mind until they just mentally destroy you. This one-sided relationship with that one person is literally destroying you. And when that entity is gone, it leaves a void much like a hot air balloon without the helium. You sink, you seek for an answer, you seek but can't find and that leads to scars that will disfigure you for life. This is the crux of VIVID. It is so well written that I had to read it twice just to enjoy the sheer pleasure of the writing. Well done Yettie.
  6. Happy Birthday Bro...have a great day!
  7. LJH

    The Ladder

    I feel that the damage has been done re Pete. A pity because I always had hoped that Corbs and Pete would get it on. In real life, after all the jealousy,Punch ups, confusion and retaliation, the relationship after such harm, is done. Corbin is right that there is nothing more to feel but hate. I have done that myself. But he is making one mistake, and that is fuelling communication with Pete and Amanda. He should not justify any sms with Pete, and he should drop Amanda from hus vocabulary. The synergy with Pete has never existed. Come to think of it there has been more synergy with Mike and Lee. The interaction between Pete and Corb has vecome such that the combined effect is no longer greater than the sum of their individual selves. There is no value to Corbin's goals with him to inspire further interaction. Pete does not comply maybe because of something in his past, but now it has come to the point where I don't actually care for Pete. Corbin does and thus is what makes the story interesting. If there is any hope of the two being reunited, it must come from Pete. And if this is going to happen, it will all hang on Mike's intentions for the future. Does Mike see Corbin in his future? Well, we don't know. Does Corbin see Mike in his future? These questiins remain unanswered. I do know only one thing that is true, Pete has no room for Corbin in his future. At the end of his sojourn Pete will provablt return to England. At the end of Mike's training, he will return to the civilian life he once knew. The question is, will Corbin follow him? So many complications for these characters.
  8. This comes as a deep shock. RIP Rob. Your loved ones are in my thoughts and prayers.
  9. LJH

    Memory of a Kiss

    @Timothy M. You have something there in your logic. Pete has always been shoved aside just when he might make a move. We don't know how Pete is really feeling except thay he can't trust Corbin. But lets take a step back here. Dakota. I didn't see Corbs I have a feeling that Pete loves Corbs and is blowing his chances of a reconcilliation by DOING Dakota. This is sad. But then, everyone handles hurt differently. Suddenly I'm in the Mike boat. Sorry Pete.
  10. LJH

    Falling Slowly

    So much to say! What the hell did you do Corb? Even hubby is shaking his head, mouth so wide you can fit a carrot or two or three in it. Hell! This is THE moment we've all been waiting for but first you go and hurt Mike, then you hurt Pete! Get a grip my china. I think you and I should have a little talk about relationships here bru. J - this is a remarkable chapter. I loved every moment of it. Still shaking. Heart still pumping like it's overworked. But this chapter proves one thing, you are a fabulous writer. Without the English Year, I am dead...
  11. LJH

    Chapter 1

    Well...I actually like you Dallas. Dame, you came across (at first) like a spoiled brat whiner who would have been better off as a girl. Girls whine, not boys. Now, I hope you both understand that you're leading each other down tabooland avenue even though you are not brothers. I can imagine the crap ahead for both of you. I love your character Damien. And Dallas, you too. I wanna go on this journey with you.
  12. May the sun and stars shine on your words forever. Hope you have many more! Happy Birthday
  13. There we go. CONGRATS Cole.
  14. I don't agree with any of you. Pfffff. Grumble grumble. What, are you all education experts now?! Hehehehe. On the other hand, you are all right. A creative writing degree is worthless if you do not intend to become a successfull money making writer. In South Africa it is slightly different. Patricia Schonstein did a creative writing degree at the Uni of Cape Town and became quite successful, at the Uni they pair the writer up with a writing Icon, in this case she was pared with nobel prize winner JM Coetzee. There have been others, I just don't remember names. However, writing is a craft. Crafts should be learned, If nothing else, it makes you confident as a writer. Grumble grumble. But reading is not just reading. Read and assimilate. Write down what works for you in a novel. How a character is portrayed. What is different about the story. How does the writer tackle description. Action and reaction. Mechanics. Use those notes in your own stories. But I must admit, I do agree with everything said. Don't take my word for it. I'm not a successful writer. But I do enjoy writing as a hobby. Confused. AWWWWW, don't be. Just do whatever you wanna do. Life is too short to procrastinate about writing courses. But if you must do one, investigate a company that offers non-degree courses. They also help in understanding the craft.
  15. "Hi," Peter said joyfully. "Hello," Jack said grimly. "How are you?" Peter asked curiously "Fine,thank ýou," Jack said nervously. Fabulous usage
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