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Sunday drear and damp

It's raining. It's miserable, and yet I'm ok, when to all intents and purposes I should be as miserable as the day.


I've got so much to do, and I can't get my head around any of it. So here I sit loitering, reading blogs, and trying desperately to find something to take my mind off reality.


I work, amongst other things, building websites. I have updates to three of them, yet it's Sunday, and I'm playing the 'Lords day of rest' card. Come tomorrow I know I'll probably regret the wasted hours, yet they are my hours to waste, and although that makes absolutely no sense, so be it. It's better to be interactive on-line than in a vegetative state watching the tube. I do enough of that as it is.


I often wonder what life would be like if computers and the www hadn't come along. All of us 'closet cases' wouldn't have anywhere except our own heads to be angsty.


I also wonder what I'd be doing. I've always fallen from job to job, never with any end goal in sight. Whatever I've found interesting, or within my ability to do I've done, and I've always managed to get by. Yet the world is changing so rapidly that I'm finding it harder and harder. Take computers. If you spend the time to keep up with the latest trends, new software etc you'd never have time to actually do anything. Inevitably you fall behind, and then find yourself redundant. The best thing is to fine a niche and become a guru in that niche. That's... Boring.


My handwriting has become almost indecipherable, though my keyboard skills improve on a daily basis. In another hundred years will we have lost the ability to write by hand entirely? Perhaps we'll come full circle, and one day someone will pick up a bit of chalk and draw on a cave wall... Hmm.


Sunday's are sent to try us. This one is succeeding. Sorry for the waffle.


Camy B)


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Hey Camy!


Glad to hear you're having a pleasant, restful day. Sometimes that is the best for you, even if it isn't "productive".


My handwriting has become almost indecipherable, though my keyboard skills improve on a daily basis. In another hundred years will we have lost the ability to write by hand entirely? Perhaps we'll come full circle, and one day someone will pick up a bit of chalk and draw on a cave wall... Hmm.

I completely agree! I can barely physically write anymore, I wouldn't be surprised if eventually I'll lose the ability completely. Of course I know what the letters are supposed to look like, so I'm sure I'll always be able to take a stab at representing them on paper myself, but as it is it's already completely unnatural for me to write, and I really have to focus on doing it, it's anything but automatic for me now <_< . LOL in fact I did a whole blog about it: I Can Barely (Physically) Write ;)


Anyway have an awesome day and take care!




I Can Barely (Physically) Write ;)


Anyway have an awesome day and take care!



That's a great post Kevin.

I still write, and I find I can if I concentrate. I used to really like real pens, but the ink always dries up. and gah they are such a pain.

I think Biro's and gel pens killed handwriting...

Keyboards are better!


I'll do my best to have an awesome day, and you take care too!


Camy B)

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