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New story Concepts and observation about seperate but equal

First, a new concept in my story is the ambiguous morality of need in human existence. One groups needs in order to exist may conflict with anothers group's needs. In modern fiction, we often read about good over evil, when it comes to needs. However, Eastern storytelling usually make the case that needs are essentially ambiguous where good and evil come from perspective.


Remember that as you read my chapter.


Now here is my thoughts to continue on kansas, since Arizona is starting the same route and have been passed by both state legislature. This is not the work of just an isolated group. It appears to be a well oiled campaign to allow religious groups to deny srrvices and products to lgbt individuals.


I have already said why it is bad for us, but let me reiterate. It is a barrier to economic operations. Costs for lgbt people would be prohibitive to even start new businesses and thus less likely to be created. It enforces a social hierarchy akin to segregation, since lgbt people amount to less than 5-10% of population.


It is far from equal opportunity or equal services, if this campaign wins, economic opportunity and social segregation will destroy any gains that we have made.


I am a conservative and free market guy at heart, but my line in the sand has been crossed with these laws. It is not about civil rights or civil liberties, it is about basic freedoms of opportunity that is being denied.


God does not run my business, he does not pay my bills, and he is not there making sales. If i need faith to make a tough decision I will seek his guidance, but if i am just on day to day operations, it is my choice and free will.

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