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A Science Lesson with Professor Lee

Once upon a time scientists thought the world was flat. Then they discovered chromosomes . (these two events have nothing to do with each other, I'm simply using them of references to establish a time line) Scientists discovered the (X) Chromosome and (Y) chromosome. The pattern in which these chromosomes occur decides whether someone is born (male) or (female).  All eggs start out with with (XX), female. Then once fertilized a surge of hormones in the uterus decide whether a



New Plot Bunny Babies

I got a new idea based on prompts from Pinterest  For a series of short stories About a young Superhero  And the crazy Supervillains he has to deal with 100% Comedy  So far I have three villains  And I'm super excited about this  



Musings, thoughts, random

is it weird that I find my binder WAY more comfortable then my sports bra? I always see people complaining about how tight and uncomfortable they are and I actually love it. Maybe it's not as tight as some people wear them? But it works so I guess that's what matters? Or maybe I'm so used to an uncomfortable sports bra it seems better. But the sports bra seemed comfy until I started wearing my binder regularly. LOL I dunno. It did start to stretch out and not work as well so I put it i the dryer



Writing Updates

It's been a long while since I've written anything. My muse took a nice long vacation it seems (but also been a crazy summer, and not like "omg so much fun " crazy, but like "omg I forgot how exhausting it is to have the kid home all day everyday " crazy).   I'm going to try and force myself back into it. I have ideas and I think I saw a few plot bunnies peeking out of the bush. So to anyone who actually follows me: yea... sorry bout that. I try to do better. I finally finished My Prin




uggggg.....   Going to the in-laws this weekend. I'm not out to them or that side of the family. Don't plan on it either (at least not in the foreseeable future).   I have been wearing a binder just about everyday for almost a month now, all men's clothes (and accessories and deodorant ect), even at work.   Even just packing from me "girls" side of my dresser is making me feel uncomfortable. Trying to find the balance between 'comfortable and ME' and 'femi



Lables are exhausting

I like labels... self imposed labels of course. It's human nature to want to put things in little boxes, even things that don't fit. Organizing them by similar characteristics so we can better understand and define them. I like this. But I believe people can only be labeled by themselves in most cases (if you have red hair your a red head deal with it or dye it lol) so I label myself and express these labels loud. So no one can do it for me and get it wrong!   I have always known who I




Up until now I have been using the identifier 'non-binary' , mostly because I have no idea what my gender is, how I want to express it and so on. Also, it just fits.    Over the last few months I have been paying around with my gender expression; clothing, hair style, accessories, binder. I also started using men's body wash and deodorant.    I definitely feel best when I'm as 'man' as I can be. The idea of top surgery in theory is nice, and I would love to tak



Shopping and Bathrooms

I always hated shopping. I would see cute clothes, but not cute FOR ME. Nothing ever felt like it fit right, even when it fit the way it was 'supposed to'. I found myself constantly passing by masculine looking clothes even though they felt more ME.  I never understood the 'in fashions' or shared my friends idea on perfect outfits. I felt awkward in the women's section, like I was an invader that didn't belong. I always felt like people were looking at me thinking ' you



Sneak Peek - The Pack

“Thirteen is a very important age, Ash. You're a teenager now, growing up so fast. And we have something very special to celebrate!” “Really?” “Of course! Come with me!”   Gwen took the boy’s hand and led him to the back of the house and up the stairs to the bedrooms. At the end of the hall she stopped and turned back to the boys with a smile. The room in front of them was the same one Ash had stayed in when he first arrived, right across the hall from where he was now sharin



Gender Map

Found this online, it's a map of cultures that recognize non-binary genders.    Gender Map



Sneek Peek - The Pack

Ash didn’t like school much. Too many people, too many questions. He never had to go to school before, all the kids in his old pack had been home schooled. But Gwen and Lennox had insisted. They registered him under their name, told the school they were fostering him. At first Ash had resisted, flat out refused, but they thought it would do him good. He would be bored at home all day by himself anyways they had told him; the adults would be working and the rest of the kids were in school themsel




From the time I was old enough to choose my own clothes I preferred my brothers.   Baggy pants and t-shirts, long shorts, hoodies. My interests and hobbies were those that would be considered masculine; sports, action figures, super heroes, camping, hiking. I have a very distinct memory of playing Barbies and putting them in the jeep and pushing it down the stairs. My mother definitely thought it was odd. My preferred friends we're boys and my favorite cousins were boys.  



Inner Confliction

I recently started, slowly, 'coming out' as gender fluid. Some of my close friends and husband, some random people at work and acquaintances i felt would be accepting/ understanding.\ Started updating my wardrobe and finding ways to battle the dysphoria when I'm in a situation I'm unable/uncomfortable presenting honestly on "boy days" (such as at work or situations where I have to be "kiddo's Mom".  Today was a "boy day".  Hubby, kiddo and I went shopping. I had on a great neu



Here We Go Again

All this drama all this hate, The lies, Back stabbing, double crossing, heat breaking, double taking, Never know, never think, Worried, scared, lost, alone, Tears, cry, laughter dies, Never true, never knew, who to trust, who to love, who to leave, what to feel, what is Real, Everyone is all the same, Lying, crying, stealing, feeling, all alone, on the phone, talking about another one, Just to turn, and to cry, Never escape, never get away, oh please take me away, Rage, anger, burnin




My bodies crashed But my mind won't rest.   Thoughts keep running through my mind Like a record broken in time.   My bodies crashed But my mind won't rest.   Movement doesn't come easy now I feel myself sliding to the ground.   My bodies crashed But my mind won't rest.   Finally giving in to my screaming limbs Time to admit the party's over.   My bodies crashed But my mind won't rest.   I play the night over in my head Shhh! Quiet now it's time for bed.   My bodie



I'm Not Afraid

I'm not afraid of tears I'm not afraid of pain I'm not afraid of broken hearts I'm not afraid of rain.   As long as I love you Know that it's true I'm not afraid of anything Because I know I'll always have you   I'll have you to hold me And to kiss me goodnight I'll have you to wipe my eyes And for me you would fight   Friendship like ours is forever And everyone knows Nothing can come between us Ou



The Beat

You can feel the beat in your vain   Blocks your mind to all the pain.   Just let go   And move.   For those few hours, we are all the same,   Equal within this game.   Taking a break from this we call life,   Forgetting a minute about all the strife.   Free to be ourselves.   I can feel the beat,   Growing now.   You jump up and I jump down.   The beat the vibe the energy,   I can feel it surrounding me.   Let it lift you up Spin you around,   Stomp your feet on th




So first off I want to say sorry to all those who left comments and did not get a response. Rest assured I probably wrote out a reply in my head when I read it and said "I'll have to remember to reply later" . I'm horrible when it comes to responding, I'll never be a good famous person LOL. But your thoughts are appreciated and I'm determined to go back and do so (even though so much time has passed lol).   Also, sorry if you've been waiting on a story/chapter. I got distracted by a ne



In The Dark

In the dark I'll be your light, When you’re weak I'll be your mite, When you’re blind I'll help you see, I'll be there if you need me too be.   When you cry I'll wipe your tears, If you’re scared I'll rid your fears, I'll speak the truth-What you need to here, Look into my eyes-I'll be your mirror.   When you’re lost I'll help you find your way, When were together it will be okay, When you call I'll be at your side, I’m always



Sneak Peek - The Pack

Finding Each Other   The air was warm and the moon was bright. Fifteen year old Aidan McKenna was laying in the grass with his pack, relaxing after a run. There was no better feeling in the world in the young shifter’s opinion. Taking a deep breath he savored the familiar scents that filled the air. The grass and dirt, the forest filled with animals. The personal scents of his closest pack mates and family. The fresh baked pie smell of his mother, the warm leather of his father. Aidan sat up




Girls with Anxiety   I little diddy someone posted on facebook that really spoke to me. It was like that thing that I wish everyone understood and saw and thought when they see me.  Like for those days when you just want to grab someone and shake them and yell at them, "can't you see how hard I'm trying!"   Of course, same thing can be said about "boys with anxiety" i would like it best if it was "people with anxiety". But this will do.    I work in retail



Not That Strong

Every time my broken heart beats I feel the shards press against my skin Every time I breathe I feel the poison in my lungs Every time I close my eyes I see your smiling face   And I'm not that strong I can’t take the pain I know one day I will move on I'm going to get over you But for right now I'm scared and lost And I just don't know what to do   I remember all the things you said The way you looked into my so



Sneak Peek - The Pack

The Pack - multi-chapter, wolf-shifters I have been working on this for so long, it is my baby, my one true love. It won't be posted until I have the plot flushed out a bit more. But I have lots of teasers for it.   The myth behind the wolves   The Morrígan worked very closely with groups of men called männerbund, these groups were made up of young warrior hunters who lived on the borders of society and indulged in lawless acts. Often, she enlisted these groups to assist her in her plots



Roller Coaster Ride

Life is like a roller coaster It has its ups and downs But sometimes you seem so low You think you'll hit the ground But pay close attention Don’t close your eyes Watch as the track goes up Soon you shall rise.



Fujshoi Girls

*Note: for the purpose of this entry i will be using the term amateur writer inr regards to someone who is self-published or self posting. Not in reference to experience or skill level*   My interest in gay romance started in a way, I think, is similar to most straight women's: fanfiction. It all started with the Percy Jackson series. For those of you who are not familiar I'll give you a little background. This series has a totally bad ass character named Nico. He is sort of a minor character



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