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My Daily Bread Crumbs 14 Aug



August 14th - Holidays and Observances

(click on the day for details)


Observances (click on the day or week for details)

Tattoo Removal Day

Social Security Day

Garage Sale Day


Fun Observances

Creamsicle Day

Sweltering in the summer heat? Need something to refreshing to cool down? Then just walk to your closest ice cream shop and treat yourself to a cold and delicious creamsicle (or two) because it is Creamsicle Day!

Banana, mango, and yogurt creamsicles on ice.

Celebrated annually on August 14, this unofficial holiday with unknown origins honors the creamsicle, a refreshing summertime treat on a stick. The original creamsicles were made of vanilla ice cream covered by iced orange juice. In recent years, creative ice cream makers have replaced the outer orange fruit juice layer with other flavors like blueberry, strawberry, and grape.

Also Known As...

Although Creamsicle is a brand name ice cream in the United States, any ice cream covered by a layer of iced fruit juice on a flat wooden stick is popularly called a creamsicle.

Due to the popularity of the Popsicle, which is a brand of frozen beverages, people sometimes use the word popsicle to refer to the creamsicle. Creamsicles are also sometimes generically called ice pops in the United States and in Canada and ice lolly in the United Kingdom.

How to Celebrate?

  • Treat everyone in your family with creamsicles.
  • Make your own creamsicles and share them with family and friends. Maybe come up with some interesting flavor combinations to try out?
  • Make other creamsicle-inspired treats. What about baking creamsicle cupcakes or making a creamsicle smoothie?

Did You Know...

...that oranges are thought to have originated in Southeast Asia and brought to America by Christopher Columbus?




I overheard two EMT volunteers talking about the time they went to the aid of an elderly man. As one took down his information, the other opened his shirt to attach EKG cables.

"Any history of heart trouble?" asked the first volunteer.

"None," said the patient.

Looking at the telltale scars of bypass surgery, the second volunteer wasn't so sure. "In that case," he said, "do you remember when the lion attacked you?




It was time for my dog's annual checkup. Following the vet's instructions, I collected a stool sample and dropped it in a plastic container before we left for his office. When we arrived, I handed the sample to the receptionist, who immediately cracked a smile.

The container read "I Can't Believe It's Not Butter."




My neighbor's boat has a peculiar name: Innuendo.

After failing to divine some deep, hidden meaning, I asked him how he came up with the name.

He answered, "My wife works for a proctologist."
























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Antoine Lavoisier







































sandrewn :cowboy:

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