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Freaky Friday



Sometimes life can get a little freaky.  So let's get our freak on and explain the unexplainable.  

Rob Lowe GIF by Comedy Central


PT Prompt #221

You're running late to work and don't have time to stop for your customary cup of coffee.  Instead, you end up taking a completely different route to work and end up experiencing what can only be described as a 'glitch in the Matrix'.  What happened?  

PT Prompt #222

You keep having moments of deja vu, to the point where it's starting to freak both you and your friends out.  Then you predict a bombshell event that comes true.  What was it and how does it affect you?


Please include the prompt number either in your story/chapter description or title to help readers who would like to search for specific prompts. Also, please remember that stories less than one thousand words must be posted as part of a collection.

If you check the subgenre 'prompt' in your story tags, then people/readers can find everything here:

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