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Flaming Assholes Of The Internets!

As I travel the wilds of the Internets, I am often astonished by the number of assholes that make such a point of being ass holy.


There are a few in particular that I want to warn you about. Beware of these ragin bastards. They make a point of being rude and obnoxious to bait you into typing something that will get you banned. Many of them are master baiters.


Without further ado, I shall warn you about some of the worst of the Flaming Assholes of the Internets


The triggered activist




Whether its save the whales or fat acceptance, you've gone and done it with your microaggressions, racisms and patriarchal attitudes. How dare you disagree!


the Conspiracy Nut




This asshole can't prove anything, has no evidence or even a clue. He is impervious to facts and can twist logic into pretzels. He has figured out every conspiracy from the Lincoln Assassination to Putin's secret agreement with the gray aliens to mind control humanity. I for one welcome our new masters if I don't have to listen the conspiracy theorists idiocy.


the Expert Without Portfolio




He is the only guy in the chat room that doesn't know that he's full of it.


High Priests of Environmentalism


People for whom environmentalism has become a religion. Emphasis on the mental part.


Religious Nuts


Whether they are yapping about Jesus, Allah or Vishnu, these guys are doing more for atheism than their own faith.


The Fascists of Tolerance




Their strategy is to call you names until you agree with them on everything. I don't think this has ever worked once.


Enfant Provocateur


The original troll, this kid is online for one purpose: to create chaos. You’ll know him when you see him. Just follow the riot.




How can you know who is an asshole online you ask? It takes one to know one. I make no pretenses of NOT being an asshole. What annoys me about these people is that they won't admit it.

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William King


Thinking tolerance, praise the lord, you have to love assholes, even if you're certain nobody ever landed on the moon and JFK was shot by an alien whose space ship is kept by the CIA in Area 51.It was some bigotted homophobe, expert activist whose son was some sort of extremist save the planet environmentalist, who told me all this stuff - which I believe 100% - just look at all those beached whales in New Zealand if you need proof - now give me a drink... urgh!

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I call such people  Zealots. Most of the time I ignore them. When I do comment, I usually address my remarks to any rational people who may be around, doubting my ability to make any impression on a Zealot.


As an accomplished writer, you have another option. You can put them in a story and make sure they come to an undignified end :-)

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Sasha Distan


As an accomplished writer, you have another option. You can put them in a story and make sure they come to an undignified end :-)


What was it Chaucer said?


"I will eviscerate you in fiction. I was naked for a day, you will be naked for eternity."

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