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Menace Years

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It's been a few weeks since I've turned eighteen. Metamorphosing from teen to adulthood was kind of scary when I thought about it. But I'm more scared of being an adult.


Under my sugarcoated happiness and weirdness, I have fears of things that it's sometimes stupid and childish at most but also maybe it's because I'm having an early mid-life crisis.


Under my armor, I'm scared of what will become of the future. The unforeseen sights and events that could occur in my life. I wonder what is my existence in life sometimes when I'm alone with random thoughts in my head. Not only that, but I also wonder if I will have a impact in this world that I live in before I leave this world. Because events can occur randomly without knowledge. The world works in a strange mechanism and I live in it. I just want to experience everything and live to my fullest before my existence is gone with just a blow of breeze in this world. Maybe I'm just having a depressed moment. I can't even understand myself sometimes or should I say most of the time. However I do know that live and let live is what I should do and continue with my smile because the world is already depolarized with the melancholy events that have already occurred throughout my lifetime.


Hey maybe even I will find my significant other next week. The world goes in strange movements.


:) (Thanks for reading my random rant...)

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I wonder some of the same things.  It's easy to feel alone and insignificant in a world stuffed with 7 billion people.  I think the best I can do though is work to understand myself, so I spend time looking inside and asking myself questions.  Sometimes I discover amazing things about me.  Learning more about myself helps me understand other people better, because we all have similar wants and needs.  Emotions can blind me sometimes, and just knowing that is a huge help.  I think we all have an impact on the world, right where we live.  Maybe we don't always know it, but I think everyone does, and it's important in some way.  I'm probably not going to have some major impact that will change the world in a profound way, but what I do will still make a difference, and I think that's true for everyone.  It's like being part of a machine, and the machine is affected by each part in some way.  Sometimes it's good and sometimes not.  That depends on the condition of each part.  So, all the parts are important, and for us it means keeping ourselves in as good a condition as we can.

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We does the best we can with what we gots. Just take care of yourself, be good to yourself and others, and build your life, stick by stone.


You'll do fine.



what you're feeling isn't a rant, it's normal :) Transitions are scary, being a teen is scary - all those expectations... And so's becoming an adult - how'm I gonna deliver on those expectations...? No-one can plan their lives - it's a ride, and everyone's is different. All you can do is best prepare and equip yourself for your ride. Anyway, you've not yet metamorphosed from being a teen - you've still got nineteen to come :P And don't worry about experiencing everything - no-one can do that - look for the things that are important to you :)

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