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Maxwell's Equations, Midterms And Spring Break: The Relationship Is Obvious

Holy crap.


I survived the most brutal midterms I've ever seen. I've seen a few that were only for the true masochist.


I was there for Doctor Gaddis's Great Calculus Massacre of 1983. Oh the humanity!


Sadly essay questions have not gone out of style- as much as they should. Those of us with the gift of blarney have an unfair advantage that lets us leverage a little knowledge and make ourselves sound like we know what we're talking about.




Describe the equations Maxwell's Equations are based on.


Describe how Maxwell changed the original equations to make radio possible.


Describe how you could easily crash and burn in this class.


Describe how you worked your ass off and made sure that wouldn't happen.


Describe how now that its over all you want to do is laugh maniacally and eat ice cream.


Admittedly, I've always wanted to know what those equations meant. I did sign up for the class. I just wish it could be done without the associated psychic trauma.


There's a reason that spring break comes right after mid-terms.


I think it is because there would be more shootings if it wasn't.




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Did you have to model a wave or a particle? :P

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Our textbook covers it as both. 

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