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When Things Don't Work Out- Post-Script

So you guys have heard all about my internship that went incredibly south, and the incredibly humiliating way I was released from the internship.


As a bit of a post-script, I had to fill out a survey. I vented out some of my anger at the situation, but I managed to keep it from going too over the top After mentioning my points that I think my supervisor needed to be more direct with constructive criticism and not engage her interns in so many private conversations, I was able to suggest this: (more or less)


If the decision has been made to release an intern from their internship, I believe the news should be delivered to the intern in a face-to-face meeting with the superior making the decision and a neutral third party who has not personally worked with the intern. The neutral third party can ensure that the superior relays to the intern a firm understanding of why the internship has been ended, but also done in a way that is polite, respectful, and non-inflammatory to the intern.


I mean, I don't know if that's ever going to change anything, but I liked being able to speak my peace. I can deal with the fact that I fucked up and I closed a door permanently shut. What bothers me is that the director of the internship felt that he could yell at me on the phone, relay to me gossip from 7 to 10 years ago, and then questioned my mental status. There's something rich about about being called out by a superior about your lack of professionalism, in a way that was INCREDIBLY unprofessional.That's not okay, and I hope I was able to convey it that way without sounding like a big ol' crybaby.


I was also able to applaud the very awesome volunteer coordinator I'll call "Amanda". She was a cool chick, and made my exit interview far less painful than it could have been.


I'm not going to lie- I'm still angry and hurt, but I think I'm moving on. I think, anyway.

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good to communicate your position in a professional manner so you maintain the moral high ground and give yourself closure so you can move on. The only issue is whether the "survey" will ever be read by those higher up the food chain with the power and will to make changes and not just get shoved in a file with a "Survey Issued and Returned" box tick for monthly metric reporting :(

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