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Greetings And Salutations



Hey, I'm LillyLee and thanks for checking in with me!
I don't have a lot to say and I'm horrible with deadlines and updates but hopefully this will give me some practice and keep me on schedule. Also, I plan on announcing progress reports, update schedules and upcoming projects.


Feel free to leave me questions, comments and discussions ideas.
Also, don't be scared to all me out on missing promised updates. Keep me honest!


So a little bit of myself: I've been writing since I was in middle school, I really started to get into it about the 8th grade. I started off with poetry, then moved on to short but multi chapter stories, in high school I got back into poetry but it didn't last long.
Story telling is sort of my thing.


I have sooo many ideas and half finished stories/novel, and I'm absolutely horrible at endings. Either they stall in the middle or go on forever. I've been attempting short stories to work on my ending skills. The finer points of punctuation seem to allude me, and I'm horrible about spelling. But I'm anal about using spell checks and editing my stuff 100 million times before posting.


I have a love of supernatural/ fantasy; werewolves, vampire, witches, fairies and that sort of thing. I have a love of mythology, especially Greek and Celtic.


I'm kind of a judgmental bitch, but I know how to play nice. I'm a total book worm, introvert, home body. I have strong pinions and I don't know how to back down. I'm very bad at small talk and prefer to jump right into 'real talk'.




Current projects


Multi-Chapter Stories

  • Last Chance High - Completed
  • My Prince - 10/12 (maybe as much as 15), Approximate Completion: Mid-March



  • Admirer

  1. Homecoming Admirer - Completed
  2. Halloween Admirer - Completed
  3. Christmas Admirer - 2/5, Approximate Completion: Next Couple Days


Prompts/ Short Stories

  • Wicked Witch - Completed

Prompt: "Years ago you promised your first born to a witch. Despite your best efforts you can't seem to get laid. She's getting impatiant."

  • Duets - Approximate Completion: Next Week

Prompt: Hey, we never met but our showers are on opposite sides of the same apartment wall. Sometimes we shower at the same time and sing duets.”

  • Satan's BFF - Approximate Completion: End March

Prompt: "A lonely person sells their soul to Satan to be their friend. And Satan just rolls with it until he realizes at the time of their death he genuinely likes them. Since he can’t renege on the contract he takes them to hell and puts them in a high position of power."




Future Projects


Multi Chapter Stories

  • The Good Doctor
  • The Pack
  • Secret Agent Kid
  • Brat Pack
  • Prince Charming is... A Fae?
  • Dystopia


  • Admirer

  1. Valentine Admirer
  2. Spring Break Admirer
  3. Easter Admirer
  4. Summing Loving (4th of July Admirer)

Prompts/ Short Stories

  • Saving Greg
  • Summer Camp
  • Amnesia
  • Stolen Flowers

  • Like 4


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