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My Journey



Day by day, I watch and learn on GA. There's a lot of goodness, uncertainty, sadness, and much, much talent.

When I took on being Louis's co-help in the Editor/Beta program, I was very paranoid. I didn't really know if I was the one to do it, but I wanted to. Period.


I've been rewarded time and time again for doing it, but I was presented a challenge that actually scared me, but I went with my heart, was honest, and was rewarded over and over.


I responded to a young author's request for a beta. They wanted suggestions, etc. I read their post for their story, and was scared to say much. I decided to be honest. Sharing what knowledge I had, and what I'd learned here on GA, I gave them my honest opinion and suggestions. Now, to the scary part.




This author stepped forward, thanked me for all suggestions, had found some of our help forums for writers, and was so excited. Made everything I do here worthwhile. They thanked me excitedly, said they knew their work was rough, but so excited that I thought they had a good plot, characters, etc.


If you read this, you know who you are, and you make my time on GA a treasure. Thank you!

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Jo Ann - that's so nice! :)

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